Nuclear Operative
![]() Nuclear Operative |
Access: Syndicate Additional Access: Any place an emag or a block of C4 will open Difficulty: Very Hard Supervisors: The Syndicate Duties: GET THAT FUKKEN DISK Guides: This page Quote: Fuck, the clown got me |
Congratulations, agent. You have been chosen to join our finest group of operatives, the Syndicate Nuclear Operative strike team. Your mission, whether or not you choose to accept it, is to destroy Nanotrasen's most advanced research facility! That's right, you're going to Space Station 13.
Your Objectives
- Retrieve the Nuclear Authentication Disk (located on the station).
- Use it to activate the Nuclear Fission Explosive (located on the Mothership).
- Escape alive on the Syndicate Mothership.
But First, You Make a Plan

Before you do anything, you must properly prepare yourself. There's no need to rush, instead take the time to discuss strategy with your squad mates - a job well planned is half done!
The checklist is as follows:
- Plan the attack (How to get the nuke disk and arm the nuke).
- Order items and arm yourself to the teeth.
- Infiltrate stealthily from the Mothership or make your presence known with an assault pod.
- Retrieve the disk.
- Activate the nuke.
- Exfiltrate using your mothership.
Knowing Your Team
All of your fellow agents will have a by their head. Be very careful when you see this
, as you don't want to kill your fellow agents on accident.
There will be a leader. He spawns behind the desk, and is the only one with access to the shutters. If you are the leader but don't feel up to snuff for it, pass your lead agent card to someone else.
You have a special radio frequency, set in an encrypted wavelength. This is how you will communicate with your team, beware however, if one of your teammates dies, the radio frequency might be compromised.
Making code named strikes with your team can be an effective way to deal with the crew, but it is difficult to pull off.
Safewords can be said on steal operations to covertly communicate with teammembers. "Shamalama dingdong!" or something - fast, and easy to say. The phonetic alphabet can also be useful for this, as in Alpha - A, Bravo - B, Charlie - C and so on. (But don't get your hopes up with being overly tactical, as a certain someone will be sure to ruin your plans 1 way or another.)
Planning the Attack
LISTEN TO YOUR LEADER. (The person that spawns behind the bar desk) Your team should talk over about their plan of attack, but the leader should have the final say how things are gonna be since without someone in charge you are unlikely to win.
Different options you have with the operation:
- Infiltration by using jetpacks CRASH AND BURN BABY, STEEL RAIN!
- Split up or stick together?
- Oldskool-style: Get the disk, return to ship, arm the nuke and drag it to the station.
- More-risky-style: Haul the nuke first to the station, get the disk and arm it.
- Stealth-style: Disguise as John Smiths, infiltrate and steal the Nuke Disk quietly.
- Murderbone-style: Just kill everything that doesn't have a red S over it.
- Locker-style: Cram your whole team into a locker, have someone in disguise drag the locker to the station, unleash a locker full of syndies when the crew least expects it!
Ordering Gear as a Team
Each operative spawns with a personal Syndicate Uplink radio with 25 Telecrystals (TC) pre-loaded. If war is declared, everyone will gain a some extra TC.
Pause and think hard. Which Syndicate Items will you need? Which can cause a huge backlash if used against your team? Now, consider what everyone else will likely need. The problem with the agent ID is the access -- you have very little, but an emag, powersink or stolen high-ranking ID will change that in a moment. You do not have an ID or a position at the station, so don't worry about people finding the emagged doors. Everyone on the team should have an emag. Bombs are great in the right hands, it is most beneficial to bomb either the Armory or Medical bay as both will hinder the crew's ability to fight off other agents. Energy swords, especially if you make double-bladed eswords, are good for blocking enemy fire - but can be easily turned against you if an assistant gets a lucky disarm in. Syndicate borgs are great tanks, can open any door, but are at great risk from ion rifle shots.

Blue: Explosives (Syndicate bombs, C-4 and Syndie Minibombs)
Purple: Your blood-red hardsuits
Yellow: Medical equipment and surgery
Red: Your nuke. Detonate this.
Pick out what you need from the armory closet in the Equipment Room as well as your Syndicate Uplink. The armory closet contains:
- Jet Harness filled with oxygen (This fits inside your backpack, so you can wear your backpack inside the station.)
- Syndicate Mask
- Tactical Turtleneck
- Blood-red Hardsuit with built-in Helmet (These fit inside your backpack and can switch from Travel (spaceworthy) to Combat (No slowdown) mode by clicking the helmet icon in the top right of your screen)
- Military Belt
- Crowbar (Absolutely necessary when your team is using a powersink. It fits inside the box too.)
- High-capacity Power Cell
- Multitool
There's also a Tool Storage, which contains:
- Night Vision Goggles
- Suspicious Looking Toolboxes (You need the screwdriver if you are planting a power sink.)
