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|Title=Important Notice (READ ME) (READ ME) (READ ME)
|headerbgcolor = #BE8700
|Note='''Nothing on this page or any of the sub-pages is official, nor canon. This is simply my workspace and will not be orgnaised for your convenience. This is essentially a fan-page and a source for ideation. Nothing on this page is in development, or has any plans to be in development.'''
|headerfontcolor = black
|stafftype = ENEMY
|imagebgcolor = #E6A500
|img_generic =
|img = servant_of_ratvar.png
|jobtitle = Servant of Ratvar
|access = Maintenance
|additional = Anywhere you can Warp or fabricate to
|difficulty = Medium to Hard
|superior = Ratvar
|duties = Forget to toggle your chameleon jumpsuit, don't set up any power generation, get crushed by an angry mech
|guides = This is the guide
|quote = "What's this lantern thi-" "QVR, URNGUR'A!!"

Although Nar-Sie is powerful in her own right, she has a mortal enemy: Ratvar, imprisoned ages ago in a conflict and endlessly seeking out freedom. Trapped in a place that none can enter or leave, Ratvar has enlisted the aid of (unwilling) servants such as yourself to free him.
Every place, every person, every thing has its own story, all of which diverging and crossing paths in interesting ways. The only thing that ties them all together is the desire to understand the unknown, anomalous forces left behind by whatever entities passed through here...

If you're one of these servants and you have no idea what to do, you've come to the right place.
== Story Overview ==

== Introduction and Key Points ==
This story, along with its related sub-pages, takes place in a near-future world that's both familiar and distinct. We've yet to master teleportation, faster-than-light travel, or resurrection of the dead—concepts that could disrupt the world's continuity and consistency. Long-distance space travel is technically possible, but it still requires a significant amount of time, leaving distant galaxies isolated and largely disconnected. Humans are the only known species in the universe, and although genetic advancements are progressing rapidly, full-scale body modification is still in its early stages.

Despite the similar name, clockwork cult is nothing like the blood cult of Nar-Sie. While they both involve conversion (being cults) and both of their ultimate goals are to summon their respective gods, the similarities end there. While the blood cult is focused on sabotage, chaos, and stealth due to their status as normal crew, the servants of Ratvar need to worry about no such thing.
But there's one exception. As you and your crew approach a planet on the galaxy's outer edge, known for its rich resources and frequent, chaotic wars for control, you pick up a distress signal from the planet's surface. The signal leads you to an ancient mining base that's been abandoned for years. The broadcast from the base speaks of mysterious artifacts and technology—relics from a long-lost civilization—with capabilities that surpass anything humans have developed.

As a servant, you start on a z-level entirely separate from the station, called the City of Cogs (or Reebe, if you prefer.) This place can't normally be accessed by the station crew until a certain point, and comes outfitted with facilities for spying on, listening to, and getting onto the station, as well as disguises, spare materials, and an infirmary for healing yourself and fellow servants. Most importantly, it houses the '''Ark of the Clockwork Justiciar''', which you will need to defend.
You've heard stories of groups illegally stealing from this planet—run-of-the-mill pirates, you thought. But this distress signal makes you question everything. Why would governments and corporations seal off a mining planet? Why would pirates risk stealing from deserted bases? And why is this broadcast calling you there now? Nothing makes sense anymore...

From the start of the round, a 'maximum servant' value is calculated. Once this many servants have been converted, the crew will be made aware of your presence, and all servants will be transported to and prevented from leaving Reebe; then, after a five-minute grace period, portals will open up on the station and allow the crew access to Reebe, from an area in the south that no servants can access.<br>
{|width=100% border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
This process can be sped up, by having 6 servants stand around the Ark and invoke 'Gateway Invigoration' together.<br>
''As a servant, your goal is to build defenses and sabotage the station to protect the Ark until it activates.''
| rowspan = 12 align = "center" | '''Locations on Beestation'''<br> [[File:jobstemp.png|link=jobs]]
While such a task seems very daunting, rest easy! As a servant, you have a wide variety of tools at your disposal to make defending the Ark as painless as possible.
| style="background: #47a854; color: white; text-align: center;" |'''Anomalous Zone'''
| '''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Precipice|Precipice]]'''
=== The Clockwork Slab [[File:clockwork_slab.gif]] ===
| [[User:PowerfulBacon/Anomaly|Anomaly]]
If you have experience with the blood cult, you can think of the clockwork slab as your version of a tome. It is the essential servant tool; it contains all of your special abilities as a servant, and you should have it on your person at all times.
| rowspan = 3 style="background: #995522; color: white; text-align: center;" |'''Mining Zones'''
The clockwork slab has several functions:
| '''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Asteroids|Asteroid Belt]]'''
* '''Recital''' lets you recite ''scripture,'' the clockwork cult's special powers and abilities. Most structures come from scripture.
* '''Guide''' A small tab-based guide is located on the slab, allowing you to quickly get information about a small variety of topics, but since you are reading this, you probably won't need it.
* '''Up to Five Quickbind action buttons''' allow you to recite scripture without opening the slab interface. You can bind a scripture by clicking the Quickbind button next to its "Recite" button.
Clockwork slabs also generate a very small amount of power every second. ''Every human servant should have a slab!'' They're the key to any cult's success and you should have one at all times.
=== Your HUD [[File:Clockinfo.png|32px]] [[File:Hierophant_network.png|32px]] ===
As a servant, you'll have several elements on your HUD that are all very important.
[[File:Clockinfo.png|32px]] The '''global records display''' can be found in the top-right corner. Hovering over it will give you a short rundown of the status of the entire cult, including number of servants, stored power, and the Ark time left for its current phase. You should refer to this often to get a feeling for the state of your cult.
[[File:Hierophant_network.png|32px]] The '''Hierophant Network''' is '''''INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT!''''' Using it will allow you to send messages to all other servants, regardless of distance. Use this often to stay coordinated. Note that using it will make you whisper, so don't use it next to anyone who shouldn't be hearing you.
=== Power ===
Servants don't use their own blood to power their magic like Nar-Sie's cult. Instead, they use power, measured in Watts like normal electricity. Just any power doesn't work for servants' tools, though. Power can be generated in various ways through different items and structures. Ensuring that you have a healthy supply of power is both easy to do and critically important to succeed as a servant.
Power is used by many structures, and it is used to power all scripture. Additionally, reaching certain power thresholds will unlock new tiers of scripture!
'''50 kW''' unlocks the Script tier.
'''100 kW''' unlocks the Application tier,
=== The Eminence ===
The Eminence is your leader. Elected by the servants through the Eminence spire, they are not a normal servant; instead, they are invisible, incorporeal, and can only interact in very limited ways. Anything they say is relayed to all servants in large text, and their goal is to serve as overwatch, coordinator, and leader.
The Eminence can travel between the station and Reebe at will, and can move freely as an all-seeing eye. Holy water will block its path, and it cannot enter the Chapel, but it is otherwise unrestricted. Note that it can't understand anything said stationside unless war is declared, meaning that while it can see movements and planning, it cannot overhear what people are discussing.
The Eminence can left click on certain objects to have a special interaction with them. Click on a door to open it for your cultist buddies, or click on a servant to access a variety of different abilities.
{| class="wikitable" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Icon
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='80px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='659px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='70px'|Cooldown
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Linked Abscond'''
|Returns the targetted servant to Reebe. Anything the mob is dragging will be recalled too. The target does not require a slab, but needs to stand still for 7 seconds. Has an extremely log cooldown, but can get servants out of a pinch.
|600 seconds
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Purge Reagents'''
|Removes all chemicals from the target's bloodstream. Useful for clearing holy water from servants being deconverted.
|30 seconds
Finally, once per round, the Eminence can activate a mass recall. After a ten-second windup, coupled with a sound that all crew (servant or not) can hear, every living servant will be pulled directly to the Ark chamber.
== The City of Cogs and the Ark ==
Here is a map of the City of Cogs:
* '''The <span style='color:#FF0000'>red</span> room contains the Ark, which you need to defend.'''
* '''The <span style='color:#00FF00'>green</span> room contains the observation post. This is extremely important as the camera consoles can be used to access the station. They can be used by both servants and cogscarabs, however the cogscarabs will be extremely obvious on the station and are very weak.'''
* The <span style='color:#FF6A00'>orange</span> room contains a listening outpost, containing Rat'varian intercoms and a hierophant relay. In practise this room will be of little use to you since most of the time you will be out converting or building defences.
* The <span style='color:#00FFFF'>cyan</span> room contains a medical area, containing 4 sleepers which can inject any chemical into servants, as well as 2 standard medkits. There is a magic mirror on the northeastern wall of the medical room, which can be used to change your race to fit in better with the crew (or become a plasma-man and burn to death immediately).
* The <span style='color:#0094FF'>blue</span> room contains the storage area. There are a few clockwork slabs as spares here as well as 2 replica fabricators which can be used to summon brass for constructing defences.
=== The Ark ===
The Ark spawns at roundstart at the northernmost point in Reebe. As a servant, your ultimate goal is to defend it until activation (which occurs automatically when you convert enough servants or can be opened by having a set amount of servants stand around it while summoning 'Ark Invigoration'.) ''Defend the Ark with your life'' - if the Ark is destroyed, ''the round ends instantly with a cult loss.'' If it completes its summoning, however, it will result in a cult win and a brief period of revelation during which the cult and its servants are made unstoppable by the presence of Ratvar.
The Ark has five "phases", listed below. In each phase check your global info alert to see the remaining time until its activation.
{| class="wikitable" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='96px'|Appearance
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='150px'|Duration(s)
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='400px'|Description
|- style="text-align: center;"
Build Phase<br>
Prep Phase
|As long as it takes you to convert enough servants (charge-up)<br>5 minutes (grace period)
|The Ark starts in this state, during which it is silent. This entire phase marks the time during which the servants should build fortifications and actively prepare to defend the Ark. After the first phase passes, there is a 30-second warning for all servants to get back to Reebe. Once this time is up, ''all servants will become marked and visible to all non-servants, and a station-wide announcement will inform the crew of the Ark's presence.'' There is then a five-minute grace period during which neither side can attack, for servants to finalize preparations and the crew to get ready for the assault.
|- style="text-align: center;"
Defense Phase
|4 minutes
|When this phase begins, portals to Reebe will open up everywhere across the station in nearly every room over a one-minute timespan. Crew can enter these portals to emerge in one of the three spawn rooms, and cannot return to the station. This phase consists of the crew's first massive assault on Reebe, and is generally the hardest phase as the crew is at full strength.
|- style="text-align: center;"
Assault Phase
|4 minutes
|This timespan marks the middle of the crew's attack period. Any stragglers from the station have likely ended up on Reebe by this point (as well as anyone who took extra time to arm themselves) and will be actively trying to kill you. If you managed to fend off the initial assault, the worst should be over, but always keep an eye out for one-man armies.
|- style="text-align: center;"
Cleanup Phase
|2 minutes
|If you've made it to this point, congratulations; your victory is almost certainly assured by now. At this point, the crew has likely been butchered, converted, or both, and there is little to no resistance remaining to attempt to stop the Ark. During this lull, you should heal or revive any dead or dying servants, destroy any enemy corpses with vitality matrices, repair structures, and ensure nobody sneaks up on the Ark.
== Scriptures ==
Scripture are the unique powers that clockwork cultists possess. They cost power to consume and vary widely in effects; from healing allies to creating power generators to building defenses, they are one of your most vital tools as a servant, and secondary only to teamwork in ensuring your victory. To recite scripture, use your clockwork slab and make sure you have the Recital tab open.
Scripture is divided into three different groups: Servitude, Preservation and Structures. To use scriptures of any tier, you must first unlock it using 'cogs' - A currency unlocked by placing integration cogs into APCs. Placing an integration cog into an APC that has not previously had an integration cog installed will grant you a point for unlocking new scriptures, and will also have the added benefit of generating power.
=== Servitude ===
These scriptures are dedicated to the advancement of the cult, whether it be opening the gateway; converting new people or for generating power. These scruptures are the most important ones you have, and without using these it will be impossible to win.
{| class="wikitable" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Icon
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='80px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='140px'|Power Cost
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='659px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='70px'|Invocation Time
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='150px'|Invokers Required
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='50px'|Unlock Cost
|- style="text-align: center;"
|5 W
|Returns you to Reebe. If you're dragging a mob behind you, they will be transported too.
|5 seconds
|0 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|125 W
|Stuns and mutes a target from a short-range. Will not work on the chaplain, cultists and will only have a limited effect on those with mindshields (Silencing them, but not paralyzing them).
|3 seconds + 15 seconds to use it
|1 Cog
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Hateful Manacles'''
|25 W
|Applies cuffs to an adjacent target.
|1.5 seconds + 5 seconds to cuff
|1 Cog
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Dimensional Breach'''
|5 W
|Activates the Ark, alerting the crew of the presence of the cult
|5 seconds
|6 + 1 for every 12 crew members above 18 (7 for 30 crew, 8 for 42 crew)
|0 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Sigil of Submission'''
|250 W
|Summons a sigil of submission, which will convert anyone placed on top of it to the faith of Rat'var. The sigil requires that a victim is held on top of it for 8 seconds, and will not work on mindshielded or magic-proof crew.
|5 seconds
|1 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Vitality Matrix'''
|400 W
|Summons a vitality matrix, which drains the life force of non-servants, and can be used to heal or revive servants. The matrix only drains the health of people that cannot be converted but is useful when combined with traps such as the spike trap, which stuns those caught by it. It will heal 5 of all damage types every 2 seconds for 5 vitality, or can revive dead servants for a vitality cost 20 + the damage the body has.
|5 seconds
|2 Cogs
=== Preservation ===
Scriptures that are dedicated to keeping you and your fellow servants alive, mainly used during the combat phase once the Ark has opened.
{| class="wikitable" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Icon
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='80px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='140px'|Power Cost
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='659px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='70px'|Invocation Time
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='50px'|Invokers Required
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='50px'|Unlock Cost
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Clockwork Armaments'''
|250 W
|Summons a set of clockwork armour and weapons. Upon invocation, you will be given an option to whether you want a spear, battle-hammer or sword. The spear has insanely high throw damage and armour penetration, the battle-hammer will push enemies back on hitting them and the sword will emit an electromagnetic pulse with a 30-second cooldown upon hitting an enemy, making it a useful tool against those with stun batons and borgs.
|2 seconds
|1 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Summon Cogscarab'''
|Summon a Cogscarab shell, a weak drone shell useful for constructing defences while the servants convert and sabotage the crew. Cogscarabs have a 40% speed increase on all actions such as construction.
