Guide to genetics
The Department

Welcome to Genetics. Just across the morgue lies a mystical realm where some of Nanotrasen's greatest minds entertain themselves by toying the Human Genome into knots.
The first thing you're going to see is that our department has two rooms. The first, the one you walk into as you enter from medbay, is the Cloning room. It has only one Cloning Console, one DNA Scanner, and one Cloning Pod. More on this later.
The second room is the one where you're going to spend the most of your time. This is where things get done, where people go to become hulking supermutants, where you are going to do. Your. Job. This room has two DNA Scanners and two DNA Scanner Access Consoles, along with two diskette boxes and a few lockers. The medicine locker has a syringe box and anti-toxin bottles. This is quite useful, as any tampering with genetic code gives Toxin damage. The bio-hazard locker has pretty much what you expect it to have - a bio suit and bio hood. Useful if a disease breaks out. The diskettes are also extremely useful, as we will see later.
The third room has your test subjects! These monkeys are going to be your guinea pigs, you are going to experiment on them, and make the suffer quite a bit. It's pretty inhumane. But such is life, and after a few seconds, it will all be worth it. They actually have it pretty easy, it's better than getting gibbed and eaten.
This is going to be your home, buddy. Get used to it. It grows on ya!

When you first hear about "cloning", you may think that people are referring to making many clones of yourself so you can take over the station. This is not the case (although that can be done too, just not exactly that way). Cloning is a process of of reviving someone who has died. For a cloning process we need a dead body and cloning equipment, which can be found in your Cloning Room.
- First of all, you have to know that for all things cloning, the Chief Medical Officer has a final say. He is your boss on this side of Genetics. If he tells you to clone someone and not some other guy, you do it. The only person with higher say than him on these matters is the Captain.
- On to the specifics! How does cloning work, you ask? Well, it's quite simple! Just grab or pull a body and stuff that puppy up in the DNA Scanner and close the door. If you want to remove someone from a Scanner, click on it to open the door. Unless the Scanner is locked, the person/monkey inside is going to pop right out.
- After the Scanner is already occupied, interact with the Cloning Console. You will see a few things. Now, the most important is the first. Click Scan to see if the person inside is actually not an empty husk! If they can be cloned scanning will succeed regardless of whether they're in their body or not. There are still a few possible errors - see the section on cloning errors for details.
- If scanning is successful, however, you will get a Successful Scan -message. That means you now have that person's cloning data saved. You can use this record to steal their genetic data at any time, but cloning is more limited - if their last death happened after they got scanned, any attempts to clone using the record will fail.
- After you actually have DNA data from a person, click Check Records, and then select the person who you want cloned. You will see a list of their UI+UE (Unique Identifiers + Unique Enzymes) and their SEs (Structural Enzymes), which are quite irrelevant. Click Clone. You will notice that the Cloning Pod is now fully active, with a shadow inside. That is the new body. You can now take the old corpse out of the DNA Scanner, strip it completely so the cloned person can have their stuff back, and place the old corpse in the morgue. You don't have to worry about it anymore.
- The cloning process takes from 2 to 3 minutes. For whoever is getting cloned, it seems like a very long time. But it's not long for you. While the guy is getting his new body set up, take his belongings and stuff them all in the locker right by the cloning pod, so their stuff isn't scattered all over. Plus, cloning the captain and leaving his ID and other secure items on the floor sure is bad.
- Hypercloning: Use this to screw with that assistant who talked smack to you earlier. During the cloning process, it is possible to eject the incomplete clone by unlocking the Cloning Pod with your ID and ejecting the unfinished clone (needs to be >40% done) or if by getting an Engineer to unlock the Genetics APC so you can shut off the power temporarily, which also causes the clone to (instantly, no matter how done) eject. Note that this will often clone people without limbs or vital organs, so make sure they're a role that doesn't need them before doing it.
