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Map Rotation

Maps not listed here can be found at the legacy maps page. The Map Rotation system currently works on a combination of voting and checking the amount of people on the server to choose a suitable map. The current, and next selected, map information are located in the 'Status' tab.

Maps on Beestation

In Use BoxStation, DeltaStation, MetaStation, FlandStation, KiloStation, CorgStation, RadStation, Echostation
Not In Rotation RuntimeStation, CardStation
Outdated, or Removed GlowStation, PubbyStation, Donutstation, AsteroidStation, BirdboatStation, Cerestation, Discstation, Dreamstation, Efficencystation, Ministation, OmegaStation

Maps In Rotation

These maps are currently in rotation, and can be selected and played on, the numbers in the brackets show how many people must be on the server for the map to be considered in rotation.

BoxStation (0 - 60 people)

Map Image Information
Box Station is widely regarded as the "official" map of SS13. It may be confusing at first, but it is actually neatly organized, so that every department gets their own wing. The Command Sector is in a centralized location, holding the Bridge, the Gravity Generator and the AI Upload. Other departments extend out into various wings around the command sector.

Webmap link: BoxStation

MetaStation (0 - 100 people)

Map Image Information
MetaStation is a fully-functioning map available on the beestation codebase. Various edited versions have run on NoxStation, /vg/, and Paradise Station. It is largely maintained and updated by the community, it is one of the oldest maps in the code but its general layout has stayed the same.

Webmap link: MetaStation

DeltaStation (40+ people)

Map Image Information
Delta Station is a map heavily influenced by Meta and Box, with a large centralized bridge area. Intended for higher populations, the map features a more fleshed out and spacious interior lushly decorated and accomodating a large number of potted plants. A large maintenance with a number of useful half-built rooms and areas give antagonists a large variety of spacious areas to make their on station bases and hiding places. It is currently maintained by Okand37.

Webmap link: DeltaStation

FlandStation (40+ people)

Map Image Information
A former Syndicate outpost that Nanotrasen took over. Fland Station is a map designed with high population in mind. This station's departments are pretty spread out, the map featuring large common areas and hallways for the crew to enjoy. It also features unusual designs that aren't shared by any other stations, such as the Prison Wing being on an asteroid and the Brig being located at the core of the station. This map was created and is being maintained by PigeonVerde.

Webmap link: FlandStation

KiloStation (0 - 50 people)

Map Image Information
Kilo Station is an old model Nanotrasen station, built into the side of an asteroid. It is a tight and compact map, featuring expansive maintenance and detail-packed areas. Rusted walls, boarded up maintenance rooms and areas with cosmetic damage are common. An abandoned freight dock in a nearby asteroid provides a good spot for any entrepreneurial cults or antagonists needing a base of operations. It was created by Okand37.

Webmap link: KiloStation

RadStation (20 - 60 people)

Map Image Information
RadStation is the third active map, unique to Beestation, developed by BriggsIDP/Floria following the footsteps of Fland and Glow. It began its development in late 2022 and was first introduced into early rotation during the summer of 2023. This particular map was specifically designed to cater to mid-low population population, focusing on optimizing small spaces and with gameplay in mind.

Webmap link: RadStation

CorgStation (15+ people)

Map Image Information
CorgStation is a fully-functioning map available on the bee codebase. It is currently the only map unique to beestation, not taking any major inspiration from another map. It has some unique features not seen as well. Feedback is welcomed in this thread on the BeeStation forums.

Webmap link: CorgStation

Out of Rotation

PubbyStation (0 - 50 people)

Map Image Information
Pubby Station is a map inspired by Box and Meta but smaller and pure, it was created by pubby.

GlowStation (40+ people)

Map Image Information
File:GlowStation.png Glow Station was a highly experimental map utilizing both 5 z-levels in addition to an iceplanet exterior. It was canned in early 2023.