|12 seconds
|5 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Summon Clockwork Marauder'''
|Summons a Clockwork Marauder, a powerful warrior that can deflect ranged attacks.
|30 seconds
|6 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Sentinel's Compromise'''
|80 W
|Heals all damage loss on a target converting it back as 50% toxin loss to the invoker. Additionally heals all holy water from a target, sets their nutritional level to full, cures them of blindness, dizziness and blurriness cures nearsightedness, removes hallucinations and cures husks.
|1 seconds + 8 seconds to use
|1 Cog
|- style="text-align: center;"
|150 W
|Provides the user with 30 seconds of stun immunity, but half of the stun absorbed will be applied at once, knocking you unconscious if you receive more than 15 seconds of stuns.
|1 seconds + 30 seconds of use
|1 Cog
=== Structures ===
The scriptures in this section will create structures, which are detailed in the [[Clockwork_Cult#Structures|structures]] section of this guide, this section is dedicated to the scriptures that go with them.
{| class="wikitable" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Icon
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='80px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='140px'|Power Cost
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='659px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='70px'|Invocation Time
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='150px'|Invokers Required
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='50px'|Unlock Cost
|- style="text-align: center;"
|[[Clockwork_Cult#Structures|'''Abstraction Crystal''']]
|750 W
|Summons an Abstraction Crystal, which allows servants to manifest themself to protect the nearby area.
|5 seconds
|5 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|[[Clockwork_Cult#Structures|'''Interdiction Lens''']]
|500 W
|Creates a device that will slow non servants in the area and damage mechanised exosuits. Requires power from a sigil of transmission.
|8 seconds
|4 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|[[Clockwork_Cult#Structures|'''Ocular Warden''']]
|500 W
|Can eye turret that will fire upon nearby targets. Ocular wardens are highly resistant to energy damage, however very weak to physical forms of damage.
|5 seconds
|3 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|[[Clockwork_Cult#Structures|'''Prosperity Prism''']]
|300 W
|Creates a prism that will remove toxin damage and toxic chemicals from nearby servants. Requires power from a sigil of transmission.
|8 seconds
|2 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|[[Clockwork_Cult#Structures|'''Tinkerer's Cache''']]
|700 W
|Creates a tinkerer's cache, a powerful forge capable of crafting elite equipment.
|5 seconds
|4 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|600 W
|Creates a pedestal that will enchant any item placed upon it with a random effect however, the effects could be positive or negative!
|8 seconds
|2 Cogs
|- style="text-align: center;"
|'''Replica Fabricator'''
|400 W
|Summons a replica fabricator, a powerful tool that fabricates brass for building.<br>
''Fabricate'' - Fabricates 50 brass for a cost of 10W per sheet on an adjacent floor tile.<br>
''Convert'' - Converts a stack of materials into brass for free.
''Consume'' - Consumes brass and converts it into power with 100% efficiency.
''Repair'' - Repairs damaged clockwork structures.
|5 seconds
|2 Cogs
== Structures, Sigils, Objects, Constructs, and Cyborgs ==
This is a listing of the various structures and constructs available to the Servants of Ratvar.
=== Structures ===
Clockwork structures with effects become up to 50% less effective (at 25% of maximum health) as they lose health.
All structures can be unsecured from the floor with a wrench.<br>
This only applies to actual structures; brass windows, tables, and doors all have their own deconstruction/unsecuring steps.
{| class="wikitable" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Image
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='73px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='40px'|Health
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='560px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='280px'|Usage Tip
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='280px'|Deconstruction
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Clockwork Floor
|A clockwork floor produced by brass or a replica fabricator. Reebe is covered in an indestructible variety.<br>
Replica fabricators can swap between these and clockwork walls at a power cost.<br>
|Servants standing on clockwork floors heal 2 toxin damage per second.
|Can not be deconstructed.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Brass window single.png]]
|Brass Window
|A window produced with brass or by a replica fabricator.
|Provides a very small amount of CV and is a reasonable barrier.
|Use a screwdriver to unfasten the window from the floor. Use a wrench to disassemble the brass window.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Brass window.png]]
|Brass Window
|A full-tile window produced with brass or by a replica fabricator.
|Provides a small amount of CV and is a reasonable barrier.
|Use a screwdriver to unfasten the window from the floor. Use a wrench to disassemble the brass window.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Brass table.png]]
|Brass Table
|A brass table produced with brass or by a replica fabricator.<br>
Brass Tables can be removed by welding them, then wrenching or screwdrivering them.
|Provides a small amount of CV and a place to store items.
|Use a crowbar to weaken the table. Use a welding tool to deconstruct the table.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Wall Gear
|A gear produced with brass, by a replica fabricator, or by breaking down a clockwork wall.<br>
Wall gears can be climbed like tables, unwrenched from the floor, and, if unsecured, deconstructed with a screwdriver.
|Wall gears are essentially clockwork girders, can be plated with brass to construct a clockwork wall.
|Use a wrench to detach the gear from the floor. Use a screwdriver to deconstruct the gear.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Brass windoor.png]]
|Brass Windoor
|A windoor produced with brass or by a replica fabricator.
|Brass windoors only allow servants to pass.
|Use a screwdriver to open the maintenance panel. Use a crowbar to deconstruct.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Clockwork Wall
|A clockwork wall produced with brass or by a replica fabricator.<br>
Replica Fabricators can deconstruct clockwork walls for a refund of 1 kW power.
|Serves as a durable barrier. Can be superheated by the Eminence to prevent mechs from destroying them.
|Use a welder to weld the plating off of the wall. Afterwards, use a wrench on the resulting wall gear to detach it from the floor before using a screwdriver to deconstruct the gear.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Pinion airlock.png]]
|Pinion Airlock
|A Pinion airlock produced with brass or by a replica fabricator.<br>
Pinion airlocks can be removed by wrenching them, then crowbarring the gear off.
|Pinion Airlocks are difficult to remove and only allow servants to pass.
|Use a wrench to loosen the airlock's cogwheel, then use a crowbar to deconstruct the door.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Ocular Warden