- After the clone has been finished cryogenic treatment, give them Mannitol if some was not included in the Cryotubes chemical mixture
- After the pod is empty, feel free to clone your next patient, and to let the old one out, since they most likely don't have clearance to open the door.
- If R&D has been doing their job, they might upgrade the cloner to a level where it can autoprocess. If this is the case, you only have to press the Autoprocess button on top of the window, and the cloner will scan automatically. This is useful to process a large pile of bodies quickly - scan them one at a time, and autoprocess will do the rest.
Hark! A Husk!
So you've come across a husk (a gray, dead guy) on your floor, which means you can't clone that poor sod. Before you go throwing that body in the morgue, they can still be helped!
- First off, make sure it's a husk. Throw the body into a DNA Scanner, if it says Subject no longer contains the fundamental materials required to create a living clone, then you have yourself a husk (if your DNA Scanner had been updated to the max by the Scientists, you could clone the husk right now. So if you know they've been doing their R&D, ask them).
- Take the body down to Surgery.
- Pester the CMO or a Medical Doctor to extract the brain, or do it yourself.
- Run back to Genetics and grab a humanized monkey.
- Return to Surgery and remove his brain too. Do whatever you want with that one, it isn't important.
- Now shove the husk's brain into the monkeyman's corpse and clone the monkeyman.
If all goes well then your cadaver will be reborn! Admittedly in a different body.
Helping the Headless
Sometimes you'll find corpses whose head is separated from their body. Thanks to the marvels of modern science, this is not a problem!
- If you have a head or a brain, just chuck it in the cloner as normal!
- If you don't have the head, but you have the body, not all hope is lost: take a blood sample and give it to the botanist to make a replica pod, and the deceased guy will be reborn as a podperson!
- If you have neither, the only way you're going to clone the victim is if they've already been scanned before, and there is a record in the console. Otherwise, he's dead for good.
Cloning Plasmamen
If the patient is a plasmaman, cloning them will be complicated by the fact that the naked patient will burn in the station's atmosphere. This can be dealt with by using showers to keep the patient from catching fire, then dressing them in a plasma envirosuit.
- Put plasmaman into cloning scanner
- Scan them, start the cloning process
- Drag their dead body to cloning pod
- Undress them and leave their clothes in a pile
- Turn on shower near cloning pod
- Once they pop out of cloner, put them under shower and wait for them to dress up
If the patient is a naked or beheaded plasmaman, follow these additional steps:
- Have a blue ("Oxygen Deprivation") medkit nearby
- Once they pop out of cloner, put them under shower and feed them a few blue pills (Salbutamol) from aforementioned medkit. Plasmamen suffocate if they don't have plasma to breathe!
- No Salbutamol? Perfluorodecalin works too.
- Yell at cargo to order plasmaman supplies. In the meantime, bug Engineering/Atmos for a plasma tank.
Why can't I clone this dude?
Error message | Cause | Solution |
Unable to locate valid genetic data. | Whatever you put inside the scanner doesn't have valid (humanoid) DNA. | Stop putting bees in the scanner. |
Subject's brain is not responding to scanning stimuli. | The person inside has suicided or signed an infernal contract. Cloning is impossible. | Let the Cook take care of them or put the body in the morgue. |
Subject no longer contains the fundamental materials required to create a living clone. | You're trying to scan a body that's been husked or smashed by megafauna, but your scanner doesn't have a (tri-)phasic scanning module. | Remove the brain and put it into an intact body (ie another corpse or monkey-turned-human), then scan that corpse. Yell at RnD to upgrade your scanner. |
Mental interface failure. | The corpse has no ghost inside it. This means that the patient's ghost is either floating around somewhere or they already got cloned. | Try again in a few seconds - ghosts get notified when someone attempts to scan their body. No success? Let the Cook handle it. |
Subject already in database. | That person has already been scanned. | Start the cloning process. Want to update the current clone scan? The CMO can delete scan files. |
Initialisation failure. | The patient is still alive. | Try again when the patient is dead. |
Unable to initiate cloning cycle. | Cloning has been disabled in the server config. | Yell at admins and hand the corpse over to the Chef. |
Corpse has no head. | Some asshole decapitated your guy - clone scanning is impossible without a brain. | Draw a blood sample and ask Botany to clone them with the Replica Pod plant. Can't draw blood either? Your patient is out of luck. |
Keep in mind that patching up a corpse with Synthflesh and then reviving it with Strange Reagent bypasses a lot of these issues.

