User:Giacomo Freddi/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Prelude: This guide is designed to function as a descriptive tool for administrative team members on Beestation13. Some images may not be fully compliant with what will actually be shown in-game, as they may have been taken with greater permissions than the intended rank audience has. It should, however, get you close enough. Admin Admin PM Sends an admin PM to a player (Bwoink button). Use: Select the player you want to send the message to, press “OK”. Write the...")
(Blanked the page)
Tags: Blanking Visual edit
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Prelude: This guide is designed to function as a descriptive tool for administrative team members on Beestation13. Some images may not be fully compliant with what will actually be shown in-game, as they may have been taken with greater permissions than the intended rank audience has. It should, however, get you close enough.

Admin PM
Sends an admin PM to a player (Bwoink button).
Select the player you want to send the message to, press “OK”.
Write the message, then press “OK”
Shows any notices pertinent to administrators.
Adminverbs - Hide All
As titled.
Adminverbs - Hide Most
Hides a few admin options.
Creates an admin announcement.
Use guide
Enter the “announce” command. Type in global message to send. Press “OK”.
Span classes do work in this, but will not be covered.
Banning Panel
Used to open the panel that is used to ban players.
Use guide
Selection boxes are used heavily in this menu. The boxes/selectors with blue markers are criteria that will be used in the ban.
The top row that says “Key/IP/CID” is where the information of the player you are going to ban should appear. Normally you should only ban by Ckey AND CID. IP addresses can be re-assigned, communal, or otherwise inaccurate to a greater degree than Ckey/CID.
Below the info row there is a selector option to utilize the IP and CID from a user’s last connection. Use this if the player is not on the server.
Next to the last connection option there is a selector that states “applies to admins” This button will ensure that individuals with admin powers are not able to override the ban when it is placed on them. You only get one of these. Only use it to stop compromised accounts.
Under “duration type” you can select if the ban will expire after a set period of time “Temporary” or if it will never expire “Permanent”. Next to the temporary selection you can set the duration (defaulted to 1 day in minutes). You can use the dropdown to the right of the number input to select units of time, and enter a custom amount of time in the number input box.
To the right of the duration area, is ban type. There are two types of bans, Server, which bans you from connecting to the server at all, and “role” which prevents you from participating in a certain role.
Next as you move right is “severity”. Bans are almost always high severity events. The only reason it would not be high severity is if it was user requested, at which point the severity would be “none”
“Location” refers to which server you want to ban the person from, the one you are on, or all of them. All bans should be global.
Next section to the right is “reason”. This tiny box is where you explain why the person is getting banned. The more detailed you are in that tiny little box, the easier the appeal process will be for another admin if they have to handle your ban appeal.
Below those inputs is a large section filled with (almost) every role in the game. You can select specific roles, such as “captain” or you can select regions by clicking on the region name/color banner such as “command” or “security.” If you accidentally click on a region, don’t fear, click on it again and it will de-select all the selected items.
Once you have entered all the ban information, press the “submit” button under the “CID” selector in the top row to apply the ban.
Check AI Laws
As titled, displays the laws of all synthetics.
Effectively turns you into a normal player.
Delete Book
Deletes a book by database ID number.
Get Current Logs
Gets logs from the current round.
Get Server Logs
Gets logs from previous rounds. Select year of the round, month of the round, day of the round, and then round ID number. Please keep in mind round IDs and logging are started at the beginning of the round.
Provides a list of investigative tools and menus to view.
Sets the invisibility of your mob to 60 (the same as a ghost)
Player Panel
Opens a menu of all connected ckeys with their name, ckey, and role. From that menu you can open up the actual player panel of an individual. It will also present you with their real name, and any old names they have had.
The buttons from left to right are “(individual) Player Panel” “Notes” “View Variables” Traitor Panel” “Admin PM” “Subtle Message” “Follow” and “Logs
An explanation of the “individual player panel” will follow below the image of the IPP.
The individual player panel is a network of commands and information that the administrator can access. Some commands and buttons that are redundant may be mentioned, but not explained.
At the top center the IPP will show the ckey of the user.
At the first line you will see the in-game name visible to others at the time of opening the IPP, and the ckey. You will also see the rank of the individual, hours where the “no data” section is, and “heal” which will adminheal the player.
Below that there is connection and telemetry information. First seen is the first date they connected to a server in the database. Byond account registered on is the date the account with byond was made. Telemetry alerts provide insight into possible ban evasion, expressing related ckeys, cids, or IP addresses.
Next is the CentCom Galactic Ban Database. This is a shared database between multiple servers that share bans they have given players.
Below that you have the option to look for related accounts by CID or IP address.
