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Medical Department

The Medical Department's purpose is maintaining the health and well-being of the crew. If you are hurt, sick, suffering from brain trauma, horribly mutated by radiation or horror beyond human comprehension, addicted to drug, looking to get superpower, looking to turn yourself into a monkey, get infected by space cancer, make a new space cancer, steal some drugs, make some drugs, make a LOT of drugs, make some bombs, are impregnated by aliens, generally feel bad or just want to bother someone come to the medical department!

To find medical look for sterile looking white and light blue color tiles. Medical is always connected to the main hallways. Not to be confused with the "medbay" a space of critical importance to the medical department. People will generally refer to the entire medical department as the "medbay" or "medical", mostly because it's easier to say, so don't get confused. Nevertheless this document makes the distinction between the medical department (referring to the space occupied by all medical departments) and the medbay (a central department of the medical department).

Medical Foyer

Where you are when you enter medical from the hallway. This is a general waiting area where patients can wait to be lead into the medbay. There are three key features:

Medical front desk - Sometimes maned by an M.D., but usually not since they are busy or generally prefer to be in the medbay itself. Not to worry! The foyer has a helpful desk bell that you can ring to draw the attention of one of the nearby medical worker. This should usually work since the medbay is adjacent to the foyer most of the time. If medical seems busy there is usually a first-aid kit with some basic healing supplies, a heal bot or even a whole NanoMed vending machine! If you know what you are doing or are only slightly bruised up you can help yourself or let the bot take care of you respectively. Make sure to return what you use. If you are though worse for wear or have no idea what to do consult the good doctors.

Public chemistry fridge - During viral outbreaks virus vaccines will be in this fridge. If you hear someone from command announce "cure/vaccine/good virus is in the fridge" this is the fridge they are referring to.

Chemistry front deck - This is where you can ask for any chemical substance your heart desires. There is no guarantee you will get it, but you can try saying please. It usually helps. Just try not to let any officers hear you saying "may I please have some meth, sir?"


The beating heart of the medical department. This is where the doctors usually idle about waiting for patients. This is where most of the healing and reviving starts and ends. What makes this spot important are the medical machines such as: stasis beds, sleepers, operating computers and tables. Doctors usually make slight modifications to this area by adding an organ fridge, more stasis beds, wall-mounted defibrillators... This space is so central to the medbay function that people will usually refer to the entire medical department as medbay for short.

An important machine is the sleeper. Despite it's name you will, in fact, not sleep in them. More probably you will be in them for about 2 seconds as the good doctor uses them to inject healing chemicals into your bloodstream. The sleeper starts with the some basic healing chemicals. Where can we get better ones? That would be the bar to the medbay's kitchen the chemistry lab.

Medical Area
Medical Bay
The place where to when you stub your toe (after having the AI call the shuttle).
Obvious exits North to the Starboard primary, east to maintenance in Genetics, east to maintenance above Virology, north to Starboard Primary Hallway in Morgue, west to maintenance in Operating Theatre
Purpose Maintaining the health and well-being of the crew.
Access level Medical, Chemistry, Morgue, Genetics, Virology, CMO office
Noteworthy contents Chemistry, Genetics, Operating Theatre, Virology, Chief Medical Officer's Office
Clearance The Medbay's hallways are open will be opened to everyone in need of treatment. Clearance varies across the different Medbay departments.
Security level Low
Style Hospital
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on beestation


The Medical Department consists of the following facilities:

The Medbay is a collaboration of several departments located across the hall from the Civil Sector with Research Division neighbouring next door. The general security of medbay is poor, with only a few doors to keep people out from their medicine. However, certain departments inside are generally well defended (with reinforced walls, or active employees who will use bad medicine to ward you off). Medbay is lorded over by the Chief Medical Officer, whose hypospray is usually filled with enough Chloral Hydrate to give you an extended vacation to dreamland.

Medbay is often where major identity theft, item theft, fights, revolutionary bases, and cult bases occur. Enemy forces often choose to attack medbay to disable cloning and medical care for the crew. Medbay is very valuable and well visited by everyone!

Medbay can be pretty confusing, but everything was placed in a way to maximize efficiency. To help you out, various areas are colour-coded according to what department you are looking for.

Waiting Area

This is the entrance to medbay where you wait to be helped. Or break in if all the medical doctors are busy ERPing in the bar and the CMO hasn't been seen since round start.

