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Pages with “dealing with x” sections: HoS, Security Officer, Blood cult, Revolutionary page, Malph AI, Ling, Blob, Xeno, Swarmer, Revnant, Nightmare, Guide to security.
Pages with “dealing with x” sections: HoS, Security Officer, Blood cult, Revolutionary page, Malph AI, Ling, Blob, Xeno, Swarmer, Revnant, Nightmare, Guide to security.

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MISSING: traitor, clock cult
MISSING: traitor, clock cult

Revision as of 16:40, 21 June 2023

Station Threats

If the situation on the station is spiraling out of control, and your control of the brig is in question, you can attempt to lock down the brig from hostile forces. Within the Warden's Office, and your Office, are controls that allow you to lock down the brig; these will activate massive blast doors that can selectively seal off the brig, making it significantly harder for anyone to get into the brig, and more predictable. You can then use security barricades to seal off entrances, as well as using the Security Door Control to bolt off select doors to the brig (usually held by the Warden).

(FROM SECOFS PAGE) You are most essential when chaos has broken out. When Joe Schmoe has decided to take the law into his own hands, it's usually with murderous and arbitrary intent. This cannot be allowed. If you are doing your job, it should never come to pass. While most often you will be dealing with your average Traitor, sometimes you might have a more serious matter on your hands.

Pages with “dealing with x” sections: HoS, Security Officer, Blood cult, Revolutionary page, Malph AI, Ling, Blob, Xeno, Swarmer, Revnant, Nightmare, Guide to security.

CERTAIN parts of this forum post should be integrated into the wiki.

MISSING: traitor, clock cult



Sometimes, a few crew members will have enough and rebel against the command staff and the security force. Your job is to stop them at all costs and protect the command staff. Revolutionaries are as deadly as a traitor with improvised weapons, however, their greatest strength are their numbers. Tasers, energy guns and stunbatons are useless against a swarm of 10 to 20 people clambering over the stunned and twitching bodies of fellow revs to get at your throat.

When you subdue a Revolutionary, you should take them to the brig and arrange them to be mindshield-implanted. This will remove their Rev-status and guarantee their allegiance to security and the command staff and prevent them from being converted again. If you cannot get access to a mindshield implant, simply smashing their face in with your stunbaton on harm-intent will eventually deconvert them, though they will still be vulnerable to re-conversion.

Work with security to protect the command staff and suppress the revolution. Cargo will be a vital battleground fought over, as it acts both as a source of mindshield implants for security and a source of weapons for the Revolutionaries.

Heads of Staff

Your lives are on the line, here. This does not mean "Hide in a closet and hope like hell they don't find me", and it definitely doesn't mean "Let the AI sort it out" or "Just space everyone; we'll find them eventually". Finding revs isn't that hard, and should be fairly simple, assuming the Rev Heads don't have 20 or so followers by this point.

At the first credible evidence of revolutionary activity (i.e. not the clown screaming griff), go somewhere relatively safe, likely the Brig. If you have access, immediately crack open the cases of mindshield implants. There is one case in the Armory and another in the Head of Security's locker. Each contains four implants. These will run out fast, so your first priority should be implanting the Cargo staff and especially the Quartermaster, if there's one. Once they're implanted, their job is to order you mindshield implants and nothing but mindshield implants. If an implanted QM complains, demote them, as they are a liability.

By the time you're at the point of implanting crewmates, there will probably be enough revs that within your first couple implants you'll deconvert someone, showing you a message such as "Robert Robust looks as if they've remembered their true allegiance!" Immediately ask them who converted them; that's one of your revheads. Repeat in systematic fashion, and all will go smoothly!

In the more likely case that things aren't going smoothly, knocking a revolutionary out with an object upside the head has a 50% chance to deconvert them. Naturally, this does not mean "Hey, let's just whack everyone upside the head in the event that they're a rev." If you suspect them of being one, then this is usually a bad course of action; just brig them for a while and hope like hell you're wrong. If you actually see someone doing something scummy, you should probably assume they're either a Rev, a Rev Head, or an ass, so smack away! If you get them knocked out a few times and they don't turn, get them healed and apologize, while noting them in your notes or the security records.

If you're a coward and you'd rather live, there's nothing wrong with declaring that you wish to surrender. Declare your intention and request safe passage to the mining or gulag shuttle for a swift departure. Sometimes its better to live another day than to go out in a blaze of glory. What are you, a wimp? It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and your gum is made out of meth. Remember, buck shot is your best friend.

Remember that hiding and making yourself an almost impossible target is poor form, and will usually attract the wrath of the space gods.

Station Staff

As a member of the general staff, Revolutionary rounds should be treated like any other Traitor round; if you see someone trying to robust a Head to death, try to stop them or call Security. Security and the Heads of Staff, however, will be under a lot of stress. If you are not mindshield implanted, it would be in your best interest to keep your distance and not startle them, else they may consider you to be a revolutionary and attack. Otherwise, just try to be as normal as possible. That is, unless you get flashed...

Riot Control

The Head of Security is a target while in Revolution mode. He's also one of the toughest people to attempt to attack directly. It is important to be reserved when you hear flashing in random locations and don't immediately run out and start beating skulls in. This makes you an easy victim. Bear in mind that some traitors will attempt to fool you into thinking there is a revolution - a false revolutionary might instead be carrying several strange and powerful weapons. That being said, just like any other head of staff in a revolution, you need to keep on the move. Staying in one place for long -- even a place people wouldn't expect you to be -- makes you a much easier target for a mob attack or stealthy bombing.

To decommission a revolutionary, you have two options: Beat their head in like the monster they always knew you were, or forcibly inject a Mindshield Implant into their brain. The former, while a good deal more satisfying, is both unreliable and dangerous - it's easy to accidentally bludgeon someone not only out of the revolution but also out of their mortal coil. The latter takes more time and is limited in uses, but ensures people will stay on your side, barring an implant removal surgery. Don't be afraid to start batoning and implanting passers-by once a revolution is on board.


Remember: If anyone seems to reject an implant, they are a Head Revolutionary and must be either killed or exiled if you intend to win control of the station. While you could shove them through the gateway or onto the penal colony, it's just as good to beat them to death in the Brig and leave their body to rot in the Warden's office - or better yet, mass driver them.

Revolution: Red Uniforms Does Not Mean Communism

Sometimes syndicate forces will encourage the station crew to rebel against the Heads of Staff. This will not be a simple protest. It will be a riot culminating in multiple murders and a mutiny. Needless to say, you will be a target if you move to prevent this -- and you must move to prevent this.

When there has been proof established that a person has been brainwashed, detain them as normal and ask the Heads what you should do. Usually, they'll want you to attempt to deprogram them. Request a Mindshield Implant from the Warden or Head of Security and they should visibly change their attitude when remembering their true allegiance. Barring that, apply your deactivated stun baton repeatedly to their forehead in a forceful manner. If death should occur without change, bring the body to the roboticists.

Blood Cult


Similar to Revolutionaries in few respects, their goal is to sacrifice a specific crewmember and then summon Nar'Sie.

Fighting Cultists requires all hands on deck. You must be vigilant in fighting Cultists. Anyone outside of security and the Captain can be a Cultist. Work together to lock down the station, declare martial law (red alert), perform random searches for cult items and crack down on departments. Use force as necessary if people try to swarm you or follow you around.

