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This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: A swimming pool, showers, a Personal AI, a first-aid kit, boxing gear and laser tag gear
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North-west to Fore Primary Hallway, north-east to Fore Maintenance, east to Holodeck, south to Central Primary Hallway

The dormitory is located to the north of the station, above the Bar. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK.

This area has four sections: the dormitory, the fitness room, the toilets, and the cryogenic lounge.

BoxStation dormitory features six luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds, closets full of clothing, and tables. Outside of the cabins are a first-aid kit, some dice, and playing cards. The easiest to obtain Personal AI device is also here. Once one of the ghosts haunting the station enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets. Along the north wall, near maintenance, are two drink vendors.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

Fitness Room
To the east of the dormitory rooms is a fitness area. There is a large swimming pool in the center, typically filled with water as expected. There is another first-aid kit just below the pool. Above the pool are three fitness machines, and closets containing masks and laser tag equipment.

This is also a great place for unsavory evil activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, as the AI almost never checks fitness (key words: "almost").

A couple of cyborg recharging units are located north of here.

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise in the fitness room. There are three shower heads and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

Cryogenic Lounge
If you need to bring your shift to close before the emergency shuttle arrives, you can head to this room to leave the station. Simply put yourself into one of the cryogenic freezers and CentCom will do the rest.

This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: Soap, showers, a Personal AI, a ClothesMate, washing machines
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North and west to Port Maintenance, east to Service Hallway and Central Port Maintenance, south to Holodeck

The dormitory is located to the south of the station, above the Escape Shuttle Hallway. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK.

This area has three sections: the dormitory, the washroom, and the cryogenic lounge.

CorgStation dormitory features four luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds, closets, and tables. If you need spare clothes, there are filled personal closets scattered around the dorms rooms, and a ClothesMate next to the cryogenic lounge. The easiest to obtain Personal AI device is also here. Once one of the ghosts haunting the station enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise. There are two shower heads and soap in each stall. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

A cyborg recharging unit is located here.

Cryogenic Lounge
If you need to bring your shift to close before the emergency shuttle arrives, you can head to this room to leave the station. Simply put yourself into one of the cryogenic freezers and CentCom will do the rest.

This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: A swimming pool and washing machines.
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North to Starboard Maintenance, north-west to Locker Room, east to Holodeck, south to Starboard Quarter Maintenance

The dormitory is located to the east of the station, below Brig. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK.

This area has three sections: the dormitory, the fitness room, and the cryogenic lounge.

DeltaStation dormitory features six luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds, closets full of clothing, and tables. The easiest to obtain Personal AI device is also here. Once one of the ghosts haunting the station enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

Fitness Room
To the east of the dormitory rooms is a fitness area. There is a large swimming pool in the center, typically filled with water as expected. Above the pool are five fitness machines. There are vending machines south of the pool, a first-aid kit, and a toy energy sword.

This is also a great place for unsavory evil activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, as the AI almost never checks fitness (key words: "almost").

Cryogenic Lounge
If you need to bring your shift to close before the emergency shuttle arrives, you can head to this room to leave the station. Simply put yourself into one of the cryogenic freezers and CentCom will do the rest.

This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: A swimming pool, shower, Personal AIs, a first-aid kit, and an AutoDrobe
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North to Service Hallway and Dormitory Maintenance, east to Holodeck, west to Cargo Maintenance

The dormitory is located on the third floor of the station, next to the Holodeck. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK.

This area has three sections: the dormitory, the fitness room, and the cryogenic lounge.

EchoStation dormitory features four luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds, closets full of clothing, and tables. Outside of the cabins are an AutoDrobe, ClothesMate, and closets containing Personal AI devices. Once one of the ghosts haunting the station enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

Fitness Room
To the north-west of the dormitory rooms is a fitness area. There is a large swimming pool along the left, typically filled with water as expected. There is a first-aid kit in the boxing gloves closet. Along the right wall is a fitness machines. There is a small shower room with a shower head and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

This is also a great place for unsavory evil activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, as the AI almost never checks fitness (key words: "almost").

A cyborg recharging unit is located here.

Cryogenic Lounge
If you need to bring your shift to close before the emergency shuttle arrives, you can head to this room to leave the station. Simply put yourself into one of the cryogenic freezers and CentCom will do the rest.

This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: A swimming pool, bathrooms, washing machines, laser tag gear.
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North-east to Starboard Primary Hallway, north-west to Central Starboard Maintenance, east to Locker Room, south to Starboard Quarter Maintenance, west to Central Primary Hallway

The dormitory is located to the north-east of the station, above Engineering. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK. Like the rest of FlandStation, the dormitories enjoy a large amount of space, including a pool!

