User:Belone/space law

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Space Law applies to all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station. Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law. Any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law.

Central Command can authorize pardons for crimes as they see fit.

Interpretation of the Law.

In order to ensure workplace productivity, an operating knowledge of Space Law is important for Nanotrasen employees. More in-depth knowledge of Space Law is required for positions such as Lawyer, Warden, and Head of Security.

For certain crimes, the intention of the accused is important. The difference between Murder and Manslaughter can be hard to ascertain. When in doubt, you should default to the lesser crime.

Multiple Counts - Charging someone with multiple counts of a crime is disallowed. Even if someone steals every toolbox on the station, it is only one count of Petty Theft.

Knowingly aiding a criminal is Aiding and Abetting. Offenders are to be charged with the same sentence as the person they helped with a minimum charge of five minutes.

Crime Stacking

The rules regarding crime stacking (charging someone with multiple crimes simultaneously) are:

Crimes with the same last 2 digits in their crime number (e.g: 102/202/302) can never be stacked together. Crimes with notes that say they don't stack with another crime, obviously cannot be stacked with that crime. Crimes which are very similar (e.g: contraband and drug possession, for the same item) cannot be stacked together. Charge only the most serious crime. Otherwise, crimes CAN be stacked together. e.g: you can charge someone with BOTH 208 breaking and entering AND 107 petty theft for breaking in and stealing something. The timers are added together.

Additional Clarifications

Executions can be done only by electric chair, lethal injection, firing squad, gas inhalation or asphyxiation. Other means of Execution are illegal unless a prisoner requests them. Cyborgification, either as a means of execution or posthumously, is also a valid option.

In cases where the final sentence is equal to or greater than 60 minutes, it is to be changed to a Permanent Imprisonment sentence. The greater good of the station should be considered when sentencing. If someone breaks into the AI Core to destroy a malfunctioning AI there is no need to charge them. Likewise, if the station is under attack by Nuclear Operatives you probably shouldn't be brigging people for trespassing. The intent of Space Law is to protect the station and the crew, not to hinder them.

Space Law

Crime Codes Quick Reference

Use this to quickly find Crime Code Numbers.

Crime codes are organized by a Category Code (_xx) which is a collection of non-stackable crimes on a row, prefixed by the Severity Number (X__)

Code 1XX - Minor
(2 minutes)
2XX - Medium
(5 minutes)
3XX - Major
(10 minutes)
4XX - Exceptional
5XX - Capital
00 Damage to Station Assets Workplace Hazard Sabotage Grand Sabotage
01 Battery Assault Assault with a Deadly Weapon Manslaughter Murder
02 Drug Possession Drug Distribution
03 Possession of a Weapon Possession of a Restricted Weapon Possession of Explosives
04 Indecent Exposure Rioting Inciting a Riot Mutiny
05 Abuse of Equipment Unauthorized use of Confiscated Equipment
06 Petty Theft Theft Grand Theft
07 Trespass Breaking and Entering Major Trespass
08 Resisting Arrest Battery of an Officer Assault of an Officer Attempted Murder
09 Insubordination Dereliction of Duty Enemy of the Corporation

Modifiers Quick Reference

Use this to quickly find Modifiers and their values.

Some modifiers, such as Repeat Offender, Aiding and Abetting, and Parole have special clauses and conditions.

Situation Modifier Situation Modifier
Aiding and Abetting Partner's sentence; minimum 5 Medical Attention Running Timer
Central Command Directive Sentence Overridden Parole Parole Until Release
Cooperation with Security 50% reduction Refusal to Cooperate 50% addition
Repeat Offender +5 mins on 3rd same offense Hostile Brainwashing Deconversion & Release
Self Defense Immediate Release Immediate Threat to Prisoner Immediate Release/Relocation
Surrender 50% reduction

Minor Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable by a verbal warning or sentence up to 2 minutes at the discretion of Security.