When you capture a Cultist, your options are limited. Unlike Revs, mindshield implants do not revert their Cult-status, and only forces the cult to sacrifice non-cultists and turn them into constructs instead of converting them. As such, you have few options.

  • Deconversion: You should be aiming to deconvert all captured cultists, however at times this may not be viable (Usually during a shortage of Holy Water). See How to Deconvert a Cultist with Holy Water. A cultist can't be summoned by other cultists if cuffed and either grabbed or buckled.
  • Permabrigging: Don't bother. Cultists can create a new ritual dagger from nothing, and can just teleport out. can be used as a temporary solution while preparing to deconvert them, secure the cultist with a straightjacket.*Forced Borging: Borgs can both be stunned and converted into constructs by cultists, so this isn't really worth the effort.
  • Execution: A controversial approach both ingame and outgame. This removes the Cultist permanently and removes the threat. It is quick and easy without any unneeded effort on your part. However if the AI and borgs witness or find evidence of this, the AI can be obligated shut you down to prevent further human harm. You are free to kill confirmed cultists, especially when pentagram halos have appeared over their heads. But deconversion is the preferred solution. You are however recommended to use lethals if you are raiding a huge cult base, just make sure to revive and deconvert the corpses afterwards.

The Inquisition

With a cult on board, you quickly become both very important and very vulnerable. For all your gear, nothing but the Chaplain can protect you from a heretic with a piece of rune-etched paper. Success in defeating a cult is based primarily around resource management and thoroughness in your actions - it can be very difficult for the dark one's followers to complete their task when faced with a responsive Security team. It's important to acknowledge firstly the danger of a cult: Its members, much like during a revolution, blend in with the crew at large, yet can disable you instantly and drag you off to be sacrificed while you try in vain to scream for help.

The Chaplain is easily the most important person on board during a cult round, barring almost nothing: They provide you with an endless source of Holy Water, your primary weapon in staving off the cult and rescuing crewmembers from its grasp. It should be your top priority to secure them inside the Brig the instant a cult presence is confirmed, as they will very likely be an early target. Luckily, their null rod keeps them safe from magic, and can oftentimes mean the difference between victory and defeat. Force-feeding enough holy water to a cultist will force the darkness out of them, bringing them back to your side. Similarly, when applied to the floor, it is an invalid location for Wraiths attempting to jaunt.

One of your greatest allies outside of the Chaplain is the AI: Its constant camera view of the station cannot see runes, but it can easily report and lock down suspicious congregations of humans. Equipping it with a custom lawset gains you an extremely powerful surveillance unit that can single-handedly flush out the cult into your waiting arms. Be aware, however, that a Wraith can very easily kill the AI. Your comrade may be sadly short-lived.

Oftentimes, the cult will transition from a stealthy threat to a very blatant one with constructs and armor. Apply judicious amounts of laser fire and try not to get in melee range. Constructs are incredibly dangerous in the later stages of the game where they are able to mass-produce shells and shards. More often than not, it's best to begin evacuation when constructs start appearing en masse, as it is indicative of a very strong cult presence.

Constructs, as mentioned, can be a massive mid to end game threat from a cult. Juggernauts will make up the bulk of the cult forces, and not only do they have a heafty health pool but their unique armor will deflect a good portion of energy attacks. The best way to kill a Juggernaut is to use a ballistic weapon, such as a buckshot Riot Shotgun or a cargo ordered Auto Rifle.

Important: Out of Holy Water? Chaplain dead, MIA, or never showed up? Cargo can order you religious supply crates, and Botany can mutate melons into holy-melons, which are rich in holy water.

How to Fight A Blood Cult: A Guide for the Common Spaceman

The Cult of Nar-Sie may be a formidable group of wrist-cutting lunatics, but not to fear! There are ways that you as a normal crewmember can either fight or stay safe from their occult influence. Here are some suggested courses of action if you are a non-cultist and care for your well being:


The Chaplain is immune to conversion and is able to turn normal water into Holy Water, which can deconvert cultist back into normal people. With a Null rod in inventory, the Chaplain is also immune to cult magic. The bible is able to make hidden runes visible. You are not immune to being sacrificed.

When cult activity is confirmed: Make sure you have your Null rod weapon and Holy Book with you. Grab a water tank, bless it with your book so it turns into holy water, and drag the tank to the brig. The brig is now your home. You are a primary target for the cult, and will sometimes also be their sacrificial objective.

(Optional) when brig has holy water secured: Grab a Fire Extinguisher from a wall. Empty it and fill it with holy water. You can use it to start blessing tiles, which blocks Blood Beams and prevents Wraiths from jaunting over them.

(Optional) if the AI has not been moved: Have the AI let you into its chamber, so you can bless it. Many cults will kill the AI early, by constructing a Wraith. The wraith can easily jaunt in, appear right in front of the AI and kill it. You can prevent this by blessing most tiles in the AI's chamber.

When you are safe in the brig: You can cooperate with security and stick close to them. Hopefully, they will treat you with respect in return and give you some gear. If the time comes, you may then choose to be the vanguard in the final battle against the cult.

Purified Soulstones and Constructs

Anyone (not just a chaplain) can purify a soulstone shard with a bible, and then put it into a found construct shell to create purified constructs, which will help the crew.


Even the best-prepared and robust members of the Cult will have trouble defending themselves against the united power of security, especially if the Chaplain helps them. Your job is to deconvert (or kill if necessary) cultists, find and crack down on cult bases, and destroy constructs. Remember: the safety of the station and its staff are on the line, and it's probably your fault if you fail.

How to Deconvert a Cultist with Holy Water

Step 1: Find a suspected cultist. If less than 20% of the crew are converted they will look like normal crew, so you will have to look for people who are behaving suspiciously or are caught standing near runes. Small brute injuries on one arm or isolated blood spills in someone's workplace could also be signs. If you know that more than 20% of the crew are (or at some point were) converted to the cult, you should ask suspected crewmembers to take off their eyewear. When examining a cultist a red text will then say "his/her eyes are glowing an unnatural red!". If more than 40% of the crew is (or was) cult, you will also see pentagram halos above their heads.

Step 2: Arrest the suspected cultist. Disable/stun and cuff, like any other criminal. As long as cuffed cultists are either held or buckle-cuffed to a chair, they can not be teleported away by their fellow cultists. Take them to the interrogation room.

Step 3: Check the suspect's bag for a ritual dagger (or other cult items). The cult might still be too small to have glowy eyes. Lock it away so it can't be used to stop deconversion, in case a prisoner resists out of the cuffs. Take off any cult gear as well, as they might hurt the prisoner after deconversion if worn. Remember to check EVERYWHERE. Some cultists may be hiding their gear in more discreet locations on their person. A good one to watch out for is if they have hidden their dagger in their boots if they are wearing Jackboots or Workboots.

Step 4: Force feed the confirmed cultist at least 25 units of Holy Water. Use 30 units to be safe. Each sip contains 5 units. It takes exactly 60 chemical ticks (about 2 minutes or less) to deconvert a cultist. After 25 ticks (about 50 seconds or less) the cultist will have a 20% chance per tick to spout random cult sentences which, when it happens, also has a 10% chance to cause 12 seconds of unconsciousness. Stunbaton or flash the prisoners every now and then to make sure they don't resist out of the cuffs. The holy water will instantly clear out blood rites and blood spells.

