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Not quite plasmamen, and certainly not close enough either.

How Psyphoza see.


Although typically superstitious and maybe a tad crazy, not every Psyphoza is an advocate for palm readings. It's up to you who your Psyphoza is, despite the stereotypes.


A standing testament to the humor of mother nature, Psyphoza have evolved powerful and mystical psychic abilities, which are almost completely mitigated by the fact they are absolutely blind, and depend entirely on their psychic abilities to navigate their surroundings.

Psyphoza culture is deeply rooted in superstition, mysticism, and the occult. It is their belief that the morphology of their cap deeply impacts the course of their life, with characteristics such as size, colour, and shape influencing how irrespectively lucky or unlucky they might be in their experiences.

An unfortunate superstition that Psyphoza 'meat' and 'blood' contain powerful psychedelics has caused many individuals of the species to be targeted, and hunted, by rich & eccentric individuals who wish to taste their flesh, and learn the truth for themselves. Unfortunately for Psyphoza, this superstition is completely true...

Although most Psyphoza have left behind a majority of the especially superstitious ideas of their progenitors, some lower caste members still cling to these old ideas as strongly as ever. These beliefs impact their culture deeply, resulting in very different behaviors between the typical and lower castes. Names in this lower caste will typically represent a mystic concept from their culture, which is believed to lead the life of that individual.


Names are constructed as following [latin firstname] [mushroomspecies - preferable scientific]. This should produce names like 'Clara Amanita' or 'Caeser Subaeruginosa'.


  • Psyphoza are psychic and can sense things others can't.
  • Consuming any kind of drug will replenish a Psyphoza's blood.
  • Psyphoza are blind and can't see outside their immediate location and psychic sense.
  • Psyphoza are somewhat weak to fire, and should avoid it, if they can.
  • Psyphoza diets are very dynamic and can consume practically anything, excluding milk.
  • Psyphoza have their own language, Sonus, which they can use to discretely communicate with other members of their species. Psyphoza also known Sylvian, the language of the plant people.
  • Because Psyphoza are blind, they also have access to all the generic blind features. However, their psychic sense integrates into this, making it much more useful.

Psyphoza, although blind, can use their psychic sense to navigate their surroundings with relative ease. Additionally, Psypohza fit quite nicely into detective roles, as their psychic sense allows them to sense the unique presence of others, whether that be the person themself or the trace they've left on an item, like a fingerprint. Otherwise, Psyphoza also work well in scouting roles, as they can vaguely sense scenes through walls, an especially useful ability for exploration.

Admin Dorkules says:
"It's important to remember in-character knowledge, valid-hunting rules, and being a good sport in general when playing Psyphoza. As a Psyphoza you have access to a very powerful ability, which can be used in the wrong hands to deeply disrupt other players' and antags' rounds. This doesn't mean you can't report suspicious activity you happen to notice, in-character, with this ability. However, it does mean not actively seeking out the cult in maints, and yelling over comms about it."
Jobs on Beestation

Command Captain, Head of Personnel
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist, Exploration Crew
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Brig Physician, Chemist, Geneticist
Service Janitor, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime
Civilian Assistant, Lawyer, Chaplain, Curator, Gimmick
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Personal AI, Construct, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Blood Brothers, Incursion, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Clockwork Cultist, Revolutionary, Wizard, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Swarmers, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Fugitives, Hunters, Heretics, Space Dragon
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, Highlander, Ian, Lavaland Role