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A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Crematorium, mass driver, holy water, and a smoke spellbook.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: North-west to Starboard Bow Maintenance, north-east to Space, east to the Escape Shuttle Hallway, south-west to Library

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located to the east of the station, adjacent to the Library and across the hall of Research Division. It requires chapel access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into three areas: the chapel, the chapel office, and the crematorium.

The chapel is a large room where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. There are two confessional booths (one for the chaplain to sit in) to the east of the chapel, hidden behind two doors. There is a mass driver, ostensibly for the disposal of deceased crewmen receiving a funeral, located in the very top-right corner. The southern section of the chapel contains a few benches for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods.

There is a small coffin storage containing six coffins that is accessible via the chapel or the chapel office.

Chapel Office
The chapel office is in the top-left corner of the chapel, and requires chaplain access to enter. It contains a ChapDrobe, plenty of burial garments, and a flask of holy water.

If you go west from the chapel office, you will come across the crematorium. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, as well as a morgue tray to place dead bodies before funerals are held. There is a table just above the morgue tray that contains a soulstone shard, a smoke spellbook, and another flask of holy water.

A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Crematorium, mass driver, holy water, and a null rod.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: East to Aft Primary Hallway

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located in the south-west corner of the station, next to the Courtroom. It requires chapel access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into four areas: the monastery, the funeral parlour, the chapel office, and the crematorium.

The monastery is a large room where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. There is a confessional booth to the north of the monastery, hidden behind a door. The eastern section of the monastery contains a few benches for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods.

Funeral Parlour
To the west of the monastery there is a funeral parlour. It contains a mass driver, ostensibly for the disposal of deceased crewmen receiving a funeral, as well as some bodybags and flowers.

Chapel Office
The chapel office is located north of the funeral parlous, and requires chaplain access to enter. It contains a soulstone shard, a null rod, and a flask of holy water. The entrance to the Chaplain side of the confessional booth is located here along the north wall.

If you go south from the monastery, you will come across a small crematorium room. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, as well as a morgue tray to place dead bodies before funerals are held. There is also a ChapDrobe and a bible.

A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Crematorium, Altar of the Gods, and holy water.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: North to Port Quarter Maintenance, east to the Escape Shuttle Hallway

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located to the south of the station, adjacent to the Escape Shuttle Hallway. It requires crematorium access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into four areas: the chapel, the chapel office, the morgue, and the crematorium.

The chapel is a large room where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. There is a confessional booth to the south of the chapel, hidden behind a door. The center of the chapel contains numerous chairs for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods. Near to the north wall are tables filled with candle packs and flowers.

Chapel Office
The chapel office is located south of the chapel, and requires crematorium access to enter. It contains candle packs and a photocopier. To the west of here is a smaller, more private room. This room contains a ChapDrobe, a bed, and more candles and flowers.

If you go west from the chapel, you will come across the morgue. It features four morgue trays, burial garments, and some body bags.

South of the morgue is the crematorium. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, as well as two morgue trays to place dead bodies before funerals are held. There is a table just above the morgue tray that contains some more body bags.

A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Crematorium, bibles, holy water, and a smoke spellbook.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: North to Chapel Maintenance, west to Central Primary Hallway

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located on the second floor of the station, above the Research Division. It requires crematorium access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into three areas: the chapel, the chapel office, and the crematorium.

The chapel is where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. There is a confessional booth to the east of the chapel, hidden behind a door. The southern section of the chapel contains a few benches for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods.

Chapel Office
The chapel office is located above the crematorium. It contains a ChapDrobe, a bed, a soulstone shard, a smoke spellbook, and a flask of holy water. The entrance to the Chaplain side of the confessional booth is located here along the west wall.

If you go east from the chapel office, you will come across the crematorium. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, a lily, and plenty of bibles. There is a small coffin storage containing two coffins that is accessible through a windoor here.

A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Cremator, mass driver, and holy water.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: North to Space, south to Aft Primary Hallway and Library, west to Port Bow Maintenance

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located in the north-west corner of the station, above the Library and across the hall from Medbay. It requires crematorium access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into four areas: the chapel, the chapel office, the departure lounge, and the crematorium.

The chapel is a large room where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. There are two confessional booths (one for the chaplain to sit in) to the west of the chapel, hidden behind two doors. The southern section of the chapel contains a few benches for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods. There are religious bookcases here too, so crewmembers can sit and read when ceremonies are not taking place.

