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*'''Bags of Holding''': If you can get within one or two squares of the blob core, creating a [[singularity]] there will almost certainly eat the blob core and win the game. DON'T DO THIS IF YOU CAN'T GET EXTREMELY CLOSE AS THERE'S NO PREDICTING LORD SINGULOTH. If things are going really bad, though, and you can still get reasonably close there's a chance this may be your only hope. Because there's no assurances here you might end up killing everybody. Ahelp before doing this to get the ok.
*'''Bags of Holding''': If you can get within one or two squares of the blob core, creating a [[singularity]] there will almost certainly eat the blob core and win the game. DON'T DO THIS IF YOU CAN'T GET EXTREMELY CLOSE AS THERE'S NO PREDICTING LORD SINGULOTH. If things are going really bad, though, and you can still get reasonably close there's a chance this may be your only hope. Because there's no assurances here you might end up killing everybody. Ahelp before doing this to get the ok.
[[Category:Game Modes]]

Revision as of 15:34, 16 October 2013

Blob is a game mode in Secret where a large green blob infests the station and starts destroying everything its path, including hull, fixtures and creatures. Note that this differs from the blob random event, as this blob is player-controlled. The crew must destroy the blob until it destroys a pre-determined amount of the station. If the crew manage to destroy the blob core, the crew will win. But if the blob manages to spread to a predetermined size, the crew will lose.

Mean Green Mother From Outer Space

In the Blob game mode, the blob is controlled by a player, called The Overmind. A number of players are selected to play the blob. They are technically infected and have to choose a location for the blob's base in a random time limit. As time passes the player will get messages which will indicate when they are about to burst.


So you're infected with Blobitis. Sucks to be you! But you can make it suck less to be you by ensuring the easy survival of your future self.

The best place for a blob to choose a base is in an inaccessible area, decreasing the chance of being spotted and being contained; but be warned, it has to be on the station Z-level and on a floor, otherwise you will instantly lose. Think along the lines of good Xeno hiding spots. It can also be strategic to spawn in places that will cripple the crew once you destroy them, like the SMESes or telecoms (be sure not to do anything stupid, like releasing the singularity.) Make sure you're somewhere safe before you burst!

Before you go all blob on everyone, it is also valid to perform antag actions (within reason) like a normal traitor to increase your chances of winning.


Blobs can attack players who are directly (not diagonally) adjacent to them. The blob can also spend resource tiles to place blob pieces. Blob pieces can expand into space, but it is much slower than onto a clear floor tile, which can be useful for slowing down the regeneration of the tiles around the blob core.

The overmind can also decide to place special blob pieces which have special functions and abilities. The overmind must have resource points to replace the normal blob pieces with special versions and to expand where the overmind desires. The blob core will produce resource points at a normal rate but to get more the overmind will have to place resource blobs next to it's core or a node, which acts like a core and gradually expands normal blob pieces outwards.

This is a list of all the blob types that the overmind can spend resource points on to buy and replace normal blob pieces with. There are limits on how close you can put the same special blob to each other, for example the resource blob cannot be near another resource blob.

Core Blob is the most important part of you, it is the brain of the blob and the heart. You cannot have more than one core so you must protect it at all costs, or you will die. It will regenerate health on its own, and you can keep track of it's life from your HUD.

Normal Blob will expand your reach and allow you to upgrade into special blobs that perform certain functions.

Strong Blob is a strong and expensive blob which can take more damage. It is fireproof and can block air, use this to protect yourself from station fires.

Resource Blob is a blob which will collect more resources for you, try to build these earlier to get a strong income. It will benefit from being near your core or multiple nodes, by having an increased resource rate; put it alone and it won't create resources at all.

Node Blob is a blob which will grow, like the core. Unlike the core it won't give you a small income but it can power resource and factory blobs to increase their rate.

Factory Blob is a blob which will spawn blob spores which will attack nearby food. Putting this nearby nodes and your core will increase the spawn rate; put it alone and it will not spawn any spores.


  • CTRL+Click: Expand Blob
  • ALT+Click: Create Shield Blob
  • Middle Mouse Click: Rally Spores


The Emergency Shuttle will not come during blob mode. Nor will the blob spare you or your precious station from a horrible death. Guess you better take it down fast, then.

Tools of the Trade

Most of your weapons are useless against blobs. The blob doesn't give a fuck about brute damage, nor is it able to be stunned. Generally speaking, what you will want is to do burn damage. (NOTE: This does NOT mean setting fire to everything!) Here are some tools at your disposal:

  • Welding tools: Cheap, readily available from YouTool machines (hack them for two more Upgraded Welding Tools) or the autolathe. Grab one and start burning away. Make a path towards a resource node and take it out. One guy with a welder isn't going to be able to breach the core, so don't try. Make sure to attack on the diagonals as much as possible as the blob can't attack things it doesn't have a blob square directly adjacent to on a cardinal direction. Don't let yourself get surrounded. It's a good idea to grab some welding fuel tanks to keep nearby so you can refuel quickly, but make sure your welder is OFF before refueling, and be sure the blob doesn't get close enough to absorb them.
  • Laser weaponry: Available in the Armory, in certain heads of staff's quarters and through R&D or Cargo. Resist the temptation to just charge one gun then fire it off. If you're carrying the whole armory you'll be more effective if you have the ability to fire them all in series. Grab the chargers and wrench them a good distance from the blob so you can recharge, but make sure the blob doesn't eat them.

If you're in cargo, take the time to order as many guns as possible before you run off to fight. This is the one round type people will love you for running gun cargo.

  • Emitters: Set them up as far away from the blob as you can while still striking the core. If the blob reaches them, they're gone. Three emitters side by side matched against the core is a one sided match.
  • IEDs: The modest explosion is enough to rip a bit of the blob apart without destroying the floor and ruining atmos for people. Throw them in when you see weakness in the blob's defenses to tear open an attack point.
  • Flashbangs: Two flashbangs will destroy all weak blobs in a large area, allowing people to rush in and ruin the special blob squares. If you don't warn people you're using these, they might get stunned and eaten by the blob. Give people a chance to clear the area.

Once again: DO NOT USE FLAMETHROWERS OR PLASMA FIRES. They are useless and will only make the rest of the crew die and hate you.

Risky Measures

(Do not use these unless shit has really hit the fan, or else you might be banned. When in doubt, adminhelp to see whether the Cuban Pete inferno you are about to unleash is

  • Superheated Gas: Hot gases will eat away at a blob, but just setting a plasma tank on fire does more harm than good as it won't burn hot enough to reliably destroy blob pieces, so preheat your shit. If atmos hasn't been ruined yet you're doing more harm than good doing this.
  • Bombs: Bombs can destroy any piece of the blob except for the core proper, if the round's been dragging on and atmos is ruined, it's not a terrible idea provided you have something to hit the blob with AFTER there's a gaping bomb hole in the ground.
  • Bags of Holding: If you can get within one or two squares of the blob core, creating a singularity there will almost certainly eat the blob core and win the game. DON'T DO THIS IF YOU CAN'T GET EXTREMELY CLOSE AS THERE'S NO PREDICTING LORD SINGULOTH. If things are going really bad, though, and you can still get reasonably close there's a chance this may be your only hope. Because there's no assurances here you might end up killing everybody. Ahelp before doing this to get the ok.