|Ocular Wardens will automatically damage a target non-servant that can see it within 3 tiles of it.<br>
If the target has x-ray vision, it will attack them through walls. If the target is carrying a bible, it will target the bible first.<br>
It deals 15 damage per second, reduced by 5% for each tile between the target and warden, and 10% for each dense object.
|Ocular wardens, while lethal and powerful, are very easily smashed. Placing them behind barricades will make them more durable, but less damaging.
|Hit it with melee weapons as they have a strong resistance to ranged fire.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Abstraction Crystal
|Abstraction Crystals are powerful defensive tools, allowing 2 of them to link together on-demand, allowing the user to manifest a holoform at the other.<br>
Once manifested at the other, the manifestation will be able to attack, repair and do all normal actions a human can do, even if the person who manifested at the crystal was previously a cyborg or the Eminence.<br>
Manifestations share a health pool with the abstraction crystal they are linked to, and if either die, the other will be destroyed too.<br>
When the crystal or manifestation take damage, 40% of the damage taken will be received in the form of brute damage on the user, which can be easily healed using sleepers, brute kits or Sentinel's compromise.
|Abstraction crystals are extremely powerful defensive tools, and allow servants to fight on the front lines while only taking a small amount of damage themselves. Keep the abstraction crystal protected behind some pinion airlocks, since they are particularly fragile.
|Kill the active hologram or destroy the crystal by smashing it.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Prosperity Prism
|Rapidly heals toxin damage from servants within 4 unit range of it, at a rate of 10 toxin damage per second, and will also remove all stamina damage from nearby servants every second.
|Put these near the front lines to make fellow servants resistant to stun based weapons.
|Smash it with a toolbox of +3 robusting.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Interdiction Lens
|Forces nearby non-servants within 3 tiles to walk and slows them down by 50%.<br>
Projectiles entering the field will be weakened if not fired from a servant.<br>
Mechs within range will take 25 damage per second and be drained of 1kW per second.
|Use to destroy mechs and slow down attackers. Works through walls and doesn't require direct line of sight.
|Smash it with a crowbar of -1 robusting.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Applies a random effect to a weapon placed on top of it.<br>
* <b>Tightened</b>: You can no longer drop the item.<br>
* <b>Sharpened</b>: The item recieves +6 force.<br>
* <b>Small</b>: The weapons weight class is changed to tiny, allowing it to fit in pockets.<br>
* <b>Glow</b>: The item glows. (There is no lighting on Reebe, so this only affects the item when on the station!)<br>
* <b>Heat</b>: Item now does burn damage and has +2 force.<br>
* <b>Unbreakable</b>: The item can no longer be destroyed by normal means.<br>
* <b>Sentient</b>: The item is possessed by a ghost and can talk.<br>
* <b>Blunt</b>: The item loses 4 damage.<br>
* <b>Anti Magic</b>: The item now protects you from magic.<br>
* <b>Shungite</b>: The item protects you from EMPs and magic.
|Put a weapon on it randomly, get it stuck to your hand and be unable to drop it, cry.
|Smash it with a cakehat of +1 robusting or any other robust item.
| '''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Moon|Moon]]'''
=== Traps ===
Traps are useful objects produced with brass sheets. There are two types of trap: '''sender''' and '''receiver.'''<br>
'''Senders''' are objects like levers and pressure sensors. They detect certain conditions and, when those are met, send a signal to all receivers they're linked to.<br>
'''Receivers''' are the traps themselves, like brass skewers, that cause various things to occur when they receive a signal from a sender.<br>
Senders and receivers can be linked by attacking them with a clockwork slab. The Eminence can also trigger traps by clicking on them.<br>
Traps are built from brass sheets, and can be instantly deconstructed with a wrench.
{| class="wikitable" border="3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Image
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='73px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='40px'|Health
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='560px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='280px'|Usage Tip
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Brass lever.png]]
|Sender - Lever
|The most simple sender. Activates when clicked.
|It's a lever. There's nothing else to it.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Pressure sensor.png]]
|Sender - Pressure Sensor
|Pressure sensors trigger when a non-servant walks over them. They are mostly translucent in-game.<br>
|When built, pressure sensors will link with any receivers they're built on top of, to save time.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Brass repeater.png]]
|Sender - Delay
|When an input is received all connected items will be triggered after a half-second delay.
|Create a loop by linking 2 of them together.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Brass skewer.png]]
|Receiver - Brass Skewer
|A deadly spear trap. When not extended, it's difficult to see, appearing only a small, dark circle on the floor.<br>
When activated, it will become dense and block passage. If someone is standing on it, it will impale them, dealing heavy damage and hoisting them into the air.<br>
People impaled on skewers can use items and weapons, but not destroy the spear. They can resist to pull themselves off after 30 seconds, but can be helped off by another person after 6.<br>
Cyborgs will not be impaled, but will take massive damage.<br>
There must be a gap of one tile between any two skewers.
|Combines well with pressure sensors, for obvious reasons.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Receiver - Flipper
|A small panel in the floor which will throw objects on top of it when triggered.<br>
Can throw items and mobs, with a cooldown of 20 seconds between every use.
|Place spears and weapons on top of the flipper and activate it when invaders are walking past it for an extremely deadly trap.
| '''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Precipice|Precipice Mining Zone]]'''
=== Sigils ===
Sigils, while effective as unexpected traps, are incredibly fragile and can be easily removed by any non-servant hitting them with an item or simply striking them with an open hand.
You can stack multiple sigils of different types on a single tile, which allows you to create conversion traps, damage traps, or damaging conversion traps.
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! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Image
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='80px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='605px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='274px'|Usage Tip
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Vitality Matrix
|Vitality Matrices, when crossed by a non-Servant, will drain them of health, which fills all Matrices with Vitality, after a brief delay.<br>
When crossed by a Servant, however, it will use drained Vitality to rapidly heal them of all damage until it runs out of Vitality. It cannot do both at once.<br>
The Vitality Matrix can also revive dead Servants at a cost of 20 Vitality plus all of that Servant's non-oxygen damage in Vitality, in addition to consuming the Matrix.
|Use the Vitality Matrix to heal usually difficult-to-remove damage such as cloneloss.
|- style="text-align: center;"
![[File:Sigil of submission.png]]
|Sigil of Submission
|Sigils of Submission, when crossed by a non-Servant, will attempt to convert them after 8 seconds if they remain on the Sigil for that time.<br>
|Both successful and unsuccessful conversion attempts will stun and mute the target and send an announcement over the Hierophant Network.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Sigil of Transmission
|Sigils of Transmission, when crossed, will drain power from items and cyborgs that are not clockcultists, while recharging those who are.<br>
The sigil will power structures within 4 tile range, which is required for the interdiction lens and the prosperity prism.<br>
Mechs that cross on top of the sigil will also be affected, with ones piloted by servants being charged and those that are not being drained.<br>
Since any item that is on a servant is charged while they are standing on top of it, it can be used to recharge energy guns at a cost of the cult's power reserves.
|When crossed by a Servant cyborg, it will attempt to recharge that cyborg.
| rowspan = 2 style="background: #678bb5; color: white; text-align: center;" |'''[[User:PowerfulBacon/The Collective|The Collective]]'''
| '''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Alpha Station|Alpha Station]]'''
=== Constructs ===
| [[User:PowerfulBacon/Commanding Officer|Commanding Officer]], [[User:PowerfulBacon/Patrol Lead|Patrol Lead]], [[User:PowerfulBacon/Patrol Officer|Patrol Officer]], [[User:PowerfulBacon/Researcher|Researcher]], [[User:PowerfulBacon/Medical Specialist|Medical Specialist]], [[User:PowerfulBacon/Technician|Technician]]
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! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Image
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='73px'|Name
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='40px'|Health
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='520px'|Description
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='320px'|Playstyle Tips
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Clockwork Marauder
|Clockwork marauders are created by the scripture of the same name, and are well-rounded defensive constructs.<br>
They have a unique mechanic, called ''shield health.'' Using their shield, marauders can block projectiles.<br>
Each projectile the marauder is hit by has a 100% chance to be blocked, and will consume one shield health, regardless of damage.<br>
Once shield health expires, the shield shatters, and projectiles will damage it normally.<br>
Marauders regain one shield health every 20 seconds.
|As a marauder, you are the front line. Try to prioritize protecting your fellow servants. Don't be afraid to give your life.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Cogscarabs are friendly helper drones that cannot leave Reebe. Two shells spawn in the camera room at the start of the round, and can be activated by any ghost. You cannot obtain cogscarabs in any other way, meaning these two are the only two.<br>
Scarabs are outfitted with a full set of tools and a replica fabricator. Their primary goal is to build defenses, and they are physically incapable of leaving the City of Cogs.<br>
They can wield and use any kind of weapon, but can't fire guns, move slowly, and die fast.<br>
Activating a cogscarab shell during a non-clockwork cult round will allow you infinite power and the ability to recite scripture. This is for players to learn the ins and outs of the gamemode in a safe environment!
|Your entire purpose is to build. If power generation is insufficient, make do by cannibalizing unnecessary structures for brass.
| '''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Abandoned Mining Base|Abandoned Mining Base]]'''
| [[User:PowerfulBacon/Mining Base Survivor|Mining Base Survivor]]
=== Cyborgs ===
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! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='32px'|Image
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='73px'|Module
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='280px'|Scripture
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='120px'|Other Tools
! style='background-color:#E6A500;' width='480px'|Playstyle Tips
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Kindle, Abstraction Crystal
|Abscond, Brass Spear, Brass, Replica Fabricator
|As a standard cyborg, your options are more limited but your primary tool will be your brass for constructing defences, and the spear for killing off the invading force.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Ocular Warden, Tinkerer's Cache, Stargazer, Abstraction Crystal
|Abscond, Replica Fabricator, Brass
|As an Engineering cyborg, your primary use is to build defences. Use the Abstraction Crystals to manifest as a human and invoke scriptures you wouldn't normally have access to and to attack humans in a more agile body. Additionally, any damage you take while manifested at an abstraction crystal can easily be repaired using your welding tool, making you able to create as many manifestations as you have crystals. You will still need to work with your fellow servants or use abstraction crystals to create sigils of submission for power.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Sigil of Submission, Kindle, Vanguard
|As a Janitor cyborg, you are effective at quickly converting easy targets. Using kindle, you can stun targets; however, make sure you have the sigil of submission already ready since you do not have any way to restrain targets once they have been captured.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Vanguard, Sentinel's Compromise, Prosperity Prism
|As a Medical cyborg, you exist to heal and defend other Servants; with Sentinel's Compromise you are extremely able to revive allies during combat.<br>
You're a combat medic; with Vanguard and Sentinel's Compromise, you are very difficult to kill or disable.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Vanguard, Kindle, Sigil of Submission
|As a Peacekeeper cyborg, you have the same gear as a janitor cyborg allowing you to convert easy targets however, keep in mind this task is difficult without restraints.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Vanguard, Sigil of Submission, Kindle, Sentinel's Compromise
|Abscond, Replica Fabricator
|As a Service borg, you exist to assist other Servants; you can hand out brass and heal other servants. Additionally, you have access to kindle and sigil of submission which is extremely useful when paired up with a human cultist.
|- style="text-align: center;"
|Vanguard, Ocular Warden, Sentinel's Compromise
|As a Miner cyborg, you're mostly defensive combat-based; you're able to dish out damage with your own kinetic accelerator and create ocular wardens to attack any incoming cultists.<br>
| rowspan = 2 style="background: #d19869; color: white; text-align: center;" |'''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Foragers|Foragers]]'''
| '''[[User:PowerfulBacon/Forager Vessel|Forager Vessel]]'''
| [[User:PowerfulBacon/Forager|Forager]]

