Custom shuttles are a way to build functioning shuttles that can maneuver around the station and other z-levels. While normal space ruin shuttles are free, custom shuttles require fuel and a lot of time to get working properly, so be ready for a huge commitment if you want to fly around on your own private shuttle.
Custom shuttles require a lot more maintenance than other shuttles, such as the Whiteship ruin however, they don't require you to get lucky and hope that it spawns.
Found in: Built using a circuitboard from engineering or science. Used for: Selecting and flying to destinations. Once built use the rapid shuttle designator to link to the shuttle.
The flight console is the main controller of the shuttle, this machine is important for shuttles and will allow you to target and fly to destinations.
The flight console can target 2 destinations by default:
- The auxiliary docking port.
- Custom target selected through the shuttle docking station.
This computer doesn't actually have to be built on the shuttle and can be placed station-side if you need to recall your ship in a pinch because someone peacefully borrowed it for their needs.
Calculate Stats
The 'calculate stats' button calculates the stats of the shuttle allowing you to see how it will perform.
Sublight Velocity
The subspace velocity of a shuttle is a measure of the engine power relative to the size of the shuttle. If this value is lower than 1, the shuttle will not operate and higher values will knock or even throw the people inside around. The advantage, however, of making this higher is that you will reach your destination faster.
Shuttle Mass
A measure of how much is on the shuttle. This is directly proportional to the number of turfs on the shuttle, so filling your shuttle with heavy machines will not decrease its speed.
Engine Force
Engine force is a measure of the combined power of all of the active engines. Engines that have no fuel or an incorrect setup (no heater) will not be included in this calculation. The more force you have, the greater the sublight velocity will be.
Fuel Consumption
This is the combined amount of plasma that the engines will use per distance moved.
Fuel Consumption * Distance = Plasma Cost
Engine Cooldown
The time it takes for you to be able to move again after you move the ship. In practice, even if this value is very high, the shuttle will still be able to move only a short amount of time after moving, so there isn't much to worry about for this.
Found in: Built using a circuitboard from engineering or science. Used for: Choosing a custom destination to fly to, for when you want to actually go somewhere other than the auxillery port. Once built use the rapid shuttle designator to link to the shuttle.
The private navigation computer allows for the pilot(s) to select a destination to fly to on the current z-level. Much like the whiteship docker, it can jump to any Bluespace Gigabeacon, but by default will only allow you to view the current z-level and the station z-level.
Using the console will give you a view of the ship, as well as a map of the current z-level allowing you to move around freely and set a target destination, which takes 10 seconds.
If war is declared, this console will not be usable and the shuttles will only be able to travel to the station's auxiliary docking port, as well as most ships (such as the nuclear operative ship) being invisible on this camera.
Found in: Built using a circuitboard from engineering or science. Used for: Required by shuttles to actually move.
The void thruster is an incredibly powerful (overpowered) thruster that requires no heater, no fuel and produces a ridiculous amount of thrust, however it requires alien tech to be researched prior to the research that unlocks it.
Thrust = 400N
Fuel Use = Does not use fuel
Cooldown = 9 seconds
Does not require an engine heater at all to operate.
Building your shuttle
1. Building the frame
To start, build the frame of your shuttle.
-The frame must be airtight and all corners must be filled, place walls over where you want your thrusters to be, and remove them later.
-The frame must have at least 1 door.
-Any turfs that extrude from the hull will not be included
2. Define the area as a shuttle
Grab your rapid shuttle designator (available from science or engineering) and use it in your hand. If everything worked correctly, the area should be logged and you will be prompted to choose an airlock as the docking port. Great! If everything worked fine move to step 3, if not view the troubleshooting table below.
Using your shuttle
Additional Infomation
Just like standard pilotable shuttles, if war is declared on gamemodes such as Nuclear Emergency or Clock Cult, the shuttle docker will not function, although the shuttle will still be pilotable to pre-defined docks (The auxiliary dock).