Step 4 (oozeling edition): if the comfirmed cultist is an oozeling, use caution, water (including holy water) is VERY lethal to oozelings even in extremely small doses, so 30 units alone is a certain kill, so make sure to give the oozeling some medicine, my go to for this is perfluorodecalin due to its toxin damage (which inturn is toxin healing and bloodo regen for oozeling) and oxygen healing which can be found in sleepers, which a good brig physician probally made in brigs medical

Step 5: Mindshield Implant the cultist. Mindshield implants will not deconvert cultists, but they will prevent them from being converted/reconverted. They can still be sacrificed and turned into constructs though. Security and the Captain are implanted by default.

Like with revs, you will see a big purple message when a nearby person is deconverted: "-Name- looks like he/she just reverted to his/her old faith!"

Deconverted cultists do not keep their memories from their time in the cult.

If Shit Hits the Fan

If you start seeing pentagram halos you might not have time to arrest and deconvert anymore. Team up, gear up with your weapons of choice, and start blasting people with halos. If the situation feels under control again then go back to deconverting.

Here are some tips and tricks for security:

  • Bowman headsets guard against the Stun spell. As soon as a cult is confirmed, swap your standard headset out for a Bowman.
  • Mirror shields can instantly shatter, stunning their users, if hit by a shot that does 30 damage or more. Many types of shotgun ammo, such as slugs, should do the trick.
  • Zealot's Blindfolds protect against flashes, but not against bangs. Use flashbangs.
  • Consider arming deconverted and implanted former cultists. They should be your confirmed allies.
  • If you die and are cloned, get a new Mindshield Implant as soon as possible.
  • Constructs cannot be stunned and are usually never on your side in a cult round. Kill them with lethal weapons without hesitation.
  • Mindshields can be applied to members of the Cult even when they are not converted; they only protect against hostile mind conversion. Don't just go randomly implanting people until you know who is really on your side.
    • Extremely crafty cultists can disguise as a recently murdered Security Officer and steal an implant for themselves to look like officers. Don't expect this to happen often, but the possibility is there.


If you work in the Medbay it's not your job to directly fight the cult, but you may still do so if you wish. Whatever you do, be careful about attacking people if you are not sure who is cultist or not. The same goes for every other department as well.

Here are some general tips and tricks for Medbay workers:

Medical Doctors: Examine people before healing them, to check for glowy eyes or cult gear. If you don't see anything obvious, then try to do your job as normal.

If you have holy water you can be extra helpful by building a smoke machine. Print the board from the medical techfab or ask the AI to let you into the tech storage so you can grab it. Print stock parts and cable coil from an autolathe. Fill it with holy water and turn it on. Cultists who breathe the holy water will have their prepared spells deleted, so they can no longer stun you. The holy water smoke will also bless tiles if 10u or more touches them.

Chemists: You can create non-lethal syringes with Chloral Hydrate or other chemicals, to use in a syringe gun. Then if you accidentally shoot a non-cultist it won't be a big deal. If you manage to put a confirmed cultist to sleep, then feel free to cuff them with cablecuffs and bring them to the brig for deconversion. You can also make combat drugs and hand them to security.

Geneticists: You can try to find powers such as x-ray vision, and then make injectors to give to security. Check people's bags for cult items before cloning them, so you don't accidentally clone a cultist without security's supervision.

Also, try to keep your distance from people acting suspiciously. Medbay usually has some secluded areas, and cultists can easily stun and kidnap you in melee range. Don't try to fight them unless you know what you're doing.


Order Religious Supplies crates. If the Chaplain is nowhere to be seen and security don't have any holy water, order this as fast as possible. The crate contains holy water.

Order Mindshield Implants. If people really don't want to be converted to the cult, they can request to be implanted after cult presence is confirmed. If security is properly deconverting crew, they might run out of implants unless cargo ordered more.

Order guns. If you have a way to open the crates, then guns could help give you or security the upper hand. Remember, be careful about who you shoot if you don't know who is a cultist. Prefer using non-lethals if holy water is available.


Toxins: While bombs should be the crew's last resort, they are the strongest weapon you can use to stop a Nar-Sie summon. If you hear the summoning announcement, it might be time to deliver a bomb to the announced location, as a final decisive move against the cult.

Roboticist: Exosuits are strong when cracking down on cult bases. Feel free to build one or more. Cult spells and items can not stun mechs, but they can still damage and destroy it.

Xenobiologist: Some slime cores, such as those from Sepia Slimes can be very powerful in combat, if you manage to get them. Be careful though, as in the xenobiology lab you are often isolated which could make you an easy target. Silver and Adamantium are magic-proof making them great warriors against a cult and runed metal golems can jaunt into cult bases and most cultists wont realise they arent actually converted


Engineer: Normally, cultists are not allowed to sabotage the engine since it may hurt their teammates. Just make sure there is power. Feel free to build backup telecomms in case a wraith wrecks it (cultists don't need telecomms). You can also try asking the AI let you move its core to a hidden location if you can make it trust you.

Atmospheric Technician: You don't need to go out of your way to fight the cult unless you have some sort of plan. Do not flood the station with gas, since it might hurt non-cultists, and Cult tiles resist the spread of most gases. Repair any hull breaches resulting from combat.


Grow Holymelons. Not only can they be ground for holy water, but they also have anti-magic properties. Keep a Holymelon in your hand and you should be immune to cult conversion and some other cult spells, until the melon runs out of charges.

Cult: Eldritch Criminal Scum

Cultists of Nar-Sie, unless apprehended, can quickly overcome even the most prepared and robust Security crew. The Chaplain will be your best friend. Find him (assuming the cultists haven't gotten to him already), protect him, and work with him to produce holy water, which deconverts cultists after a short period of time. Otherwise, the standard procedure about searches and mindshield implants applies. Don't sit around for too long, however. The Cult's power grows exponentially with each new member.

Nuclear Operatives

Nuclear Operatives

A five-man team of operatives that are tasked with assaulting your station, stealing the Nuclear Authentication Disk, and destroying the station via a thermonuclear device. You must make every effort to stop them. During a nuclear threat, you are recommended to ignore most other crimes on the station. You need the crew to fight alongside you.

The Nuke Ops are equipped with a deadly array of weapons and devices that are better than yours in every regard. Guns that can knock you down and kill you with a few rounds. Assault mechs and cyborgs that can tear a hole into wherever they goddamn please. Hardsuits that offer protections from the hazards of space and energy weapons. This is a team of five (or maybe more!) hardass sons of bitches who won't go down without a fight, and they'll probably explode if you manage to take em down. Proceed with caution.

Upon the confirmation of Nuclear Operatives, get the Warden/HoS to open the armory and distribute weapons. At the same time, confirm the location of the nuke disk, which should hopefully be on the Captain, and ensure that it stays as far away from the ops as possible. From this point you should prioritize protecting the disk at all costs. Consider asking for a bulletproof vest and helmet, since nuke ops often use bullets, and bulletproof vests block 80% of bullet damage to the chest and head, which can be very helpful. If the AI is still alive at this point, make sure it calls the shuttle.