Located north of the chapel is departures. There is a small coffin storage containing six coffins here that are perfect for placing dead crewmembers in, and flowers scattered around the tables. There is a mass driver, ostensibly for the disposal of deceased crewmen receiving a funeral, located in the very top of this room.

Chapel Office
Just west of departures is the chapel office. It contains a ChapDrobe, a closet with spare clothing inside, and a flask of holy water.

If you go south-west from the chapel office, you will come across the crematorium. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, as well as two morgue trays to place dead bodies before funerals are held. There are tables here that contain burial garments, spare bibles, and body bags.

A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Crematorium, mass driver, holy water, and a smoke spellbook.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: North to Space and Fore Maintenance, east to Apiary, south to Fore Primary Hallway, west to Morgue

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located to the north of the station, adjacent to Medbay. It requires chapel access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into three areas: the chapel, the chapel office, and the crematorium.

The chapel is where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. The southern section of the chapel contains a few benches for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods. There are candles and flowers scattered around the tables, as well as bookcases for the crew to use to learn more about religion.

Chapel Office
The chapel office is located north of the chapel, and requires chaplain access to enter. It contains a ChapDrobe, candles, and a flask of holy water. Behind a hidden door on the right there is a table containing a soulstone shard, a smoke spellbook, and another flask of holy water. If you go through the door on the west you will find a mass driver, ostensibly for the disposal of deceased crewmen receiving a funeral

If you go east from the chapel office, you will come across the crematorium. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, and some body bags.

A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Cremator, mass driver, and an Altar of the Gods.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: North to Aft Maintenance, east to the Escape Shuttle Hallway, south to Space

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located to the south of the station, adjacent to the Escape Shuttle Hallway. It requires chapel access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into four areas: the chapel, the funeral parlour, the chapel office, and the crematorium.

The chapel is a large room where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. There is a confessional booth to the west of the chapel, hidden behind a door. The center of the chapel contains a few benches for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods. Along the north wall are tables containing flowers and candles.

Funeral Parlour
The funeral parlour is located west of the chapel and is where funerals usually end. There is a small coffin storage containing six coffins that is accessible through a windoor here. There is a mass driver, ostensibly for the disposal of deceased crewmen receiving a funeral, located here too. The rest of the room contains more flowers and candles.

Chapel Office
The chapel office is above the funeral parlour, and requires chaplain access to enter. It contains a ChapDrobe, plenty of burial garments, and even more candles. Behind a hidden door on the right there is a table containing a soulstone shard, a smoke spellbook, and a flask of holy water.

If you go west from the chapel office, you will come across the crematorium. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, as well as a morgue tray to place dead bodies before funerals are held.

A holy, quiet place for those who seek peace of mind.
Purpose: To hold sermons, listen to crew members' confessions and arranging burials for the fallen comrades.
Key Items: Crematorium, mass driver, holy water, and a smoke spellbook.
Workers: Chaplain
Access: Chaplain, Head of Personnel, Captain
Exits: North to Space, north-east to Space, east to Dormitory

This is where the Chaplain starts their shift, in the chapel. The chapel is located to the north-east of the station, adjacent to Dormitory. It requires crematorium access to enter the office and crematorium, but the chapel itself has no access restrictions. Occasionally cults will use the Chapel as their base, both for stylistic reasons and because they can generally be sure that most people will not bother go inside, ever.

The chapel is split into four areas: the chapel, the mass driver room, the chapel office, and the crematorium.

The chapel is a large room where ceremonies take place and funerals are held. There is a confessional booth to the west of the chapel, hidden behind a door. The southern section of the chapel contains a few benches for crewmembers to sit on while the chaplain performs a service using the Altar of the Gods. There are plenty of candles and flowers scattered around tables in this room.

Mass Driver Room
This room is located north of the chapel. There is a mass driver, ostensibly for the disposal of deceased crewmen receiving a funeral, located here. There are three coffins along the east wall, and a closet containing burial garments and bodybags.

Chapel Office
The chapel office is located west of the mass driver, and requires crematorium access to enter. It contains a ChapDrobe, a bed, a photocopier, and a holy donut box.

If you go south from the chapel office, you will come across the crematorium. It features a cremator, for when robusting is not enough, as well as a small coffin storage containing three more coffins. There is a table just below the cremator behind a hidden door that contains a soulstone shard, a smoke spellbook, and a flask of holy water.

General Recreational Medical Logistics Science Engineering Security Command Upkeep Outside