Treatment Center

Stasis beds exist. Buckle in a laying-down patient, make sure the bed is turned on (alt-clicking the bed if need be), and a patient is held in their current health state until they are released. You can even do surgery on these, although there's no operating computer nearby.


There is little Cryogenics can't fix. Cryoxadone alone is able to heal everything and mixing a few other medicines can speed up recovery.

Cryo will work on patients in critical condition. Cryogenics requires some setting up, and it is recommended Medical does this at round start. Only connect the oxygen tanks and set up the freezer; don't activate the tubes until they're actually needed. Further information here.

Medbay Storage

Requires Surgery access. Contains: biosuits, doctor and nurse's outfits, prescription glasses, body bags, syringes, beakers, all kinds of different medkits, health hud and a syringe gun.

Stay out of these. Yes. This means you.

You know who you are.

Don't you dare hoard them to yourself.

Recovery Room

A small, cozy recovery room with four beds, where you can lay your patients to recover from their surgery or whatever trauma they suffered.

A common protocol is usually to skip the Recovery Room (because you would anyway just steal stuff or break into the Medbay Storage) and toss patients out to recover in the Waiting Area. Such is the hospitality on Space Station 13.

Surgery B

An extra room for Surgery. Comes with privacy shutters.

Patient Rooms

These are small rooms to have a private discussion/examination/whatsoever with the patient. On TG the patient rooms were replaced with the Surgery B room in August 2019.

Medical Area
Medical Bay
The place where to when you stub your toe (after having the AI call the shuttle).
Obvious exits North to the Starboard primary, east to Escape Hallway from Genetics, south east to maintenance, west to maintenance around the Operating Theatre, west to maintenance from the break room.
Purpose Maintaining the health and well-being of the crew.
Access level Medical, Chemistry, Morgue, Genetics, Virology, CMO office
Noteworthy contents Chemistry, Genetics, Operating Theatre, Virology, Chief Medical Officer's Office
Clearance The Medbay's hallways are open will be opened to everyone in need of treatment. Clearance varies across the different Medbay departments.
Security level Low
Style Hospital
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on beestation


The Medical Department consists of the following facilities:

The Medbay is a collaboration of several departments located across the hall from the Civil Sector with Research Division neighbouring next door. The general security of medbay is poor, with only a few doors to keep people out from their medicine. However, certain departments inside are generally well defended (with reinforced walls, or active employees who will use bad medicine to ward you off). Medbay is lorded over by the Chief Medical Officer, whose hypospray is usually filled with enough Chloral Hydrate to give you an extended vacation to dreamland.

Medbay is often where major identity theft, item theft, fights, revolutionary bases, and cult bases occur. Enemy forces often choose to attack medbay to disable cloning and medical care for the crew. Medbay is very valuable and well visited by everyone!

Medbay can be pretty confusing, but everything was placed in a way to maximize efficiency. To help you out, various areas are colour-coded according to what department you are looking for.

Waiting Area

This is the entrance to medbay where you wait to be helped. Or break in if all the medical doctors are busy ERPing in the bar and the CMO hasn't been seen since round start.

Treatment Center

Stasis beds exist. Buckle in a laying-down patient, make sure the bed is turned on (alt-clicking the bed if need be), and a patient is held in their current health state until they are released. You can even do surgery on these, although there's no operating computer nearby.


There is little Cryogenics can't fix. Cryoxadone alone is able to heal everything and mixing a few other medicines can speed up recovery.

Cryo will work on patients in critical condition. Cryogenics requires some setting up, and it is recommended Medical does this at round start. Only connect the oxygen tanks and set up the freezer; don't activate the tubes until they're actually needed. Further information here.

Medbay Storage

Requires Surgery access. Contains: biosuits, doctor and nurse's outfits, prescription glasses, body bags, syringes, beakers, all kinds of different medkits, health hud and a syringe gun.

Medbay's security post is directly adjacent to this so you better keep those greedy hands to yourself, or else.

Recovery Room

A small, cozy recovery room with four beds, where you can lay your patients to recover from their surgery or whatever trauma they suffered.

A common protocol is usually to skip the Recovery Room (because you would anyway just steal stuff or break into the Medbay Storage) and toss patients out to recover in the Waiting Area. Such is the hospitality on Space Station 13.

Surgery B

An extra room for Surgery. Comes with privacy shutters.

