Society if QM is a head of staff (soon)
Job | Role | Difficulty |
![]() Quartermaster |
Oversee the operations of cargo, ordering equipment with credits, and ensure techs do their jobs. The quartermaster ensures that the station remains equipped with requested gear that may be helpful to stop threats. | Medium |
Equal rank with all other non-captain Heads of Staff. Oversees the Supply department, including Cargo Technicians and Shaft Miners.
Required knowledge: Managing Cargo Techs, how to operate the Cargo Bay.
Round-start to-do list: Check how many Cargo Techs and Miners are on shift, get them doing something useful such as collecting crates and doing bounties and remind miners to
Main tasks: Processing crew order requests. Find ways to make money for the station. Make sure the miners are alive.
Main problems: Hostile and impatient crew members, syndicate sympathizers, miners not appreciating you taking some plasma for money, inept cargo techs, miners dying in the first five minutes, lavaland lizards, and Security. Depending on your loyalty to the station you will either face problems from Security or revolutionary's/ cultists/ the grey-tide.
== Chain of command ==
The chain of command goes as follows.
Captain -> Head of Personel -> Research Director-> Chief Engineer -> Chief Medical Officer -> Quartermaster -> Head of Security
The chain of command determines who becomes the acting captain if one is not present, as well as succession should the captain die.
A head may choose to pass his duty as acting captain to anyone lower in the chain if they cannot fulfill their duties. You may not pass the duty of acting captain to a non-command member.