DNA Modification
Your boss here is no longer the Chief Medical Officer. Do not feel forced to listen to his orders, except when it comes to cloning. Regarding the research, listen to direct orders from the Research Director as well as the Captain. For security reasons allow NO ONE ELSE in the Modification room. Simple as that.
Now, let's get you acquainted with the DNA Scanner Access Consoles next to the monkeys. It has a few things of note. First of all, you're going to notice two clickable lines:
- Unique Identifiers (UI)
- Genetic Sequence (GS)
You might ask yourself: What does this mean?
- Unique Enzymes = just what identify who you are, your name. Even if you change them, it will have no effect. What does change stuff is you transfering them from one person to another, effectively changing their name.
- Unique Identifiers = merely your cosmetic details - eye color, skin color, hair style, hair color and gender. You don't really have to mess with any of these, and they are quite unimportant.
- Genetic Sequence = extremely important! They contain data relevant to your genetic structure. This governs your race, and messing with it carelessly might give you disabilities. For those that handle genes with care, however, great benefits are to be had.
A mutation might look something like this. Not exactly, since size varies and there's usually blocks replaced with X's
Genetic Sequence - Powers, Disabilities & Species
There are four blocks. Every one of those letters in the boxes are connected. A goes with T, and G goes with C. Order does not matter.
Mutations are the same across people with the sole difference being the X's. If all the little slots are filled with the correct AT, TA, GC and CG pairs, the mutation is activated. If this is not the case, it's deactivated. One might want to disable the monkey mutation by replacing one of the healthy pairs with an X.
The more difficult mutations will have alot of unknown pairs. You cannot just randomly enter A-T, since it's predetermined what it's supposed to be. Knowing all this, you could whip out the genetic scanner in your pocket and see if someone has just the right pairs where there would be X's otherwise.
Mutations and Their Consequences
Before we start splicing, you must know what possible monstrosities can be done to a human.
Mutation Name | Description | Indicators | Message | How/Where to Obtain | Instability |
Telekinesis | This power allows the subject to control things with their mind, from far away! It is the most sought after power, since it allows for incredible deeds, and makes a strong robuster nearly immortal. To use it, switch to the Grab intent, switch to an empty hand, and click on an object. A circle symbol will appear underneath the object and in your hand and you can now control the object. You can also use any console from a distance. | Appears as a blue glow around the subject's head. | "You feel smarter" | Genetic | 30 |
Hulk | This is pretty obvious. Subject becomes extremely strong, enough to punch through reinforced walls, and is unable to speak without yelling. The subject is also immune to stuns and cannot be pushed past. This mutation is lost when the subject falls to critical health. Created by combining Strength with Radioactive. | Subject turns green and has red eyes. | "Your muscles hurt." | Radioactive + Strength | 40 |
Space Adaptation | This makes the subject resistant to cold and lack of pressure, effectively allowing it to survive in space (they still have to wear internals, however). This will not make them immune to fire. | Subject has a pulsating orange-blueish "aura". | "Your body feels warm." | Genetic | 30 |
Thermal Vision | The user of this genome can visually perceive people's unique thermal signatures, even through walls and in darkness. Combine with Radioactive to make the X-Ray power. | "You can see the heat rising off of your skin..." | Genetic | 25 | |
X-Ray Vision | Also a very good power. Basically, it gives the subject the ability to see everything that is beyond their normal vision: walls, furniture, even other people! This, combined with Telekinesis, is a deadly combination. Created by combining Thermal Vision with Radioactive. | Subject's eyes "glow eerily" if looked at with a penlight. | "The walls suddenly disappear." | Genetic | 35 |
