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This template is intended to be at the top of each of the Locations pages to provide a basic overview of each location.


Parameter Default Description
location Undefined Location Name of the area (Chapel, Surgery, Bar, etc)
image NPA.png Image of the location to be displayed
description Short description below the image, one sentence
purpose Unknown Purpose/usage and general context
items None Any key items of note
workers None Doctors for medbay, officers for brig, etc
access Everyone List of roles that have access to the location
exits List of exits out of the location
department Unknown department Department of the location (Medical, Security, etc)
headerbgcolor #aaaaaa Background-color of the header
headerfontcolor #000000 Font-color of the header
footerbgcolor #aaaaaa Background-color of the footer
footerfontcolor #000000 Font-color of the footer


Example 1

The Final Frontier.
Purpose: A cold, horrible place full of vacuum and a few locations floating around
Key Items: Vacuum and dark matter
Workers: None
Access: Everyone
Exits: Space Station 13, Abandoned Satellite, Derelict, Mining Station
|description=The Final Frontier.
|purpose=A cold, horrible place full of vacuum and a few locations floating around
|items=Vacuum and dark matter
|exits=[[Space Station 13]], [[Abandoned Satellite]], [[Derelict]], [[Mining Station]]

Example 2

 |headerfontcolor = black
 |location=Research and Development Lab
 |description=The research room.
 |purpose=To research and develop.
 |items=[[Destructive Analyzer]], [[Protolathe]], [[R&D Console]] and a [[Circuit Imprinter]]
 |workers=[[Scientist]], [[Research Director]]
 |access=[[Scientist]], [[Roboticist]], [[Research Director]]
 |exits=[[Research Division]] south
 |footerfontcolor = black
Research and Development Lab
The toy manufacturing room.
Purpose: To research and develop.
Key Items: Destructive Analyzer, Protolathe, R&D Console and a Circuit Imprinter
Workers: Scientist, Research Director
Access: Scientist, Roboticist, Research Director
Exits: Research Division south