When fighting nuke ops, use numbers and cover to your advantage. Avoid exposing yourself and concentrate on one Operative at a time. If you can attack an isolated operative, go for it. If you down an op, attempt to strip as much of its gear as you can before the op triggers their explosive implant. Remember that as long as the disk is with you, you only need to defend, so don't give up that advantage until you have to.

If you encounter a Mech, fall back and regroup. The only way to take down a mech is with concentrated firepower or an ion weapon (like the rifle in the armory or HoS personal laser.

The Syndicate Cyborg, like regular cyborgs, is immune to stun weaponry. Your best bet for countering one of these is to flash it with your flash or a flashbang and then go to town on it with your stun baton or another melee weapon.

Securing the Disk is your number-one priority. Keep the disk bearer alive at all costs and protect it. If you have a choice between killing an operative and saving the disk, save the disk! If you lose the disk, quickly secure EVA gear and scour the exterior of the station to find the Ops. If you are lucky you can catch them trying to arm the nuke. A pinpointer helps greatly in this situation.

Going Nuclear

Red hardsuits, dead AIs, telecomms explosions, oh my! Nuclear Emergencies are perhaps some of the most demanding rounds for a Head of Security, requiring a large deal of knowledge and raw robusting skill to overcome the terrorist strike team aboard the station. The premise is simple: There is a fukken disk, and you need to keep it. Fortunately you will start the shift with the pinpointer, making your job of finding the Captain, Clown or Operative with the nuke disk much easier.. The operatives all have pinpointers of their own, so remember that hiding the disk is never a viable option as they can track it down. Similarly, leaving the z-level with the disk (or destroying it) will cause it to respawn at a random predetermined point on the station, which is typically a worst-case scenario.

When shit hits the fan (the AI mysteriously dies and Telecommunications is now a smoking wreck), your first priority should be to locate and secure the disk. This typically involves dragging the Captain to Brig and using your desk announcement system (Which does work with comms down) to summon your loyal minions to the brig. They'll want the bulletproof armors and some lethal weaponry, and potentially the Ion Rifle, depending on what the Operatives brought. Typically, it's a good idea to arm some assorted crewmen on top of your own forces, as they provide valuable meat shields for the more important people. Nuke ops also like to bomb and/or raid the armory, so your brig may become the front lines of battle.

Did you lose the disk? It ain't over 'til it's over, so don't be afraid to don your special Hardsuit and chase those chucklefucks right back to their own shuttle. So long as the disk escapes on the Emergency Shuttle, you are in the green. Worst case scenario you can still abandon the station evacuate to lavaland.

Nuclear Operatives: Invaders, Possibly From Space

There may be days when syndicate forces invade the station directly with the intent to use a nuclear device to destroy it entirely. Anyone who isn't crew is to be violently and sufficiently repelled. Detain them when able, confiscate everything, and eliminate when all other options are exhausted. Communication is most important right now. Ensure that the captain, or whoever bears the disk, is guarded at all times. If things go completely out of control, do what you must to get the shuttle called and the disk onto it. Trust no one if you can't see their face. It is not unreasonable to ask them to remove any masks and stun them to remove it yourself if they refuse.

The Blob

For once, a problem you can't solve by harmbatoning. With a blob on board, you take on a unique support role that will see you bouncing between the frontline and the supply lines in the rear. Once a blob has been confirmed, your first and highest priority should be to empty out the Armory and distribute the energy weapons. Typically, it's a good idea to stow the Tasers and Shotguns, seeing as they're next to useless against biomass and some chucklefuck can and will waste precious time trying to use them. Against certain chemical variants, the Riot Gear is incredibly strong as well. Fuck the Ion Rifle. Space the Ion Rifle. Someone will take it and Ion you and ruin your day; it sounds like common sense but you will save yourself a world of hurt by just throwing it out an airlock.

Once you've ensured the crew is armed, it's usually best to gauge where you're needed and bounce between fighting the blob and making sure new weapons crates get unlocked. You're going to be one of the three or four jobs on the station who can open up the incredibly cost-efficient laser crates (3 guns for 15 points!) so try and remember how important you are. Beyond that, you carry a couple of guns yourself, and the more fire support the merrier. Finally, when you're not lasering the blob or opening crates, start fetching rechargers from the Brig or nearby Security posts to bring to the front where they're needed.


The Emergency Shuttle will not depart while a blob core is still alive, nor will the blob spare you or your precious station from a horrible death. Destroy it before it destroys you (that includes you, you suspicious fellow).

Tools of the Trade

Most of your weapons are useless against blobs. The blob doesn't give a fuck about brute damage, nor is it able to be stunned. Generally speaking, what you will want is to do burn damage. (NOTE: This does NOT mean setting fire to everything!) Here are some tools at your disposal:

  • Armor: The blob, in addition to expanding, can attack. Blobs do a variety of damage, but are blocked by armor and bio protection, so riot armor or bio-suits, are helpful. Don't let yourself get surrounded!
  • Welding tools: Cheap, readily available from YouTool machines (hack them for two more Upgraded Welding Tools) or the autolathe. If Engineering remembers, they'll start dishing out Experimental Welders. Grab one and start burning away. Make a path towards a resource node and take it out. One guy with a welder isn't going to be able to breach the core, so don't try. It's a good idea to grab some Fuel Tanks to keep nearby so you can refuel quickly, but make sure your welder is OFF before refueling, and be sure the blob doesn't get close enough to absorb them. If science division is any good, they'll be passing out plasma cutters before long. They do the same damage as lit welders without any need to refuel, and have the added bonus of not setting plasma on fire in the case that the blob or some chucklefuck pops open a plasma canister. Replace your welder with a cutter ASAP if science starts making them.
  • Laser weaponry: HOLD UP THERE HOT SHOT THESE ARE IN LIMITED SUPPLY. Don't take more then three and don't take them if you don't have good armor or a space suit. Carring the whole armory into maint just lets the blob kill you and bury them. Available in the Armory, in certain heads of staff's quarters and through R&D or Cargo. For the love of god consolidate gear.
  • Emitters: Set them up as far away from the blob as you can while still striking the core. If the blob reaches them, they're gone. Three emitters side by side matched against the core is a one sided match.
  • IEDs: The modest explosion is enough to rip a bit of the blob apart without destroying the floor and ruining atmos for people. Throw them in when you see weakness in the blob's defenses to tear open an attack point.

Once again: DO NOT USE FLAMETHROWERS OR PLASMA FIRES (see below). They are useless and will only make the rest of the crew die and hate you.

Risky Measures

(Do not use these unless shit has really hit the fan, or else you might be banned. When in doubt, adminhelp to see whether the Cuban Pete inferno you are about to unleash is kosher.)

  • Large Plasma Fires: Large fires will eat away at a blob but will also make the area uninhabitable for people without fire suits. It will also not destroy blobs protected by unweakened shield blobs, so you'll need men with fire suits and laser guns to finish the job. If atmos isn't ruined yet this will make the crew hate you.
  • Bombs: Bombs can destroy any piece of the blob except for the core proper, if the round's been dragging on and atmos is ruined, it's not a terrible idea provided you have something to hit the blob with AFTER there's a gaping bomb hole in the ground.*Bags of Holding: If you can get within one or two squares of the blob core, creating a singularity there will almost certainly eat the blob core and win the game. DON'T DO THIS IF YOU CAN'T GET EXTREMELY CLOSE AS THERE'S NO PREDICTING LORD SINGULOTH. If things are going really bad, though, and you can still get reasonably close there's a chance this may be your only hope. Because there's no assurances here you might end up killing everybody. Ahelp before doing this to get the ok. This is now obsolete, check 'science' paragraph for reason.