Patient Rooms

These are small rooms to have a private discussion/examination/whatsoever with the patient. On TG the patient rooms were replaced with the Surgery B room in August 2019.

Medical Area
Medical Bay
The place where to when you stub your toe (after having the AI call the shuttle).
Obvious exits North to the Starboard primary hallway, east and south to maintenance, South West to Departures through maintenance.
Purpose Maintaining the health and well-being of the crew.
Access level Medical, Chemistry, Morgue, Genetics, Virology, CMO office
Noteworthy contents Chemistry, Genetics, Operating Theatre, Virology, Chief Medical Officer's Office
Clearance The Medbay's hallways are open will be opened to everyone in need of treatment. Clearance varies across the different Medbay departments.
Security level Low
Style Hospital
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on beestation


The Medical Department consists of the following facilities:

The Medbay is a collaboration of several departments located across the hall from the Civil Sector with Research Division neighbouring next door. The general security of medbay is poor, with only a few doors to keep people out from their medicine. However, certain departments inside are generally well defended (with reinforced walls, or active employees who will use bad medicine to ward you off). Medbay is lorded over by the Chief Medical Officer, whose hypospray is usually filled with enough Chloral Hydrate to give you an extended vacation to dreamland.

Medbay is often where major identity theft, item theft, fights, revolutionary bases, and cult bases occur. Enemy forces often choose to attack medbay to disable cloning and medical care for the crew. Medbay is very valuable and well visited by everyone!

Medbay can be pretty confusing, but everything was placed in a way to maximize efficiency. To help you out, various areas are colour-coded according to what department you are looking for.

Waiting Area

This is the entrance to medbay where you wait to be helped. Or break in if all the medical doctors are busy ERPing in the bar and the CMO hasn't been seen since round start.

Treatment Center

Stasis beds exist. Buckle in a laying-down patient, make sure the bed is turned on (alt-clicking the bed if need be), and a patient is held in their current health state until they are released. You can even do surgery on these, although there's no operating computer nearby.


There is little Cryogenics can't fix. Cryoxadone alone is able to heal everything and mixing a few other medicines can speed up recovery.

Cryo will work on patients in critical condition. Cryogenics requires some setting up, and it is recommended Medical does this at round start. Only connect the oxygen tanks and set up the freezer; don't activate the tubes until they're actually needed. Further information here.

Medbay Storage

Requires Surgery access. Contains: biosuits, doctor and nurse's outfits, prescription glasses, body bags, syringes, beakers, all kinds of different medkits, health hud and a syringe gun.

Medbay's security post is directly adjacent to this so you better keep those greedy hands to yourself, or else.

Medical Area
Medical Bay
The place to go when you stub your toe (after having the AI call the shuttle).
Obvious exits North to the Aft primary, north to Aft Primary Hallway in Morgue, east to maintenance in chemistry, east to maintenance through the Operating Theatre, south to maintenance, west to maintenance through the examination room.
Purpose Maintaining the health and well-being of the crew.
Access level Medical, Chemistry, Morgue, Genetics, Virology, CMO office
Noteworthy contents Chemistry, Genetics, Operating Theatre, Virology, Chief Medical Officer's Office
Clearance The Medbay's hallways are open will be opened to everyone in need of treatment. Clearance varies across the different Medbay departments.
Security level Low
Style Hospital
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on beestation


The Medical Department consists of the following facilities:

The Medbay is a collaboration of several departments located across the hall from the Civil Sector with Research Division neighbouring next door. The general security of medbay is poor, with only a few doors to keep people out from their medicine. However, certain departments inside are generally well defended (with reinforced walls, or active employees who will use bad medicine to ward you off). Medbay is lorded over by the Chief Medical Officer, whose hypospray is usually filled with enough Chloral Hydrate to give you an extended vacation to dreamland.

Medbay is often where major identity theft, item theft, fights, terror bombings, revolutionary bases, and cult bases occur. Enemy forces often choose to attack medbay to disable cloning and medical care for the crew. Medbay is very valuable and often visited by everyone!

Medbay can be pretty confusing, but everything was placed in a way to maximize efficiency. To help you out, various areas have colour-coded floor-tiles according to what department you are looking for.

Waiting Area

This is the entrance to medbay where you wait to be helped. Or break in if all the medical doctors are busy ERPing in the bar and the CMO hasn't been seen since round start.

Treatment Center

Stasis beds exist. Buckle in a laying-down patient, make sure the bed is turned on (alt-clicking the bed if need be), and a patient is held in their current health state until they are released. You can even do surgery on these, although there's no operating computer nearby.