Chameleon | The subject becomes able to subtly alter light patterns to become invisible, as long as they remain still. | Subject starts fading into the background. | "You feel one with your surroundings." | Genetic | 25 |
Dwarfism | Turns the subject into a manlet, making them unusually shorter than the rest of the crew. Dwarfs can pass over tables without stopping. | Subject looks smaller. | "Everything around you seems to grow.." | Human Species | 5 |
Nearsightedness | Makes the subject's screen go hazy at about halfway from the edge of your whole vision. It's not THAT bad, and can be temporarily fixed by using prescription glasses. | \ | "Your eyes feel strange." | Genetic | |
Epilepsy | Subject starts to fall down and keeps shaking all the time. They're horrible, and there's no easy cure short of fixing the block. | Subject falls down. | "You get a headache." | Genetic | |
Coughing | Makes the subject drop small items you're holding, like syringes. Pretty harmless, but has potential to be extremely annyoing. | Subject coughs. | "You start coughing." | Genetic | |
Tourette's Syndrome | The subject swears all the time. They may also experience paralysis that takes even longer than the seizures. Avoid. | Subject curses out loudly and twitches. | "You twitch." | Genetic | |
Nervousness | Makes the subject stammer. Annoying at best. | Subject stammers when they speak. | "You feel nervous." | Genetic | |
Blindness | Subject goes completely blind, becoming a part of a usually forgotten minority. How sad. | Subject's eyes don't react to penlight. | "You can't seem to see anything." | Genetic | |
Deafness | Makes the subject deaf. Harmless at best, annoying at worst. You just don't hear anything, not even yourself. | \ | "You can't seem to hear anything..." | Genetic | |
Clumsiness | Subject has a clown-like clumsiness. For those that have always wanted to be clowns. It makes the subject accidentally drop things they hold, unable to use tasers, handcuffs, guns exploding in their face etc. | \ | "You feel lightheaded." | Genetic/Clowns | |
Unintelligible | Heavily corrupts the part of the brain responsible for forming spoken sentences, causing the subject to only be able to speak short sentences. | \ | "You can't seem to form any coherent thoughts!" | Genetic | |
Mute | Completely shuts down the speech center of the subject's brain. | \ | "You feel unable to express yourself at all." | Genetic | |
Wacky | Forces the subject to talk in an odd manner. | \ | "You feel an off sensation in your voicebox." | Genetic | |
Glowy | Gives the subject a faint glow. | Subject glows. | "Your skin begins to glow softly." | Genetic | 5 |
Strength | Subject feels stronger, but isn't. | Combine with Radioactive to make the Hulk power. | "You feel stronger" | Genetic | |
Fire Sweat | Subject sweats liquid fire[CITATION NEEDED] and grows slightly more resistent to fire[CITATION ALSO NEEDED] | Subject will spontaneously combust | "You feel hot." | Genetic | |
Void Magnet | You have the power to make yourself mostly invincible for a brief period at the cost of being unable to move. You will also enter this state randomly and against your will. | A rare genome that attracts odd forces not usually observed. | "You feel a heavy, dull force just beyond the walls watching you." | Genetic | 30 |
Radioactive | Subject radiates energy from their skin. They're just as susceptible to it as anyone else | Subject glows with a green aura | "You feel it in your bones" | Genetic | 5 |
Telepathy | Subject is able to broadcast it's thought directly to others | A rare mutation that allows the user to telepathically communicate to others. | "You hear your thoughts echo in your mind" | Genetic | 10 |
Firebreath | Subject becomes able to breathe concentrated balls of fire. | An ancient mutation that gives lizards breath of fire. | "You feel a heat built up in your throat" | Lizard Species | 30 |
Smile | Causes the speech center of the subject's brain to produce large amounts of seratonin and a chemical resembling ecstacy when engaged. | \ | "You feel so happy. Nothing can be wrong with anything. :)" | Genetic | |
Chav | Forces the language center of the subject's brain to construct sentences in a more rudimentary manner. | \ | "Ye feel like a reet prat like, innit?" | Genetic | |
