User:PowerfulBacon/Standard Operating Procedure

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These are In-Character Guidelines

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are general guidelines and may be used as justification for administrative action and/or IC punishments, such as being fired from your position. They are not meant to be followed to the letter, because circumstances and context may permit you to break SOP. However, the fact that SOP is malleable is not an excuse to ignore it entirely.

Alert Levels

Code Green - All Clear

Standard operating level. No immediate or clear threat to the station. All departments may carry out work as normal.

  • Suit sensors are not required to be on.
  • Weapons worn by security are to be hidden/holstered except when in the case of an emergency.
  • Crew members may freely walk in the hallways.
  • Security Officers are permitted to conduct searches, provided there is reasonable evidence/suspicion that the person in question has committed a crime.

Code Blue - Caution

Elevated alert level. There are reports or other proof available to indicate that there is a threat to the station, or chaos, mutiny, or rioting are occurring. This should be performed by a poll of available heads of staff, with a majority in favor of raising the alert level.

  • Suit sensors are mandatory, but coordinate positions are not required.
  • Security may have weapons visible.
  • Security may demand access to the interior of other departments during regular patrols.
  • Random searches by security are allowed, but crew must be given a chance to comply.
  • AI/Cyborgs may bolt down high secure areas, and may request command intervention before opening areas to unauthorized personnel.
  • Energy guns, laser guns and riot gear are allowed to be given out to security personnel if the HoS or Warden agree.
  • Security is authorized to use lethal force on suspects suspected of Major or greater crimes who actively flee and resist arrest, and suspects who assault officers without responding to verbal warnings to stop.

Code Yellow - Emergency

An emergency that requires cooperation from all crew has been declared by a specific department. This alert does not require civilian crew to be equipped with weapons, but they are expected to assist in the management of the emergency.

  • All conditions of blue alert apply.
  • Suit sensors and coordinate positions are mandatory.
  • The head of staff for the declaring department may give out any orders to manage the emergency, which is overseen by the captain.
  • All crew, including security (but excluding the captain), respond directly to the head of staff managing the emergency and must follow their orders.
  • It is a criminal offense to ignore orders from the head of staff from the department declaring the emergency, and security should arrest crewmembers who ignore these orders if commanded to by the managing head of staff.
  • When the emergency has been reduced to a managable level, the alert level should be lowered to blue.
  • When the alert level is lowered to blue, crew should return to their previous orders and all orders given under this alert are rescinded.

Code Red - Martial Law

Situational alert level called in the event of imminent threat to the station. This should be performed by two heads of staff in cooperation with one another when there is a clear and present danger to the station.

  • Suit sensors are to be set to tracking beacon mode at all times.
  • Able crew are expected to assist critical departments (Engineering, Security, and Medical) under the direction of their respective heads.
  • Heads of Staff should coordinate with the Head of Security to ensure crew safety.
  • Crew are required to follow orders given by Security when they are outside of their department.
  • Security is allowed to use lethal force with extreme prejudice on individuals who actively disrupt combat efforts. Proper justification is expected after the crisis ends; use of this clause for trivial matters can be considered assault or manslaughter, depending on the outcome.

Code Delta - Imminent Destruction

The station's self destruct mechanism has been engaged due to overwhelming threat to the station. Martial Law is in effect.

  • Suit sensors are to be set to tracking beacon mode at all times.
  • All orders from Heads of Staff and security must be followed, any disobedience is punishable by death.
  • All crew members are to evacuate immediately, if possible.

Special Alert Levels

Code Black - Full Mobilisation

An impending threat to the station has been declared which requires a full mobilisation of civilian crew.

  • Suit sensors are to be set to tracking beacon mode at all times.
  • All orders from Heads of Staff and security must be followed, any disobedience is punishable by death.
  • All crew members are expected to contribute towards protecting the station's critical assets.
  • All crew are advised and authorised to be visibly armed at all times.
  • Crew are expected to follow orders from security at all times.
  • Security is allowed to use lethal force with extreme prejudice on individuals who actively disrupt combat efforts. Proper justification is expected after the crisis ends; use of this clause for trivial matters can be considered assault or manslaughter, depending on the outcome.

Code Gamma - Command Restructuring

Control of the station has been temporarilly transferred to an Emergency Response Team controlled by Central Command.

  • All conditions of blue alert apply.
  • The chain of command is maintained, but members of the Emergency Response Team outrank the captain.
  • The Emergency Response Team Commander is expected to lower the alert level to an appropriate level upon conclussion of their mission.