This area has three sections: the dormitory, the fitness room, and the restrooms.

FlandStation dormitory features six luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds, closets full of clothing, and tables. Outside of the cabins are a first-aid kit, some dice, and playing cards. The easiest to obtain Personal AI device is also here. Once one of the ghosts haunting the station enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets. South of here is a small area containing more clothes closets.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

Fitness Room
To the west of the dormitory rooms is a fitness area. There is a large swimming pool in the center, typically filled with water as expected. West of the pool are five fitness machines, and closets containing laser tag equipment. There is another first-aid kit just below here.

This is also a great place for unsavory evil activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, as the AI almost never checks fitness (key words: "almost").

A couple of cyborg recharging units are located north of here.

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise in the fitness room. There are four shower heads and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: A fitness ring, showers, a Personal AI, AutoDrobe
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North to Port Maintenance, east to Port Primary Hallway, south to Port Quarter Maintenance, west to Holodeck

The dormitory is located to the west of the station, above Brig. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK.

This area has three sections: the dormitory, the fitness room, and the restrooms.

KiloStation dormitory features three luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds and closets. Outside of the cabins are a first-aid kit, toolboxes, an AutoDrobe and a ClothesMate. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

Fitness Room
To the west of the dormitory rooms is a fitness area. There is a fitness ring in the center where you can host a huge boxing tournament that will probably end after the first round with the victor being thrown in jail and the loser being cloned. The easiest to obtain Personal AI device is also here. Once one of the ghosts haunting the station enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here.

This is also a great place for unsavory evil activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, as the AI almost never checks fitness (key words: "almost").

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise in the fitness room. There are three shower heads and some soap. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

A cyborg recharging unit is located here.

This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: A swimming pool, bathroom, washing machines, laser tag gear, arcade machine, and escape pod.
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: North-east to Escape Pods, east to Holodeck, south to Locker Room, west to Fore Maintenance and Brig

The dormitory is located to the north-east of the station, above the Locker Room. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK.

This area has four sections: the dormitory, the restrooms, the fitness room, and the cryogenic lounge.

MetaBoxStation dormitory features six luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds, closets full of clothing, and tables. Outside of the cabins are some dice and playing cards. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets. Along the south wall is an AutoDrobe.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise in the fitness room. There are six shower heads and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

Fitness Room
To the north of the dormitory rooms is a fitness area. There is a large swimming pool in the center, typically filled with water as expected. There is a first-aid kit just left of the pool.

This is also a great place for unsavory evil activities, whether traitorous evil deeds, as the AI almost never checks fitness (key words: "almost").

Cryogenic Lounge
If you need to bring your shift to close before the emergency shuttle arrives, you can head to this room to leave the station. Simply put yourself into one of the cryogenic freezers and CentCom will do the rest.

This is where the braindead people go to have a long nap.
Purpose: For napping and longer sleeps.
Key Items: Showers, a Personal AI, AutoDrobe, and a ClothesMate.
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: Holodeck, north to Escape Pods, east to Arrivals, south to Cafeteria, west to Chapel

The dormitory is located to the north-east of the station, in Arrivals. There are no access restrictions in this area. The dormitory exists as a place where the general staff can go for some R&R. This is a great place to camp if you're AFK.

This area has three sections: the dormitory, the restrooms, and the cryogenic lounge.

RadStation dormitory features two luxury cabins that can all be bolted shut with a button on the wall. The cabins feature beds, closets full of clothing, and tables. The easiest to obtain Personal AI device is also here. Once one of the ghosts haunting the station enable themselves to be selected for PAIs, you can make a friend in here. The closets in the cabins are extremely helpful if you lose all of your belongings, as they contain satchels and headsets.

If you're being gunned down by a Traitor, then run here and hide in a dorm. You can hit the button on the wall to bolt yourself inside.

This room is for washing up after a hard day of exercise in the fitness room. There are two shower heads and a rubber ducky. The shower heads are set to a nice, warm temperature, but can be adjusted with a wrench. Adjusting once will make the water deathly cold, and adjusting twice will make the water scalding hot. Remaining too long under either setting will result in death. A third adjustment returns it to normal temperature.

Cryogenic Lounge
If you need to bring your shift to close before the emergency shuttle arrives, you can head to this room to leave the station. Simply put yourself into one of the cryogenic freezers and CentCom will do the rest.

General Recreational Medical Logistics Science Engineering Security Command Upkeep Outside