While Nanotrasen takes a hard stance against practitioners of certain faiths, the vast reaches of space are home to a number of more or less peaceful religions that employees are free to follow. One may select their religion and deity while setting up their character.
As a chaplain: Your choice of religion will determine the title of your Holy Book. If you decide to choose a religion not recognized by the game's code, your starting Bible will be renamed to "The Holy Book of (Your Religion)". The name of your deity affects certain in game lines, such as those automatically spoken when performing an exorcism. The power of (deity) compels you!
List of Religions
Deity: Space Jesus (by default), Christ, God
Holy Book: Bible, The Holy Bible, The Dead Sea Scrolls
Christianity is the default, and presumably most common religion in the vast reaches of Nanotrasen controlled space. Christianity comes in Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox flavors, though many bizarre and fun heresies exist. Some stations come with wine, communion wafers and confessional booths for the aspiring Christ follower.
Deity: Satan, Prince of Darkness, Lucifer
Holy Book: The Unholy Bible
Sacrifice virgins atop unholy runes you drew on the floor in crayon! Be blasphemous and attract new followers using the seduction of a life of hedonism freedom from traditional religion!
Holy Book: