Talk:Virology Policy
A breakdown of severity of current viro symptoms. Viruses that are exclusively [+] symptoms have no downsides at all and so cannot make viro valid or warrant admin intervention. Viruses that only have [0] and/or [M] symptoms may make viro valid on LRP, and may be RP break on MRP. But overall are unlikely to be grief unless they are exceptionally creative. Viruses that have [-] symptoms are grief viruses. Viruses with [L] symptoms are murder viruses. Viruses with [F] symptoms are potential murderbone viruses, depending on how fast they spread.
([+] - beneficial and/or no drawbacks; [0] - Beneficial, has drawbacks; [M] - meme symptom, no real damage but can be annoying; [-] - no benefit, only drawbacks; [L] - lethal; [F] - press F to pay respects)
- [M] Alopecia
- [F/+] Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ([+] if combined with Self Respiration or if reserved for races that don't breathe)
- [F] Alkali perspiration
- [F/+] Autophageocytosis Necrosis ([+] if reserved for undead crewmen)
- [L/0] Bee Infestation ([0] if Resistance 12+)
- [-/0/F] Biometallic Replication ([0] if Stage Speed 13+; [F] if combined with Organic Flux)
- [L/F] Blob Spores ([F] if combined with Stealth 2+ Regen Coma)
- [-] Confusion
- [0] Cornu Cutaneum
- [-] Coughing
- [-] Deafness
- [0..F/0] Deoxyribonucleic Acid Saboteur ([0] if Stage Speed 14+; otherwise the danger is random from annoyance to certain death)
- [-] Ducatopod
- [+] Eternal Youth
- [0] Exolocomotive Xenomitosis (Special circumstance: with Transmission 10+ can serve as a vector for other diseases, treat it as the most severe disease it has carried over)
- [M] Facial Hypertrichosis
- [-/L/+] Fever ([L] if Resistance 5+)
- [-] Hallucigen
- [-] Headache
- [F/+] Heart Disease ([+] if reserved for heartless crewmen)
- [0] Hyperperspiration
- [-] Hyphema
- [+] Inorganic Biology
- [L] Irradiant Cells
- [-] Itching
- [L..F] Macrophage
- [+] Mind Restoration
- [+] Nano-symbiosis
- [-] Narcolepsy
- [0] Necropolis Seed
- [+] Necrotic Metabolism
- [F] Necrotizing Fasciitis
- [-/F] Neural Decay ([F] if Transmission 12+)
- [-/F] Organic Flux Induction ([F] if combined with Biometallic Replication)
- [M/-] Pierrot's Throat ([-] if Resistance 15+)
- [L/F] Pituitary Disruption ([F] if Stage Speed 12+)
- [0] Regenerative Coma (If miners lynch you for infecting them - you deserve it)
- [M] Revitiligo
- [M] SBG Syndrome (If janitor lynches you for spreading it - you deserve it)
- [+] Self-Respiration
- [+] Sensory Restoration
- [-/+] Shivering ([+] if reserved for cold immune crewmen)
- [-] Silicolysis
- [0] Sneezing
- [L] Spontaneous Combustion
- [+] Superficial healing
- [0] Thermal Retrostable Displacement
- [0] Toxolysis
- [+] Viral Aggressive Metabolism
- [+] Viral Evolutionary Acceleration
- [+] Viral Self-Adaptation
- [M] Vitiligo
- [-] Voice Change
- [-] Weight Loss
- [M/-] Wizarditis ([-] if any threshold is met)