Defcon 1

You've failed to contain the outbreak within the allotted timespan. Quarantine procedure 5-12 7-12 should be initiated immediately and Delta alert has been triggered. The nuclear bomb code has been transmitted (or request it if has not been done so). Secure the disk and detonate the nuke in the Vault, get as much crew to escape pods as possible. The blob cannot be allowed to escape containment!

A Quick Note On Intent

As you know, your intent affects what you do when you run into people while moving. If you are on help intent, you walk through that person, and if you're on disarm intent, you'll push them out of the way or into the nearest object, like a wall, or a blob.

In other words: If you are fighting the blob, use help intent or else everybody will hate you. Unless you have the obstrusive quirk. Then they will hate you regardless. Obtrusive quirk got canned, thank you coderbus.

Oh Shit, Zombies!

Zombies are hardy bastards that will take people down faster than a school of space carp. Prevention is the best measure, if anyone goes down, pull him out and away from the blob before he either dies or the blob blocks him off. If a zombie's smacking at you, the natural reaction might be to try running away but don't do that, running around in a panic is the last thing you should do. Zombies, like many NPC mobs, have laser-guided autoattacks and will relentlessly pursue and hit you until you're down, plus anyone trying to help you won't be able to get a single hit off the zombie if it's running around chasing you.

If you've got a welder in hand (Which you should if there's a blob.) and the zombie isn't armored, simply stand your ground and attack like mad with your lit welder. Even if you're unarmored, it will go down first unless you let it get a few free hits off before fighting back. If it's armored, though, you're fucked unless you have armor, a fire axe, or a buddy or two fighting alongside you.

Non-Action Crewmates

If you do not have access to the above weaponry, you should stay off the front lines unless you want to get killed and get in everyone's way. However! There are still things you can (and should) do!


Blob mode is one of the few modes where Medbay is actually worth a damn. Here is what to do:

Medical Doctor: You are field medics. Put your HUD glasses on, grab a first-aid kit and heal people so they don't die. The worst thing in blob mode is someone with half the armory in their backpack dying and getting engulfed and/or zombified by the blob. Don't let this happen. You will want to bring brute patches/bruise packs and probably burn patches/ointment if people are inevitably getting caught in lasers or getting hurt by inevitable plasma fire. Don't waste them on someone with 10 damage to one limb; use triage like a real doctor, you drunken ERPing fuck. You can also drag people to cryo and dead people to cloning, but generally you'll be more useful on the field. If you do because no one else is, loot their bag so you don't end up removing half the guns and space suits from the field like so much kebab.

Chemist: Mass produce medicine. During Blob, if the crew is competent, you will run out of medikits very quickly, and Cargo is better off ordering other things. What you'll need depends largely on what kind of blob you're dealing with (brute damage? tox?) and how competent the crew is (FRIENDLY FIRE OH GOD). You can either leave your pills/patches on the counter for people to grab or take them to the battlezone yourself depending on what people are doing.

Geneticist: Clone the people who inevitably die. Always have someone cloning. LOOT THEIR FUCKING BAGS FOR WELDERS AND GUNS if no one else did, to give back out to people who need them; if anyone whines about GENETICS TAKING MAH GUNS they don't deserve to be in the fight. Most of your powers are of limited utility -- Hulk is only good if the blob is in a hard-to-reach place, X-ray is useless (if you haven't found the blob by the time you get it, it's already ogre), cold resistance can be useful if some chucklefuck has exposed the blob area to space but otherwise useless, and TK is fun but impractical.

CMO: You are NOT a field medic, let your slaves do that. Basically, your job is what the CMO's job should be but never is: coordinate doctors, be a head of staff, make sure Medbay proper is doing its job, and for God's sake keep your cat away from the blob. Contribute your first-aid kit to the cause, and consider contributing your hypospray to someone you trust who can actually use it.

Virologist: Make healing viruses.


Order emitters. Order fucking emitters. Don't assume the ones in Engineering Secure Storage will last, or even that anyone will remember to use them at all. Point seven emitters at a blob and it'll regret everything.

Order guns. Energy guns have their place, and are nice, but the station already has plenty. Combat shotguns may be better if people are good with them and print as many shells as you can in advance. Why? If you print lethal shells between Industrial Welders, combat shotguns don't have the downtime of energy guns. A constant feed of lethal shells makes for the ability to print, shoot while printing, clear shell, take new shell, feed old shell in, repeat. It makes the metal cost pretty much fuckall and does big damage. Besides that, you should already have enough laser guns on the station that unless some dipfuck loses them to the blob, you have barely enough chargers to charge them all at once.

Order some goddamn metal and glass. Don't rely on mining to get back at all or on time. However...

Get those miners a hand teleporter and EVA suits. Calibrate the teleporter to a beacon in R&D. You're going to mass-drive the miners to the asteroid because fuck the quarantine. Laser cannons don't grow on trees. They can give a heads-up when they're sending a crate for the RD to re-test-fire so you don't lose mineral shipments. The primary importance is getting uranium and silver back, in which case if research and cargo is any good the round will end shortly. See Science for details.

SHIT TYRONE HACK THE FUCKING AUTOLATHES. You can make dozens of INDUSTRIAL WELDERS from a single sheet each of metal and glass. They're 70 metal, 60 glass, or something like that, with a single sheet of material providing 3750 of each. An Industrial Welder is the exact same size as a normal welder but holds 40 fuel and comes pre-fueled. They're so cheap to make that they're virtually disposable. In fact, R&D should bump up their materials research with the gold from the vault to make super matter bins, pico-manipulators, etc., so that you can lathe thing stupidly fast at the forward autolathe you fuckers better have made.

No seriously make a fucking extra autolathe near, but not up in the face of, the blob. It's easier to have an assistant constantly print new Industrial Welders than to refuel them and risk the blob popping a fuel tank.

Use that goddamn lavaland loot to kill dat fukken blob miners


RnD: Trying to "BoH-bomb" the blob by putting a bag of holding into another bag of holding near it is usually not recommended. Instead of falling into the tear of reality, the blob core will teleport to a random location on the station, which might be usefull if you can find the blob quickly, as it will have to remake its defenses. If you are intent on boh bombing the blob though, try to NOT CATCH THE CORE IN THE TEAR. if you do so, you make area that blob cant spread over, but people can shoot over. Also rush the fucking advanced beam weapons. Beam snipers are the only reliable way to beat the blob if its medium to large size, if the crew is not a bunch of chucklefucks

Toxins: Don't make bombs, because the blob is highly resistant to bombs, being rather solid, and the crew is very much not resistant to bombs.

Roboticist: Once the medics empty their medkits onto belts, you can make at least 6 medibots. Cargo can order emergency crates with floorbots and 2 medibots which will be useful to heal injured crew. Cleanbots are useless here, don't waste the metal on that. Mechs aren't worth making. But if miners brought silver and the blob ate research, but not robotics? Make a durand, load it with a solaris and an energy relay and set it loose.