The detective files a report during his investigation on Punpun's murder.
Security temporarily transfers a permabrig prisoner to a smaller cell due to safety concerns.
Code Image Crime Description Notes
100 File:SL Damage to Station Assets.png Damage to Station Assets To deliberately damage the station or station property to a minor degree with malicious intent. Departmental Pets, Cyborgs, Xenobio golems, and personal pets are station property. Graffiti is not considered Damage to Station Assets, but destruction of personal belongings or property is. For serious damage to station property, see Sabotage.
101 File:SL Battery.png Battery To use minor physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure them. Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see Assault.
102 File:SL Drug Posession.png Drug Possession To possess space drugs, ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, aranesp, bath salts, or other narcotics, by unauthorized personnel. Botanists and MedSci staff are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation. For distribution, see Narcotics Distribution.
103 File:SL Indecent Exposure.png Indecent Exposure To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. Running around the station naked or otherwise unclothed.
104 File:SL Weapon Posession.png Possession of a Weapon To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of one's job. Items capable of a high level of damage such as saws, axes, spears, stunprods, and hatchets fit into this category. If the item is part of someone's assigned duties they are permitted to carry it. For restricted weapons, see Possession of a Restricted Weapon.
105 File:SL Abuse of Equipment.png Abuse of Equipment To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion. The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties.
106 File:SL Petty Theft.png Petty Theft To take items from areas one lacks access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole. Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. Resisting demotion is considered Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see Theft.
107 File:SL Trespass.png Trespass To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station. Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and Theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see Major Trespass.
108 File:SL Resisting Arrest.png Resisting Arrest To resist an officer who attempts a proper arrest or search. Personnel that have been illegitimately arrested cannot be charged with this law. Screaming over comms is not Resisting Arrest. The person must be actively attempting to either run away, or attack the arresting officer.

Medium Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 5 minutes at the discretion of Security.

Security processing a suspected cultist.


Code Image Crime Description Notes
200 File:SL Creating A Workplace Hazard.png Creating a Workplace Hazard To endanger the crew or station through negligent but not deliberately malicious actions. Examples of this crime involve accidental plasma leaks, slipping hazards, accidentally shocking doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is. For Workplace Hazards that lead to death, see Manslaughter. Failure to follow legal security and command orders during Code Red may constitute Creating a Workplace Hazard.
201 File:SL Assault.png Assault To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. To cause serious but non-critical harm to another crewmember including, but not limited to, forcible/deceptive ingestion of toxic or illicit substances.
202 File:SL Drug Distribution.png Drug Distribution To distribute drugs and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown. Forcing or tricking someone to consume illicit or harmful substances, such as space drugs, is Assault. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see Drug Possession.
203 File:SL Posession of a Restricted Weapon.png Possession of a Restricted Weapon To be in possession of a restricted weapon without authorization such as: Guns, Batons, Non-Beneficial Grenades/Explosives, etc. Any item that can cause severe bodily harm carried by an unauthorized person. The Bartender is permitted their shotgun and beanbag rounds. The Captain and Head of Security can issue weapon permits. For non-restricted weapons, see Possession of a Weapon. For detonation of explosives, see Sabotage or Grand Sabotage.
204 File:SL Rioting.png Rioting To partake in an unauthorized and disruptive assembly of crewmen. It is required to order the crowd to disperse; failure to disperse is the crime, not the assembly itself. Crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offenses. For the ringleader of a riot, see Inciting a Riot.
205 File:SL Abuse of Confiscated Equipment.png Unauthorized use of Confiscated Equipment To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence without authorization by the Head of Security or Captain/Acting Captain. Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence unless authorized by the Head of Security or Captain/Acting Captain, with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags, this law may be overriden if presented by an immediate emergency. For general abuse of security equipment, see Abuse of Equipment.
206 File:SL Robbery.png Robbery To steal items from another's person. Remember to return the stolen items to the lawful owner. Stealing an ID is the most common and serious form of robbery. If the victim was SSD, ahelp it - this isn't allowed. For robbery of more valuable items, see Theft or Grand Theft.
207 File:SL Breaking & Entering.png Breaking and Entering Forced entry to areas where the subject does not have access to. This counts for general areas. Actual entry needs to occur for this law to apply. Damage to external surfaces without entry is to be considered Damage to Station Assets. Does not stack with Damage to Station Assets unless damages also occurred after entry. For secure areas, see Major Trespass.