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Company Structure

The Shareholders

The shareholders exist above the operations of Nanotrasen and have full control over the company. It is headed by people with significant investment and control in the company.

  • There are currently 12 board members, which are the 12 with significant control.
  • More than 12 people own shares in Nanotrasen, but not enough to sit on the board.
  • The top 4 members of the board own over 50% of the company, these elite board members are responsible for most decisions.
  • Most of the share-holders are other companies which manage investment, with representitives from their companies sitting on the board.
  • The non-company shareholders are members of an extremely rish family who gained their wealth founding Nanotrasen, though by many members of the family have sold their shares in exchange for their fortunes.
  • The board have complete power over the company and all other branches.

Executive Branch

Revenue Streams

Nanotrasen is known as 'the' space manufactoring company and is the trusted brand for space expeditions. The trust in its brand and safety record (Which is very good relatively due to corporate sabotage) allow it to offer services with a significant upcharge.

Defence Contracting

Nanotrasen works closely with governments developing advanced weapons technology, including energy and laser based weapons. Notably, they do not produce ballistic weapons, instead opting entirely for energy based weapons. Their weapons range from personnel weapons to mounted cannons used on battleships and defence emplacements.

Chartered Space Missions

Nanotrasen owns a large number of stations and ships, which they generate revenue off of by chartering missions with them and their crews.


Nanotrasen invests in a large number of space-related companies, many of which have gone on to be extremely successful. This represents a major portion of its revenue stream.