== Cult Strategy ==
== Meta ==
The primary threats in the defensive phase are the advanced weapons in the armoury, cargo, and science. One of your primary objectives should be to disrupt the production of such devices before the five minute grace period. The armoury can be easily looted with the help of the eminence to open a path for you, genetics and cargo can be subverted or destroyed, Research can be wiped with a screwdriver and teleports to three rooms, and recovery of these assets can be prevented with a trip to engineering storage.  Your teleport is basically free, abuse this as often as possible.  armoury weapons are much more powerful and concealable then anything you get early in the round.
A cultist or so should spend some time building walls, defences, and traps from the top down for when the crew attempts to invade. Each room and set of defences and traps will serve as a means to divide up the invading crew and create advantages for those defending. At times it might be more advantageous to, when trapping a crewmember during the invasion, to attempt to convert them to the cult instead. If you're unlucky you wasted time converting someone with a mindshield implant, otherwise, your numbers just grew by one, and theirs down by one!
You can teleport into areas without the crew knowing by warping into airlocks. Extra points if you have kindle prepared beforehand for an instant warp-->stun, allowing you to quickly nab important targets such as the HOP; but be careful, those with a mindshield will be immune to your stuns so staying quiet will be very helpful, although not a necessity.
== Threats to the Enlightened ==
Although the servants of Ratvar are gifted with great power, they are still threatened by many things on the station. This can range from enemy cultists to things as simple as hard vacuum.
=== [[Blood Cult|Nar-Sian Dogs]] [[File:Cultist.png]] ===
The one thing that Ratvar hates more than people telling him that he has a bad name are the followers of his nemesis, Nar-Sie. Not only are Ratvar's servants incapable of converting them, but they endeavor to do the very thing that Ratvar wants to prevent: Nar-Sie's arrival into the mortal plane. The two cults are enemies of one another, serving rival gods with rival goals. As such, Ratvarian magic will be more effective against Nar-Sian cultists. The opposite is also true; much of Nar-Sie's magic is more effective against Ratvar's servants.
=== [[Security]] and the [[Chaplain]] [[File:Generic_hos.png]][[File:Generic_chaplain.png]] ===
Nar-Sie's cult is generally absent on the stations that Ratvar's servants are present, but the watchful eye of [[Security]] and [[Chaplain|heretical priests]] is ever-present. A tactical security assault can demolish the most well-prepared servant defences, and the [[Chaplain#Null_Rod|chaplain's holy weapon]] weakens the Justiciar's magic; a holy weapon makes the user totally immune to the affects of sigils, for instance, and [[Chaplain#GET_BEHIND_ME_NAR-NAR_RATVAR|holy water]] will purge the light of Ratvar from even the most powerful servant's mind, given time.
It should be one of the servants' top priorities to [[Guide to toxins|damage]] and [[Armory|hamper]] Security. The [[Warden]] and the [[Head of Security]] can issue powerful weapons to loyal crew, which will make your time defending a whole lot harder if the crew is armed with e-guns and laser guns rather than spears. Keep in mind that servants cannot normaly convert security officers due to their [[Security_items#Mindshield_Implant|mindshield implants]], though. If you feel like going the extra mile, you can abduct an officer (or, even better, the HoS), and teleport them to [[Operating Theater|Surgery]] with a friend to [[Beyond the impossible|surgically remove the implant in order to convert them]]. As for the chaplain? Well, Ratvar says "Suffer not a heretic to live", so the answer should be self-evident.
== Ratvar ==
Once you've defended the Ark for enough time, Ratvar will come forth.
His destructive power is unmatched, turning the minds of the unenlightened and twisting the very walls to suit his image.
Few things are capable of challenging Ratvar's sheer power.