Code Lambda - Existential Threat

An existential threat is present on the station, threatening the wider operations of Nanotrasen. While assistance is on route, martial law is in effect and all crew are to cooperate with any actions necessary to stop the threat.

  • Suit sensors are to be set to tracking beacon mode at all times.
  • All orders from Heads of Staff and security must be followed, any disobedience is punishable by death.
  • All crew members are to evacuate immediately, if possible.

Code Epsilon -

Control of the station is transfered to ############## and ########################

  • Crew are to immediately disarm, as the nature of the threat ####################.
  • Suit sensors are to be set to tracking beacon mode at all times.
  • The crew are to immediately report to their nearest #############
  • All orders from ################# must be followed, ###################

Department SOP

Department Standard Operating Procedure: Command

This SOP applies to Command staff: Captain, Head of Personnel, and all Heads of Staff.

Department Standard Operating Procedure: Security

This SOP, along with the SOP on this page, applies to Security staff: Head of Security, Warden, Security Officer, Detective, and Brig Physician.

Department Standard Operating Procedure: Engineering

This SOP applies to Engineering staff: Chief Engineer, Station Engineers, and Atmospheric Technicians.

Department Standard Operating Procedure: Supply

This SOP applies to the Supply department: Quartermaster, Cargo Technicians, and Shaft Miners.

Department Standard Operating Procedure: Science

This SOP applies to the soon to be up in flames Science sector: Research Director, Scientists, Roboticists and Exploration Crew.

Department Standard Operating Procedure: Medical

This SOP applies to the overburdened souls over in the Medical division: Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctors, Chemists, Geneticists, and Virologists.

Department Standard Operating Procedure: Service

This SOP is just here for any greytide having second thoughts the Librarian to print up when there's nothing left: Lawyers, the Chaplain, the Librarian, the Janitor, the Bartender, Cooks, Botanists, the Mime, and the Clown.

Different Situations


  • Unnecessary calls for emergency evacuation may result in inspections, fines, or death.
  • Raising alert level just to speed up the shuttle is not permitted and will be considered an abuse of the Nanotrason Emergency Response System.
  • All personnel are to evacuate on the escape pods or, if possible, the escape shuttle.
  • All personnel are required to assist with evacuation. All crew must be evacuated, regardless of their consciousness.
  • Prisoners are to be brought to the secure area of the escape shuttle, except for prisoners who pose a severe threat.
  • Uncloned bodies are to be brought back to Central Command for processing.
  • AI units may be brought to Central Command on portable card devices (InteliCards) if structural failure is likely or AI units wish to leave.
  • Mechs and Cyborg units are to be hauled to the escape shuttle for Central Command to inspect.
  • Authorizing early launches is not allowed unless there is an immediate threat to shuttle integrity.

Fire and Other Environmental Hazards

  • Immediate evacuation of all untrained personnel.
  • Fire alarms to be used to control the hazard.
  • Atmospheric Technicians and Station Engineers are to remove the hazard.
  • Pump air back into the area when fixed.
  • Ensure the damage is repaired.

Radiation Storm

  • All crew should activate their suit location beacons.
  • All crew to move to the maintenance tunnels.
  • Wait a while until it's safe to move again, and continue your business. Report to Medbay if you're feeling strange.
  • Medbay staff should be ready to administer anti-toxin to the ones who got caught in the storm.

Viral Outbreak

Meteor Storm

  • All crew to move to central parts of the Station.
  • Damage is to be repaired by engineering personnel after the threat has passed.
  • Shuttle must be called if the Station becomes uninhabitable.

Engine Detonation

  • Evacuation to be called if deemed a major threat to station integrity beyond loss of power generation.
  • Deploy floorbots and engineers with spaceworthy gear to repair the breach and retrieve dead personnel.
  • Equip medical with anti-radiation medicine for the crew.
  • Demotion of Chief Engineer and/or the responsible Station Engineers and reparation of engine if no threat manifests.

Extraterrestrial Takeover

  • Prevent infection from spreading to Central Command.
  • Destroy all extraterrestrial sources on the Station.
  • Round up all forms of extraterrestrial lifeforms and contain or terminate them, do not terminate if there is a chance of containment.
  • If extraterrestrial forces cannot be defeated, arm and detonate the Nuclear Fission Explosive to ensure their suppression.