Xenobiologist: Slimes take way too long and are way too random to be useful in time, although if you get some metal slimes early it could be mildly helpful, but it's better to just give your plasma to research.


Engineer: Drag some emitters out of Engineering Secure Storage (if there aren't any, you can afford to take some from the SM Chamber) and set them out pointing towards the blob. They can do some serious damage to the blob in the long run. If the blob is exposed to space, you can work on the blob from the outside and pose as a real annoyance.

Atmospheric Technician: Grab a welder and fight the blob. Don't you fucking dare try to plasma flood that blob.


Grab lasers from the armory, unwrench some rechargers, set them out near the blob, pew pew pew pew. Pretty damn self-explanatory what you should be doing. Just remember that Reflective Membrane can render nearly your entire armory useless.

Wizard: Of Bed-knobs And Broomsticks

When the Wizard Federation has sent a representative, it is not in peace. You are facing no mere mortal. A wizard is a highly trained killing machine of unknown potential. Their wide variety of spells and magical artifacts means they can be prepared for almost any situation, and attack you from any angle as well. Your stun baton will be nearly useless. Find a gun. You must keep your wits about you and your bravery steadfast! Stun the wizard, beat him unconscious, remove the clothing that gives him power, and don't stop hitting until his brain has exited his skull. The only good wizard is a dead wizard.


A extremely powerful entity, if a Wizard is confirmed, rally the Security and arm up with the best weapons you can get. The best way to terminate a Wizard is to stick together and focus fire on them. Shotguns are ideal weapons. Wear them down with constant shotgun or laser-fire. Do not go at them alone or you will die. If you can safely stun them, either open fire with lasers or remove their clothing to shut down most of their spells. Do not enter into melee range unless you can confirm that they cannot use Disintegrate or Magic Missiles.

If by some miracle you are able to subdue a Wizard, immediately secure them with cuffs, a straightjacket and a muzzle. This will usually shut them down completely and render them harmless. At this point, your greatest threat is the crew trying to kill the helpless Wizard. If you still wish to preserve their life, move to the Brig and push back people trying to kill them. Generally at this point the living Captain/HoS/Warden/Clown will either perform an execution or a trial for the Wizard.

Remember, even if the Wizard is named "Friend the Friendly", repeatedly says "I'm a friendly Wizard", and carries around a staff of healing, you are still allowed to kill it.

ai malph

Tips Against a Malfunctioning AI

  • If an APC looks like this (blue with blinking red lights), it's either emagged or the AI is malfunctioning.
  • Cutting cameras will remove vision and control from the AI.
  • The security camera monitor in the Research Director's office (and Captain's on some stations) can see the cameras on the mini-satellite.
  • Cutting power to the powernet can be the difference between a malf AI making every door a death trap or a laughable 6 damage stun.
  • There is an easier method to kill an AI than to thermite in: science should build an AI circuit board, cut cams all around arrivals, build it next to a wall comm, and put a brain in. Law 1 AI, other AI is killing humans, turn off the APC in the core while I distract the AI.
  • If an AI begins using Doomsday, the pinpointer will begin tracking it instead of the nuclear disk.
  • Intelli-cards can be destroyed with the destructive analyser or fried with a deep fryer. This can be done whilst an AI is loaded on the card.



Changelings are alien entities that have infiltrated the station. They can easily change their appearance in a moments notice. If there are confirmed sightings of Changelings, be wary. Sometimes you will encounter one with bio-organic armor, a shield that stops ranged tasers in their tracks, and an incredibly deadly arm blade. Don't underestimate them under any circumstances! Due to their abilities, it is possible for a Changeling to kill a fellow Sec Officer and impersonate him. However, you should note that they will lack a Mindshield Implant unless they had themselves implanted. Be wary of Sec Officers without Implants and unless they can confirm they were killed and cloned, they should be arrested or kept under close watch. While you are free to terminate a confirmed Changeling, you must be 100% certain that the suspect is a Changeling before executing. If you cannot prove they are a Changeling, ask the Warden/HoS to give them a Chem/Tracking implant to watch their future activities. So if Joe Innocent walks out of the brig with a Chem Implant displaying a red or blue dot above their head on the secHUD, and later on you see Alex Antag with the same dot, you will know that they are probably Changeling.

The same standard tactics in subduing a Traitor apply to subduing a Changeling, however do be wary that some Changelings can get up instantly after being stunned and sometimes melt their handcuffs. If they do, you may need to switch to lethals.

Tips for Fighting Against Changelings

  • Changelings do not need heads, and brains are therefore vestigial. Don't debrain a changeling while the body walks out of the door behind you.
  • As long as you can talk and you're within 1 tile of an intercom, you can type :i in front of what you say to say it over the intercom. Even when you're stunned and/or on the ground.
  • If you get cryostung as a Security Officer, remove your armor and helmet. REMOVE THEM. Or else you will die. Sec armor has somehow some heat tampering properties, which means you won't heat up as much as you would normally be, and will consequently die of cold. Same goes if you are wearing an hardsuit/space protective gear/anything that could have thermal properties. If you get cryo'd, REMOVE THOSE THINGS ASAP.
  • The bane of lings is N2O. None of their powers will help them. Unless they use internals.
  • Never fight a Changeling alone if you can help it. Unless they're hilariously unrobust, chances are they will almost always win a melee confrontation. The best tactic is to get a buddy to stun the changeling while you handcuff/beat it to death and take it to be gibbed/cremated.
  • Changeling flesh clothing is completely cosmetic/non-functional and cannot be removed. If during a strip-search you can't remove an article of clothing from a person, chances are they're a Changeling unless they're cursed in some way.
  • A 100 potassium/water explosive lance has a one-tile gibbing radius, useful for permanently taking out changelings without too much collateral damage.
  • Gibber machines are easy to construct, and if you leave one in a well trafficked area, its hard to take one out without any witnesses. Even then, they're easy to replace and somewhat expendable.

Xenomorph: How to Defeat

Oh shit it told us to weld the vents what now?!

  • Calm the fuck down. Are you a human being or a groxian hyper-coward? The latter is the proper response.
  • Have you welded the vents yet? Weld the vents. Have we mentioned you should weld the vents? Weld the FUCKING vents.
  • Wear protective helmets unless you want to die horribly.
  • Make sure a hive is never set up. Use flamethrowers, energy guns, and plasma fires to destroy facehuggers and alien weeds so that an infestation never finds a foothold. Note: THROWING THINGS AT FACEHUGGERS JUST MAKES THEM ANGRY.
  • Help your friends for fun and profit! If someone is impregnated, they have little chance of survival. Immediate surgical intervention to remove the larva is the only way to save the victims life. Alternatively having the victim get a back up clone ready will allow them to survive the ordeal. Killing someone who is implanted will not stop the larva from hatching, and ejecting the body from the station will only delay the larva's return to the station, blowing up or incinerating the body is the only other alternative to killing the larva before it hatches.
  • Amy Lessen, stop that! Certain crew members may seek to make peaceful contact with the aliens, or may actively seek to become infected. Take precautions to ensure the crew know the dangers of consorting with the xeno menace.

But we're all hopelessly stupid and incompetent. The aliens are everywhere! What now?