- Suspicious Beacons (These spawn large syndicate bombs when activated, don't just take them randomly, usually they are used as part of the plan.)
- Syndicate Minibombs
- Many other kinds of generic tools like proximity sensors and remote signaling devices
You must now equip yourself for space travel so you can invade the station.
- Get out of your armor and put on the dark red space suit, if you haven't bought an elite/shielded hardsuit.
- Take your backpack off.
- Place your oxygen tank in your suit storage slot, you can also use the jet pack as an oxygen tank, and place the jet pack on your back. Put all your gear in your backpack, once you get on the station, you can take your harness off and re-equip your backpack.
- Pick out your Syndicate agent card ID's disguise (or name yourself "New Cop").
Once you are space ready, and your internals are running from your jetpack (or oxygen tank), look into the Equipment Room and pick up a pair of Nightvision goggles if you have not already bought a pair of thermals, this is double important if you plan on using a Powersink.
You are now completely outfitted, check the inside of your backpack and throw out what you will not use, this will be handy for the next stage of equipping yourself with weapons.
This is My Rifle
A quick and dirty list of the common weapons employed by Syndicate Operatives in the field.
Stetchkin Pistol -- Free. Standard-issue sidearm. 8 Rounds, 30 brute per shot. This is a mediocre primary weapon to use due to its low ammo count and slow rate of fire but it can be useful in a pinch. (Isn't implant-locked like your other firearms!)
Bulldog Shotgun -- 8 TC. Close combat shotgun. 8 Shells drum fed, semi-automatic. Three ammo types. Great for close encounters.
C20r SMG -- 10 TC. Close Combat SMG. 24 rounds, 30 brute per shot. Popular among nuke ops, comes with two round burst for maximum damage. Great versatility.
L6 SAW -- 18 TC. Light Machinegun. 50 rounds, 45 brute per shot. Very powerful weapon, capable of critting most targets in a single burst. Very unwieldy however, needs both hands free to fire, cannot fit in any storage slot and must be carried at all times.
Sniper -- 16 TC. Specialist weapon for the profession, or insane. Long range sniper rifle. 6 rounds, default magazine deals 70 damage per bullet. Comes with a array of alternative ammo for a wide range of scenarios. The sniper is a very unwieldy weapon and is usually passed over.
Energy Sword -- 8 TC. Close combat weapon. 30 brute per hit. When double-bladed, can block taser shots. Best if double-bladed, if used as a sidearm or if you are very robust in melee. Good for conserving ammo, but RNG deflection could end your career.
CQC Manual - 12 TC. Close quarters weapon. Does no direct damage. Can be used to incapacitate anyone, beware, requires someone already robust to used effectively.

You've got a pinpointer, right? Check your tablet for a program called "Fission 360". This program, once opened, will let you track any nuke related device including your primary target, the Nuclear Authentication Disk, every operative that spawns at the start of the round will start with a tablet in one of their pockets. Grab it, turn it on by using it in your hand, open the program and select the disk after scanning, and put it back in your pocket so you can always see it.
The military PDA is very handy if you want to escape after you set the nuke, make sure you assign the PDA to someone who has the least chance of dying and won't fuck off into space. The PDA also comes with a free Detomatrix cartridge, you can use that to thin the heard.
Now, you have your equipment, tools, and toys. But the trouble is just getting started as you strike the heart of the wild.
You are equipped and armed with the best, but what matters is the will to win, and the thirst for blood. Couple that with wisdom, and a large helping of know how, and you have a chance. But what makes the Syndicate agent successful isn't their red suit, or revolver, it is their team.
Actually Getting There
The Syndicate Mothership is NOT in proximity of the station when the nuke team is first sent out. One of the Nuclear Operatives must use the control computer to move the Mothership into close proximity to the station. You can also park your ship near big windows (Departures & Arrivals are good candidates) to have the mothership's guns tear through anything that gets close, if you are planning on doing this, don't forget to set the ship's turrets to target cyborgs.
Grab your team, cram into the pod, select your area and launch. You'll be on station within seconds, obliterating anything unfortunate enough to be caught in the way. From there it's a simple matter of assaulting the crew and cornering whatever poor bastard has the disk. Caveat emptor: The assault pod is a one way trip so make sure you have an exit strategy. (Have someone take the motheship and either sabotage the station's crucial assets or link up with the rest of the team.)
What does this red remote do?
Your team leader could choose to declare war. (Note: you cannot do this if there are not enough people in the round.) This alerts the station crew that you're planning to kick down their door in about 20 minutes, but it gives the ops a huge TC bonus. Declaring war doesn't change any of the above, except you lose the luxury of having time to come up with a plan and makes stealth operations difficult.