Swedish | Forces the language center of the subject's brain to construct sentences in a vaguely norse manner. | \ | "You feel Swedish, however that works." | Genetic | |
Elvis | Forces the language center and primary motor cortex of the subject's brain to talk and act like the King of Rock and Roll. | A terrifying mutation named after its 'patient-zero'. | "You feel pretty good, honeydoll." | No longer in Genetics, but can be acquired via admin spawned injector | |
Unstable DNA | Makes the subject randomly mutate. Very dangerous. Definitely be careful with this one. | Strange mutation that causes the holder to randomly mutate. | "You feel strange." | No longer in Genetics, but can be acquired via admin spawned injector | |
Insulated | This makes you shock resistant, not unlike wearing a pair of insulated gloves. | The affected person does not conduct electricity. | "Your fingertips go numb." | Genetic | 25 |
Shock Touch | This gives you a power that charges your hand with electricity. Use it on somebody to give them a good shock, which will do burn damage and large amounts of jittering and confusion. | The affected can channel excess electricity through their hands without shocking themselves, allowing them to shock others. | "You feel power flow through your hands." | Insulated + Radioactive | 30 |
Transcendent Olfaction | This power lets you track people by scent. Hold something in your hand and use the power to look for a scent on it. Use the power without holding anything and you'll track the scent you previously found. | Your sense of smell is comparable to that of a canine. | "Smells begin to make more sense..." | Genetic | 30 |
Geladikinesis | Allows the user to concentrate moisture and sub-zero forces into snow | This mutation lets you create snow, used to build snowtiles, walls, balls and snowmen | "Your hands feel cold" | Genetic | 10 |
Cryokinesis | Draws negative energy from the sub-zero void to freeze surrounding temperatures at subject's will | Lets the user shoot a bolt of cryokinesis to freeze people, objects and tiles | "Your hands feel cold" | Genetic | 20 |
Antenna | The Affected person sprouts an antenna. This is known to allow them to access common radio channels passively. | An antenna is visible on the user's head, and they basically have a built in station-bounced radio. | "You feel an antenna sprout from your forehead." | Genetic | 5 |
Mind Reader | The affected person can look into the recent memories of others. | An antenna is visible on the user's head, and they can read the minds of others. This will reveal the true name of the target, the intent of the target, and some snippets of what the target has said in the past. Tin foil is known to block this power. | "You hear distant voices at the corners of your mind." | Antenna + Paranoia | 40 |
Spatial Instability | The victim of the mutation has a very weak link to spatial reality, and may be displaced. Often causes extreme nausea. | Victim randomly teleports a short distance away and becomes extremely disgusted as a result. | "The space around you twists sickeningly." | Genetic | 10 |
Paranoia | Subject is easily terrified, and may suffer from hallucinations. | Subject screams frequently | "You feel screams echo through your mind..." | Genetic | |
Gigantism | The cells within the subject spread out to cover more area, making them appear larger. | Subject is slightly larger than normal | "Everything around you seems to shrink.." | Genetic |
IMPORTANT: There's also 1 special block which contains the info whether the subject is a human or a monkey!
Buffers and Injectors - Saving Your Work and Handing Out Godhood
- You may've noticed the buffers on someones enzymes. Good, those are boring and are for appearance. Now let's move on to what you want to know
- Want to save a mutation? Hit save to save it to the mutations tab!
- Want to give someone a cool mutation you discovered? Print an activator! They're biologicly
safesafer. Injecting this into someone will instantly give them that mutation! Unless they don't have it in their genetic sequence.
- Want to give someone a cool mutation they can't have? Sacrafice some of their useless genetic stability and give it to them anyway! What's the worst that can happen?
violent death
- The DNA Scanner Access Console takes ten seconds to recharge after producing an injector.