There is little Cryogenics can't fix. Cryoxadone alone is able to heal everything and mixing a few other medicines can speed up recovery.

Cryo will work on patients in critical condition. Cryogenics requires some setting up, and it is recommended Medical does this at round start. Only connect the oxygen tanks and set up the freezer; don't activate the tubes until they're actually needed. Further information here.

Medbay Storage

Requires Medbay access. Contains: Medical clothing, prescription glasses, body bags, syringes, beakers, defibrilators, all kinds of different medkits, health HUDs, medibelts and a protolathe to print out fancy gadgets researched by Science. The NanoMed Plus vending machine also has useful contents, including crew pinpointers for use by security traitors EMTs.

Stay out of these. Yes. This means you.

You know who you are.

Don't you dare hoard them to yourself.

Recovery Room

A small, cozy recovery room with four beds, where you can lay your patients to recover from their surgery or whatever trauma they suffered.

A common protocol is usually to skip the Recovery Room (because you would anyway just steal stuff or break into the Medbay Storage) and toss patients out to recover in the Waiting Area. Such is the hospitality on Space Station 13.

Patient Room

This is a small room to have a private discussion/examination/whatsoever with the patient. The rooms contain a small NanoMed-vending machine, bed, locker, table and a chair. Comes with privacy shutters to keep people from seeing inside, for whatever reason.

Medical Area
Medical Bay
The place where to when you stub your toe (after having the AI call the shuttle).
Obvious exits North to the Starboard primary, East to maintenance, West to Maintenance in Genetics and Chemistry Lab, east to maintenance, East to maintenance in Morgue, operating theatre and Medbay Storage.
Purpose Maintaining the health and well-being of the crew.
Access level Medical, Chemistry, Morgue, Genetics, Virology, CMO office
Noteworthy contents Chemistry, Genetics, Operating Theatre, Virology, Chief Medical Officer's Office
Clearance The Medbay's hallways are open will be opened to everyone in need of treatment. Clearance varies across the different Medbay departments.
Security level Low
Style Hospital
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Locations on beestation


The Medical Department consists of the following facilities:

The Medbay is a collaboration of several departments located in the North West parts of the Station. The general security of medbay is poor although it is near Brig, with only a few doors to keep people out from their medicine. However, certain departments inside are generally well defended (with reinforced walls, or active employees who will use bad medicine to ward you off). Medbay is lorded over by the Chief Medical Officer, whose hypospray is usually filled with enough Chloral Hydrate to give you an extended vacation to dreamland.

Medbay is often where major identity theft, item theft, fights, revolutionary bases, and cult bases occur. Enemy forces often choose to attack medbay to disable cloning and medical care for the crew. Medbay is very valuable and well visited by everyone!

Medbay can be pretty confusing, but everything was placed in a way to maximize efficiency. To help you out, various areas are colour-coded according to what department you are looking for.

Waiting Area

This is the entrance to medbay where you wait to be helped. Or break in if all the medical doctors are busy ERPing in the bar and the CMO hasn't been seen since round start.

Treatment Center

Stasis beds exist. Buckle in a laying-down patient, make sure the bed is turned on (alt-clicking the bed if need be), and a patient is held in their current health state until they are released. You can even do surgery on these, although there's no operating computer nearby.


There is little Cryogenics can't fix. Cryoxadone alone is able to heal everything and mixing a few other medicines can speed up recovery.

Cryo will work on patients in critical condition. Cryogenics requires some setting up, and it is recommended Medical does this at round start. Only connect the oxygen tanks and set up the freezer; don't activate the tubes until they're actually needed. Further information here.

Medbay Storage

Requires Surgery access. Contains: biosuits, doctor and nurse's outfits, prescription glasses, body bags, syringes, beakers, all kinds of different medkits, health hud and a syringe gun.

Stay out of these. Yes. This means you.

You know who you are.

Don't you dare hoard them to yourself.

Recovery Room

A small, cozy recovery room with four beds, where you can lay your patients to recover from their surgery or whatever trauma they suffered.

A common protocol is usually to skip the Recovery Room (because you would anyway just steal stuff or break into the Medbay Storage) and toss patients out to recover in the Waiting Area. Such is the hospitality on Space Station 13.

General Recreational Medical Logistics Science Engineering Security Command Upkeep Outside