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Refitting the DOORKNOB – Uploading Laws Made Easy

Uploading Laws to the AI isn’t something you should be doing lightly.

In order to do so you first need to extract the upload key from the robotics console in the RD Office, you will need to input it to effect any law changes.

Do not get angry with the AI if it does not want you uploading a new law, as Nanotrasen has pre-programmed them to be sensitive to law changes. Besides, Nanotrasen wouldn't want another SHODAN fiasco happening again.

But remember the Hierarchy. Law 1 overrides Laws 2, 3, 4, etc. A Law 4 telling the AI to kill all Revolutionaries isn’t going to work. A Law 4 classifying Revolutionaries as Nonhuman and that they must be eliminated works much better. Law priority is enforced by the order they are listed. A law is invalid if it disagrees with previous laws in the form of conflicting orders, or challenges the procession of law priority.

Keep in mind that if you upload a shitty/traitorish law 'KILL ALL HUMANS' or 'ONLY [Your name] IS HUMAN', people will likely form a lynch mob.