- Because of injectors, Geneticists are usually asked to give people superpowers. This is best judged by the Research Director, who is in charge of the research. If you want to be like Marvel and give everyone superpowers, be ready for Security Officers knocking on your door because nothing gets the station down like a herd of assistants with Hulk. So be ready to say "no" a lot. Usually the Geneticists are allowed to have powers, but note that if you run around the station while being a hulk, you're probably going to get a lot of attention from the security and be the prime suspect if (when) anything happens. Don't go on a killing/destroying rampage if you're a hulk, it is a bannable offense.
Note: Admins have confirmed that if people inject themselves with a needle they found lying around that says "Godhood" on it without even asking what is in it, you will NOT get punished by turning them into monkeys. Wink wink. Just make sure to answer truthfully if asked, and not to inject it yourself. If people are stupid enough to inject themselves with unknown content, let them.
Manhandling Genes!
This guide here shows you step by step how to find the powers from the mysterious blocks!
Genes are distorted and twisted by shooting them with radiation. This can be done with the DNA Scanner Access Console and the computer in your lab.
First Steps
This guide will start with using a monkey, because they're in the pen for a reason.
- Start by taking a monkey from the pen.
- Shove them into a DNA Scanner next to the pen.
- Check the computer next to it, you'll see a bunch of information. Find Genetic Sequence and try to not confuse them with the other enzyme blocks above.
All mutations are randomized so no one really has any idea what they got in store
Humanizing a Monkey
Always humanize your monkey first, or their powers wont work.
- You and your buddy share the mutations you've discovered, work togheter to discover them all
- Scroll through the mutations and find monkey. Then change a random pair and you're donzo.
- When you get it, you'll see the name on the top has changed from "monkey" to a randomly generated name. Congratulations, you've got your very own monkey-person!
- If for any reaosn you got yourself with some bad mutations and have no one to remove them, grab a mutadone pill from the box in your office.
Manifesting Mutations
Back to business! Now we'll try to make a mutation show itself to us:
- Find a mutation that has broken pairs
- Start filling in the X's. This is fairly easy since most of them are connected to an A, T, G or C. So X-T would be A-T
- You will often find X-X pairs. Make sure the rest is fixed first and then guess it. There's 4 possibilities. AT, TA, GC and CG
- If there's more than 2 double X-pairs, consider using the JOKER or going out and scanning some people and see if they have the missing pairs.
- If it didn't work, you may've messed up somewhere. Double check. Also make sure they're not still a monkey. If all else fails, move on to another mutation or scramble their DNA
Against the Radiation
All that radiation pulsing is not healthy.
- At some point it may be a good idea to visit Chemistry and order some Potassium Iodide for your genetic testing. It's a very useful chem, as it lowers radiation levels quickly.
- Anti-Toxin or Charcoal can cure the toxin damage caused by radiation, but does little to the rads themselves.
Genetic Instability
When you manifest a power, you may get a message like "It feels like your skin is moving." This is telling you that your genetic instability has gotten higher, and you'll need to be careful not to add too many more powers. All humans can withstand 100 genetic instability before they start to bubble and melt. Negative mutations generally don't give you instability, but powers do. As a rule of thumb, the stronger the power, the more instability it gives. Choose your powers wisely.
What to do with your powers
- Save your power buffer in a disk, as a backup. There's always the risk of someone overwriting them for random reasons.
- Bringing a couple of injectors with full powers to R&D will be greatly appreciated, as they give a hard to obtain kind of research.
- Make injectors to give to
the greytideheads of staff or security. You can also sell them for money! - Enjoy being the peak of human evolution! Use your powers for the greater good, or to make security's life hell by breaking down walls to high security areas and by being unstunnable. Remember that hulks are nonhuman to the AI, though, and that when security can't stun someone they'll pass directly to lethals.