  • Shoot everything that isn't person shaped.
  • Shoot everything that's person shaped but helping the xenomorphs.
  • Keep a transparent barrier between you and the xenos at all times. Use lasers and other devices to keep them at bay. Remember that their spit is acidic and paralytic! They will use it to ruin you.
  • Stick together!
  • If you see a larva, kill it immediately.
  • Seriously consider calling the shuttle.

Taking the Offensive*If you see someone be facehugged immediately move up to the victim and remove the facehugger from their face. This will usually save them from being implanted, just move away from the now detached facehugger.

  • Xeno's are vulnerable to burn type weapons, this means Lasers, Welders and Flamethrowers can prove very useful. A Xeno on fire or in a very hot room will die quickly.
  • Wear bloody protective head equipment so that you don't get facehugged, RIG Helmets, Bio Helmets and Flipped down Welding Masks all work.
  • Attack from space! Xenos have shit mobility in space, and can barely even shoot you there. Use a Jetpack if you can, being able to fly around out of range will make you invulnerable, and if you do get hit by nurotoxin you will just float around a bit before out of reach.
  • USE morphine, at small doses. Being able to run around at sanic speeds while wearing a bulky Sec RIG will help keep you out of the Aliens reach. If the Virologist is able to research the Stimulant symptom ask him to infect you with it.

Everyone is dead but me! What do?*If you have weapons, use all of them. Even if you don't think something is there, shoot the empty hall anyway! Hunters can turn invisible! They're behind you right now I guarantee it!

  • If the shuttle is here, get on it, weld the doors shut, make sure nothing is in there with you, and hide as best you can. Central Command has a plan for this sort of thing. They'll save you and your little cat too.
  • If you are eaten alive by xenos THIS IS A GOOD THING. Take out your oxygen bottle or any other weapon in your hand, and TRY MOVE AROUND LIKE A FURIOUS BABY WITH FAMILICIDE IN MIND. You'll slam the thing you're holding into the alien's stomach lining, and if you do it enough you'll EXPLODE out of the aliens chest cavity like some kind of reverse-larvae. CAN YOU TAKE WHAT YOU DEAL OUT, XENOS?!
  • If the shuttle isn't coming, write a book of warning and contempt and throw yourself into space. If you're too much of a coward to do it the glorious way, bash yourself unconscious and wait to be eaten.


  • Xenos can grab and throw Cyborgs. They can even throw dead cyborgs into doors to open them.
  • Aliens can get fat. This slows them down like every other crew member.
  • Alien queen projectiles are some OP thing which can’t get blocked by biosuits.
  • Guide to Winning:
    1. Go drone
    2. Go onto solars
    3. Plant 420 weeds
    4. Go queen
    5. Plant eggs everywhere
    6. Facehug monkies in xenobio/viro
    7. Protect those fuckers with your life
    8. Aquire hunters
      • deathgasp endlessly

Tips for Fighting Against Xenos

  • Guide to Making Xenomorphs Lose:
    • Xenos are immune to most conventional poisons, but there's three chemicals right now of value that work well them, Beepsky Smash, Neurotoxin, and Chloral. Beepsky smash and Chloral require the chem dispenser, but Neurotoxin does not. Neurotoxin is also an INSTANT stun. All it takes is sleep toxin and a pan galactic gargle blaster, which can both be gotten from vending machines. Of the many types of cyborg, only one borg has access to vending machines. This borg also has access to a reagent container (shaker) and an eye dropper. The Service borg is the ONLY CYBORG CAPABLE OF STUNNING ALIUMS AND BEATING THEM TO DEATH, aside from Engiborgs cheating with welderbombs.
    • Disclaimer: Xenos are way better in melee than you ever will be. Unless you're in a combat mech with the right equipment, in which case it's your destiny to waltz into the middle of their nest and take on the queen in a one-on-one showdown.
    • Facehugger protection
    • Helmets that grant protection from facehuggers
      • Welding Helmet (mass produced by autolathes, but only protect while down and obscure vision) - They're everywhere around the station
      • Any space helmet (Engineer Rig helmet, Standard EVA helmet, Security Hardsuit helmet, etc) - Nobody will give a shit if you steal these during a xeno breakout
      • Bio Suit Helmets (don't block vision, but are limited in number.) - Take em from medical and science.
    • Stunning xenomorphs
      • There's two ways to stun xenos. Chems and Knockouts.
    • Chemicals that stun xenomorphs
      • Beepsky Smash
      • Neurotoxin
      • Chloral (shit tier, do not use unless you can't get bar access)
    • Delivery methods:
      • Syringe Gun
      • Hypospray
      • Smoke Grenades (neurotoxin smoke thrown into a hive can be quite effective.)
    • Explosives:
      • Welderbombs (best if done by an Engiborg)
      • Shit-tier Potas+Water grenades (dont even bother, use Neuro smoke instead)
      • Cuban Pete tier transfer valves (honk)
    • Killing xenomorphs***Xenos take double burn damage. This means lasers, welders, and flamethrowers are stupid effective on them. On the other hand, many of them travel at SANIC speeds and will seriously slap your shit, so don't pull out the welder unless you absolutely have to. If you don't kill a xeno, and she gets away, she won the fight, because she's just going to heal up back to full, while you have to dick around getting your laser recharged, or getting more chems. DON'T STOP KILLING 'EM TILL YOU HEAR THAT SCREAM.
    • Your weapons:
    • Disclaimer: Bolded numbers are doubled because of xeno fire vulnerability.***Welders (30)
      • Lasers (40)
      • Revolvers (60) (Steal them from traitors or the detective, or hope they band together with you against the xenos)
      • Combat Shotguns (60-75) (Slugs are a much safer option to use, but require three shots to down a drone or hunter, while close range buckshot can two-shot them.)
      • Flamethrowers (MAYHEM) (These things are stupidly effective against a hive. One spray and you'll flush them out in a cacophony of chaos. Super effective at killing hidden facehuggers, eggs, and larvas.)
      • Abuse your range. Don't stand still. And for fucks sake don't go in alone, unless you're damn sure you know the amount of xenos and know you can win.
    • HALK
      • If you're one of those dickwads in genetics that loves to ruin rounds, now's your time to actually be the hero the station deserves without ruining everything for everbody!
      • Grab a welder, grab a facehugger proof helmet, and COVER YOUR SKIN SO THEY DON'T KNOW YOU'RE A HULK. Otherwise those hunters are going to swap to harm intent and MURDER YOUR ASS. Your punches cannot stun xenos, but your punches do cause them to move incredibly slowly. Your call if it's worth it or not.
      • If you're a true "master" of genetics, you can simply abuse the DNA modifiers to mass produce hulks to get rid of the xeno-menace instead of relying on SE injectors.
    • Riot Shields
      • Guaranteed to block hunters from pouncing on you, and even knocks them down for trying. Even a simple buckler made from some planks of wood you scrounge in the library will serve you well.
    • Silicons
      • There's two borgs of any value in an xeno outbreak. If you're not one of these and you're not an Emagged Secborg, prepare to get shit on, and HARD.
      • Engineering Borg - Can welderbomb enemies, finish the probably stunned xeno off with the same welder they used for the detonation, and a team of two can repair eacother ad infinitum.
      • Service Borg - With his eyedropper and shaker, he can mix Neurotoxin and beat xenos to death with his tray, slowly, after stunning them.
    • Plasma fires
      • Plasma fires are for clearing out hives, not killing xenos. You will never kill a xeno with plasma fire unless they are brain dead. They will ALWAYS have an exit out into space somewhere. This is great for cutting off some of their facehugger supply, however. These can also kill larvas before they can escape because they're so pathetically frail.
    • Mechs
      • But actually a "fuck you I win" situation if you get one of these. Xenos can hardly damage your mech, and a solaris cannon is unbeatable.