That Fukken Disk

You need this disk, but as it could be guarded by the Captain, Head of Security or Clown... you best go in without second thoughts or distractions. Even a lure and false positive to get the disk holder to where you want them will be effective.
One method includes waiting for the disk holder to get near a maintenance door, then popping out and quickly killing them, this can go both ways, as if you strike at a bad time or are not fast enough, you will quickly get overwhelmed and killed.
If you're in the bag for a more elaborate ruse, have one of your team members cause a ruckus in a secure area, forcing the disk carrier to flee right into the arms of your waiting team members.
Don't be afraid to think outside the box! This game mode in particular lends itself to unconventional approaches and fun gimmicks.
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Cindy Kate says: "Attention! If you have an objective to steal a Plutonium Core from the nuke, you're in the wrong place, instead look here." |
Getting the disk is just the first half of the battle. Now you have to destroy the station. Haul ass back to the mothership and grab the nuke from the aft storage area. Take the nuke back to the station and find an area to set it up.
Now follow these guidelines in order:
- Place the Nuclear Authentification Disk into the nuke.
- Click the Nuke with your open hand.
- Punch in the nuke Code (Found in the IC tab under Notes), hit enter.
- Disengage the Anchor.
- Place the nuke anywhere you want on the station.
- Anchor it.
- Set the Time. (Keep in mind you still need time to get back onto the ship, a time of 120 seconds is recommended.)
- Set it to Armed.
- The nuke Disk should jump out, make sure to grab it.
- Get back to your Mothership, launch it to get back to the syndicate base.
If any other Nuke Agents are alive, give them a moment to get to the Mothership. Once you and your buddies are loaded in the Mothership, get out of there.
Syndicate Cyborgs
Assault Syndicate cyborgs are purchasable from an uplink for 80 TC. A random ghost from the spectators with the operative preference enabled will be chosen for this (if none are found, you can refund the teleporter item you get by using it on your uplink). Syndicate cyborgs are very useful, as they cannot be stunned the same as Operatives can and have powerful weaponry (plus the means to emag other borgs). Syndicate cyborgs can also tell who other operatives are, regardless of their apparel. In addition, they have an energy cell with a charge of 25000 watts, equivalent to 2 1/2 high-capacity cells. They come with the following modules:
- Energy sword. (Slightly drains the power of the cyborg when used)
- A cyborg LMG that fires 3D-printed bullets; these bullets are regenerated over time.
- A six-shot grenade launcher; it cannot be reloaded.
- Cryptographic sequencer.
- A pre-installed Ion Thruster module.
- Crowbar.
- Operative pinpointer.
Quick Tips
- Always bring C4/X4. There are few things more embarrassing than an operative that gets stopped by a bolted airlock. (By default, some C4 spawns in the Mothership)
- Beware the dangers of falling behind and getting lost in space.
- Talk with your team, just talk as if you wanted to talk on the standard radio channel (; [message]), your headset is different and only your team will hear you.
- Subvert or destroy the AI first. It will severely hinder your ability to get the disk, syndicate borgs can easily subvert or kill the AI.
- Make sure to keep an eye on the emergency shuttle, if the crew escape the station before you manage to blow it up, you lose.
- Taking out telecommunications is a good way to ensure the crew remains confused and disorganized.
- Ignore the nuke in the vault on the station, the code you have will not work for the nuke in the vault.
- Do not buy a mech unless you are absolutely sure you are capable of making it an asset.
- Use the red button found in your base to instantly blow up all deployed syndicate bombs in the game.
- If you know that the station has cyborgs, bring a flash. Flashes are very effective at taking out cyborgs, and you can emag-crowbar-emag a cyborg to subvert it.
- You can quickly and quietly rob the armory by applying c4 to the wall from space. No loud beeping. No ruckus. C4, grab the guns, get out, alternatively you could use a syndicate bomb, this will make a beeping noise, but the damage to the armory will be much greater.
- If going stealth, the regular headsets in the locker room come pre-loaded with a Syndicate encryption key. Chameleon headsets don't.
Mission Debriefing
- If the Escape Shuttle leaves with the Disk on board, the crew gets a Major Victory.
- If the Nuke detonates, but not on the Station's z-level, the crew gets a Minor Victory.
- If the Nuke detonates in the station successfully but no Syndicates manage to escape, No one wins.
- If the Escape Shuttle leaves with the Disk still anywhere on the station, the Syndicates get a Minor Victory.
- If the Nuke detonates in the station successfully and the Syndicate Mothership escapes, the Syndicates get a Major Victory.
- If the Nuke detonated on the syndicate base, the Syndicates suffer a humiliating defeat. This is only possible if either the crew both get an agent card before an operative explodes (from their microbomb implant that detonates on death) and gets the nuke code, usually from a converted borg. (Or if the agents don't know what they're doing) Don't let this happen.
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