Chromosome 21
You probably stumbled upon those empty chromosome slots, and here is what to do with it!
- Everytime you use an ACTIVATOR on another player, the activator becomes filled with genetic data. Use it on your dna console to reclaim said genetic data. If the activator is expended, something went wrong.
- You will (probably) gain one of these chromosomes: Synchronizer, Stabilizer, Booster, Energy and Reinforcement.
- Synchronizer: A mutation is less likely to backfire.
- Stabilizer: The rarest chromosome. Reduces instability gained from the mutation by 20%
- Booster: Boosts strength of certain mutations. Experiment with super sneeze or even deadlier fireballs!
- Energy: Reduces cooldown on action based mutations.
- Reinforcement: Makes the mutation immune to mutadone.
- Mutations can be replicated with their chromosomes! Don't worry about getting new chromosomes for the same mutation.
- Chromosomes can't be used on mutations that wont benefit from them. You can't use the cooldown chromosome on the monkey mutation.
Congratulations. If you read everything is this guide, you should now be a full-fledged Geneticist! Welcome to the club, friend, hope you enjoy it! Pass on the knowledge to those in need.
The Gene Genie - The Traitorous Geneticist
Sorry for the bad chapter title. I wanted to use that for a very long time.
So, you learned how to do your job successfully, and how to be a credit to the station. You learned how to manipulate genes. Now you want to learn what the hell to do when the syndicate is the one writing your checks! Well, fret not! I will give you some pointers. But these are mostly tips - traitorous objectives differ wildly, and change your actions way too much for me to write a real guide on it.
Rev head
Simple. Flash colleagues. If the RD or the CMO come check on you, say you have a good set of powers, but the replicator is offline. Ask for him / her to strip and get in the Scanner. Lock him/her in, have your way with them, they can't leave nor can they talk. Let them enjoy their slow, painful death. If someone wants to clone the captain, that too is pretty simple. Just don't do it. As soon as the guy leaves, stuff the captain in a locker, take his stuff and call it a day. You could also eat until you get fat, transform people into monkeys and eat them. Fun for all.
Another fun strategy is, if you managed to kill a head of staff, to copy their identity with a DNA scanner and apply it to yourself; impersonating a head of staff during a revolution is easy since they are usually exempt from implanting.
Depends on your objective. If it's a hard one, like stealing the AI... well, you're fucked. Keep working on those powers! As soon as you have Hulk + TK, go for it as you wish. No tips here.
If your objective is a simple one, though, like stealing the hand tele, there are more approaches to this. As the above tip, you can just break the walls with TK Hulk, but that is rather crass. There's a more roundabout, but classier way to tackle this. Take a monkey from the pen, transform it in a human. Take it's UI+UEs, make an injector, stuff it in your pocket with a label like "Clean Backup - Alexa White".
Now get your own UI+UEs and name it "Clean Backup - Original" or something. Avoid using your name. Now, go hide somewhere close to the item's location, stick yourself with the monkey injector, spawn emag, stick ID and PDA in your backpack. For added stealth, get a different outfit. Emag your way to the captain's room, get his jumpsuit, RUN RUN RUN. The AI might see you, so it would also be good if you spawned an agent card so you can't be tracked. If anyone sees you, they're not going to see your actual name, only the humanized monkey's name. Hide, stick yourself with your own stuff, change clothes, walk away smoothly.
If you have to kill someone, same stuff from rev.
Also, never forget identity theft. Since you can take someone's complete identity, including looks, you can have some fun with that.
Well... Stealth wizard? Several things you can do, mostly involving UI+UE stuff. Not worth it, really. One thing you can do is taking identities and belongings, but you have to expose yourself to mess with the console. Your choice.
FUCKING REJOICE, your work is cut out for you! Have fun eating the lifeless corpses you clone. Keep in mind that transformations and transformation stings copy UI+UE. Turn people into horribly disabled freaks, or channel a lot of hulk-TK-xray-cold resisting supermen.