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Nothing on this page or any of the sub-pages is official, nor canon. This is simply my workspace and will not be orgnaised for your convenience. This is essentially a fan-page and a source for ideation. Nothing on this page is in development, or has any plans to be in development.

Every place, every person, every thing has its own story, all of which diverging and crossing paths in interesting ways. The only thing that ties them all together is the desire to understand the unknown, anomalous forces left behind by whatever entities passed through here...

Story Overview

This story, along with its related sub-pages, takes place in a near-future world that's both familiar and distinct. We've yet to master teleportation, faster-than-light travel, or resurrection of the dead - concepts that could disrupt the world's continuity and consistency. Long-distance space travel is technically possible, but it still requires a significant amount of time, leaving distant galaxies isolated and largely disconnected. Humans are the only known species in the universe, and although genetic advancements are progressing rapidly, full-scale body modification is still in its early stages.

In this story there are three main factions of relevance: - Recon Base Personnel: The job of the crew of the recon base is to ensure that access to the planet is kept under strict control. They escort the scientists to the planet and ensure that they are safe while they collect vital research equipment. - Scientists: The scientists are civillian personnel and all belong to different science corporations. They may have their own security escorts with them. They are neutral to the station. - Foragers: Groups of people who venture to the planet, attempting to recover artifacts to sell on the black market. They are hostile towards the station and generally try to stay hidden, but direct confrontation and station infiltration is not unheard of.

Locations on Beestation
Anomalous Zone Precipice Anomaly
Mining Zones Asteroid Belt
Precipice Mining Zone
The Collective Alpha Station Commanding Officer, Patrol Lead, Patrol Officer, Researcher, Medical Specialist, Technician
Abandoned Mining Base Mining Base Survivor
Foragers Forager Vessel Forager



Design Proposals