Sleep toxin works in a pinch, but make sure to back off and give it time to work.

  • Aliens gain additional plasma generation when standing in plasma gas, more of it making it faster. They're rarely stupid enough to actually allow plasma gas in their hives, though.
  • Xenomorphs have no set interval limit on how many times they can use emotes, so they can *deathgasp and *roar spam all day long. ADDED: Okay, official new admin policy. Any xeno that emotes more than five times in the space of a minute or two can be gibbed at will. ADDED: If the admins present can reach the ban button through either laughing, or bleeding to death through their ears.
  • You can catch (have throw active with empty hand and be thrown at) alien facehuggers thrown at you by aliems, but it will die and you MUST be wearing protective gear to not be facehugged.
  • If you are infected with a Xeno babby, and are welded into a locker, when the babby bursts it will magically appear outside the locker and free to roam.
  • You can cuff larvas if you can find a way to stun them, this way you can bring one to xenobio for study.

Dealing with Swarmers as crew

First contact

So you're wandering around maintenance, and you see a small robot. It appears to be eating some random tools in maintenance that have been lying around. What do you do?

  • Are comms up and the station relatively stable? Attack it immediately using whatever is available on you at the moment. Even if you're teleported, you should be in a safe location, and if you manage to kill it, and it was the only one around, congratulations, you may have saved your station from being eaten from the inside out.
  • Are comms down? You can still attack it, but there's a slight chance of getting stuck in an area should it teleport you away, and you might be stuck until help somehow runs into you. Consider running to an intercom.

Either way, make sure that the presence of swarmers is known to the crew. The faster you act, the quicker you can potentially be rid of your problem.

Long arm of the law

If you're security, the following tactics are suggested:

  • Grab the lasers. Get every officer to carry at least one laser gun on them. They can kill a Swarmer in two shots, ammo is fairly plentiful and they can be recharged in several locations around the station.
  • Grab the shotguns. Slugs can instantly kill a Swarmer with a direct hit, and buckshot can do the same while covering a wide area, if you're not confident in your aim. You may need some assistance from Cargo.
  • Consider shields. Shields can be used to protect yourself from disabler fire, but be warned that Swarmers can eat them, should you drop it.
  • Keep in contact with the AI. The all seeing eye of the station can quickly locate Swarmers, and its Cyborgs can be the vanguard during an assault on a Swarmer base.

Other crewmembers

  • Secure any loose materials that are lying around the station. Leaving a stack of 50 metal lying around in a not often visited location is just begging for trouble.
  • Weld vents, if you can. The less vents they can use, the easier it is to pin them down and finish them off. Don't forget the scrubbers, too. And keep in mind swarmers can eat welders.
  • Don't have access to a ranged weapon? A spear does 18 damage when wielded, and deals 25 damage when thrown. Throw spears at Swarmers! Just be careful where you're throwing them, most people don't want a spear lodged in their abdomen.
  • Even if you aren't as great at killing Swarmers as security, you can still assist them by taking down barriers and traps while leaving them to deal with the Swarmers themselves, or shaking them up, should they get stunned. Teamwork is just as powerful in your hands as it is in the Swarmer's.

Caretakers of the Station

As a silicon, the following tactics are suggested:

  • Silicons are entirely immune to Disabler beams. As such, you can charge into a Swarmer nest and force them to scatter, but be aware that your lack of ranged attacks will often make you unable to secure kills. Consider teaming up with Security to deal with this threat, as your all access allows them to easily get into areas without being delayed by lack of access.
  • Engineering Module: Weld the vents. ALL the vents. Destroying Swarmers is great, but welding vents may be more important in the long run if you can't kill them off quickly. Swarmers can't unweld them, and it cuts off their escape options. Put that all access to good use.
  • Medical Module: Your circular saw is a slightly more robust weapon against Swarmers than what other cyborgs have available. That said, depending on circumstances, your efforts may be more useful keeping people alive, should there be other threats to the station.
  • Mining Module: While you do have a ranged attack, it's fairly weak in a pressurized environment, and has low range. Stick to your drill.
  • Janitor Module: The Janiborg's holy lance, also known as the mop, is effectively useless as a weapon against Swarmers. They can't slip, and at most you'll slightly annoy them. If you honestly have nothing better to do, assist security and bump around Swarmers so that they have a harder time getting into vents.
  • Service Module: Did you know that the Guitar is a force 10 weapon? Serenade the Swarmers while you beat them to death. Not the most useful, but very amusing.

Revenant: Fighting the Unholy Menace

So you're a crew member and you just saw a guy with purple lights flowing out of him leading into a spooky blue ghost. You've shouted over the radio and now the rest of the crew knows. Revenants can range from annoying to amazingly dangerous, and the more corpses they drain, the more powerful they get. However, there are a few things you can do to fight revenants.

First of all, get the chaplain. Their null rod is incredibly powerful against the Revenant and will drain large chunks of essence from them. Revenants are generally hard to fight, mainly because they're both invisible, can phase through walls, and can't take damage in this state, but there are a few ways around it. Generally, waiting for them to drain someone or reveal themselves is the best time to go ham on their ass.

They also can't pass through tiles with holy water or salt piles unless they Defile it, so go coat the station's floors in it, or better yet, spray it over them when they cast something.

When you temporarily kill a revenant it will drop glimmering residue on the ground. If this is left untouched the revenant will respawn after 60 seconds.

To permanently kill the revenant, pick up the glimmering residue it leaves behind when killed, and throw it.

Nightmare: There's a scary shadow monster on the station, what do I do??

Stay in the light

There is no way a Nightmare will bother you if you're in a lit room and all rooms around that are lit. Staying in departments, maybe security or the bridge, all of those will basically guarantee your safety. If lights start breaking, though, it's time to move.

Bring a friend

If you wander alone, one hit from the Nightmare means certain death as it turns off all your lights. And fighting a Nightmare in the shadows is right next to impossible, considering they can jaunt around you swinging their light eater. Even if you manage to stunbaton them, they could just shadow walk until their stun wears off. With a friend, they'd have to hit you both for complete darkness and a friend can pull you out if you lose your lights. If a Nightmare attacks you they would have to go all in as they can't just leave if one of you has lights.

Bring a spare light

The light eater consumes anything that is currently giving lights, but if you have a glowstick or flashlight that hasn't been turned on it won't be destroyed. If you get hit swap to your second line of defense, more lights!

Deny escape

If there are no lights while fighting the Nightmare, it will simply leave if it feels it is losing. Deny escape! You can crack on a glowstick and throw it for a great way to stop a jaunted Nightmare from escaping. Be sure to always be CLOSE to the nightmare as once again, if it escapes to darkness it already won the battle.