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Jerry Scienmon, the Scientist says:
"Here, have a look through this eye piece. If you look at certain things while wearing this Medical HUD, you can automatically view how healthy a person is, just at a glance! Pretty cool right? Not to mention, we also have Security HUDs for the officers, Science HUDs for the Chemists and other Science department staff, Diagnostic HUDs, night vision versions of these, fancy sunglass HUDs..."

Did you mean the game window?

The abbreviation of heads-up display.
These icons show up if your character is either an antagonist, or wearing Security's HUDSunglasses, a Health Scanner HUD or a Diagnostic HUD.

Antagonist HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over some persons under certain circumstances.

Icon Description

Traitor. Can only be seen during end game.

Incursion. Can only be seen during end game.

Changeling. Can only be seen during end game.
Revolutionary. Can only be seen by other revs.
Head Revolutionary. Can only be seen by other revs.
Cultist. Can only be seen by other cultists.
Cultmaster. Can only be seen by other cultists.
Clockwork Cultist. Can only be seen by other servants.
Syndicate Operative. Can only be seen by other operatives during Nuke

People who fell victim to brainwashing during the round. Can only be seen during end game.

Abductor. Can only be seen during end game.

Wizard. Can only be seen during end game.

Wizard's apprentices. Can only be seen during end game.

Ninja. Can only be seen during end game.

Heretic. Can only be seen during end game.

Hunters. Can only be seen during end game.

Fugitives. Can only be seen during end game.

Hive Vessel.

Displayed over persons infected with a xenomorph embryo. Can only be seen by other xenos or by wearing Health Scanner HUD

Security HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over all persons while you are wearing a Security HUD. Personnel with a Mindshield Implant will have a flashing blue outline around their job icon.


Icon Description
Head of Personnel
Head of Security
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Engineer
Research Director
Acting Captain
Security Officer
Brig Physician
Station Engineer
Atmospheric Technician
Cargo Technician
Shaft Miner
Medical Doctor
Stage Magician
The person isn't wearing an ID
Unrecognized Rank
CentCom Official or Death Squad Officer
Mindshielded crew.

Arrest Status

Icon Description
Arrest. A person set to arrest on sight.
Incarcerated. A person currently incarcerated in brig.
Parolled. A person that was arrested but released on parole.
Discharged. A person that was arrested but cleared of all charges.
Search. A person to be searched on sight.
Monitor. A suspicious person under close watch by security.
Tracking Implanted
Chemical Implanted

Medical HUD Icons

These are the icons that display over all persons while you are wearing a Health Scanner HUD.

Icon Description

Health bar of the patient.

Patient is in critical condition.

No Viruses Detected.

Bad Virus Detected

Positive Virus Detected

Beneficial Virus Detected

Unknown Lifeform Detected

Defribrillation required.

Defribrillation required but the player is disconnected.

Body decayed or the body has no brain.

Body is dead and soulless.

Body is dead and the player is disconnected/SSD.

Diagnostic HUD/Sillicons Icons

These are the icons that borgs and AIs see with sensor augmentations, or that you can see while wearing Diagnostic Hud.

Icon Description

Integrity of the unit (Cyborg, Bot or Exosuit).

Status of the unit's battery (Cyborg or Exosuit).

This is displayed by exosuits which have sustained internal damage.

This cyborg is offline (stunned). This happens most often after they are hit by an EMP.

This cyborg or exosuit has shut down after sustaining heavy damage.

This bot is currently performing its assigned task (floorbots building floors, medibots healing patients etc.).

This bot is functional and currently on standby.

This bot has been dispatched to a specific location by the AI or a PDA and is on its way.

This bot is moving towards its target. This is most often displayed by mules when making their deliveries or returning to Cargo.

This bot is currently patroling the station.

This is displayed by Beepsky or an ED-209 when they are trying to arrest someone.

This bot is sentient (a player controls it).

This cyborg shell has been equipped with a B.O.R.I.S module and is being currently operated by the AI. These are commonly referred to as "AI shells"

This exosuit has been equipped with a tracking beacon. Allowing it to be monitored remotely by the Research Director. It is also displayed by AI shells not currently being operated.

This door is currently electrified and anyone who touches it without insulated gloves will get shocked.

This person is currently implanted with nanites.

Status of the current volume of nanites inside a person. (100% on the left, 10% on the right)