One of them is Nar-Sie.

If Ratvar and Nar-Sie encounter one another,
=== Design Proposals ===

Th̗̮̪̹́ͅe̘n̺ ̤̣͟ơ͙͈̻n̵̘̦l̫̬̀ͅyͅ ̲ò̮̤n̼̻̼̖̭̪͠ͅe̬͚͕̲̻̰ ҉͚̞͙̞̭̼s̡͖h̜̻̞̣̩̟ͅa̴͉͍̯̟͎̠l̳̝̖̫͞ḷ͔̘̞͞ ̯̞̥̱̲͙̕ͅe̛̙m̦̻̗̹̝̹͘e͈r̫g͕͉̠e͢ ̮͎̗̮̭̭̝a̱͍͍ͅl͙̗͔̹̻̗͈i͕͕̣̫̳̞v̗͈͍͝e.̛̟



{{Game modes}}
[[Category: Jobs]] [[Category:Game Modes]]

Latest revision as of 23:12, 21 May 2024

Important Notice (READ ME) (READ ME) (READ ME)

Nothing on this page or any of the sub-pages is official, nor canon. This is simply my workspace and will not be orgnaised for your convenience. This is essentially a fan-page and a source for ideation. Nothing on this page is in development, or has any plans to be in development.

Every place, every person, every thing has its own story, all of which diverging and crossing paths in interesting ways. The only thing that ties them all together is the desire to understand the unknown, anomalous forces left behind by whatever entities passed through here...

Story Overview

This story, along with its related sub-pages, takes place in a near-future world that's both familiar and distinct. We've yet to master teleportation, faster-than-light travel, or resurrection of the dead—concepts that could disrupt the world's continuity and consistency. Long-distance space travel is technically possible, but it still requires a significant amount of time, leaving distant galaxies isolated and largely disconnected. Humans are the only known species in the universe, and although genetic advancements are progressing rapidly, full-scale body modification is still in its early stages.

But there's one exception. As you and your crew approach a planet on the galaxy's outer edge, known for its rich resources and frequent, chaotic wars for control, you pick up a distress signal from the planet's surface. The signal leads you to an ancient mining base that's been abandoned for years. The broadcast from the base speaks of mysterious artifacts and technology—relics from a long-lost civilization—with capabilities that surpass anything humans have developed.

You've heard stories of groups illegally stealing from this planet—run-of-the-mill pirates, you thought. But this distress signal makes you question everything. Why would governments and corporations seal off a mining planet? Why would pirates risk stealing from deserted bases? And why is this broadcast calling you there now? Nothing makes sense anymore...

Locations on Beestation
Anomalous Zone Precipice Anomaly
Mining Zones Asteroid Belt
Precipice Mining Zone
The Collective Alpha Station Commanding Officer, Patrol Lead, Patrol Officer, Researcher, Medical Specialist, Technician
Abandoned Mining Base Mining Base Survivor
Foragers Forager Vessel Forager



Design Proposals