Below that is antag rep, tokens, and shop coins. Rep is weight for antag selection, antag tokens are laid out in the admin policy, and beecoins are, well, beecoins.
Next is the byond version the client is using.
In order in the row below you have buttons for
“View Variables” - permits you to view the variables of that player’s mob.
“Traitor Panel” - permits you to view the traitor panel which outlines job, allegiances, and antagonist status.
“Admin PM”
“Subtle Message” - the voice of god.
“Headset Message” - the voice of command (NT or Syndicate)
“Follow” - Follows the player as a ghost (automatically AGhosts you if you’re not a ghost already)
“Logs” - opens a window to view the player’s logs.
Below that row of buttons you can see the type of mob.
Under the mob type there are buttons for
Kick - which allows you to kick someone off the server.
Ban - opens the banning panel.
Notes - opens the notes panel
Prison - Sends the player to the admin prison
Send to Lobby - sends the player (if they are a ghost) back to the lobby.
Next is a series of mute buttons for silencing or unsilencing individuals who are either pesky or angered the spam prevention system.
Jump to will jump your mob (including carbons) to their mod
Get - gets the player’s mob to you.
Send To - sends the player’s mob to the desired area.
Traitor Panel - As previously mentioned this is where you can find assigned role, antagonist status, traitor uplinks, and antag objectives.
Narrate to - This permits you to place text directly on the player’s screen that only they will see. It is a simple way to add in a little context.
Subtle Message (for what, the fourth time now?)
Language menu - This menu permits you to alter the languages accessible to a character. Don’t want someone communicating? Make them only able to speak galactic uncommon.
Transformation - The first set of transformation options are continuous, meaning they don’t just delete the mob and make a new one. It’s a gradual transformation rather than a “pop, you’re a dog now.” It also maintains item continuity, so it doesn’t delete anything.
Rudimentary transformation - This section will delete your old mob and make you a brand new one, as such, items will not be transferred, and can be deleted.
Forcesay - forces the player’s character to say something the admin wants them to say.
Thunderdome buttons will transport the player to the appropriate section of the thunderdome.
Player Playtime
Opens a list of ckeys, in-game names, and the playtime of that player.
Requests Manager
Manages requests from the station.
Server Poll Management
Create or manage a poll on the server
Show Borg Panel
Permits you to select a borg and view or modify information on them.
Show Player Panel
Permits you to open the Individual Player Panel of a specific character.
Stealth Mode
Hides you from view and lets you create a false ckey that will show in “who”
Sticky Ban Panel
Used to ban ban evaders better.
Ticket Manager
Used to manage tickets
Tickets can be claimed by specific admins, which notifies the player their ticket is being investigated.
Tickets can also be opened in the ticket panel by clicking the ticket number, replied to by clicking the name, and several options to terminate the ticket.
Resolve - means the issue has been settled.
Reject - means it’s a stupid ticket.
Close - quietly closes the ticket after a little while.
Mhelp - tells the player to mentorhelp
IC - notifies the player that whatever happened was an In Character issue.
Toggle Combo HUD
Enables a hud which will show you all overlays.
Unbanning Panel
Lets you unban that innocent guy you accidentally did in in the first place.
You can search by the user’s ckey, the banning admin’s ckey, IP address, or CID.
In the “edit” panel you can change ban information. It is important to remember if you are editing role banns that you click the “mirror edits to matching bans” button in the lower left hand corner. Always ensure ban information is consistent with the desired effect before submitting a ban edit.
Permits you to non-permanently ghost out of your body. (You will appear SSD when ghosted)
Admin ERP chat. Hotkey is F3.
Battle Royale
Starts a battle royale. Good for post-round time killing when you have all your suspects.
Change View Range
As titled.
Check Contents
Generates a list of everything a character has in their possession.
Config/Launch Supplypod
Provides a menu to launch things to, or retrieve things from, the station.
The “Load from” section determines what the source of objects in the supply pods are.
“Normal Effects” includes effects for the pod as it drops, such as targets, if the pod stays, if it makes noise, and if ghosts are notified about it.
“Harmful Effects” - bombing, gibbing, indescriminate murder.
“Bay” permits you to select which bays you will be using.
“Style” - select the style of the supply pod.
“Time” - Pre is time before the pod starts dropping. Fall is the time the missile is in transit towards ground. Open is how long it takes for the pod to open. Exit is how long it takes the pod to leave.
“View” permits you to see the bay and what is in it. You can teleport to the bay from a position, then use the “go back” button to return to the point for drop.
“Sounds” - select to prevent sounds from playing in certain phases of flight.
Clicking this button will probably lag your game out
Lets you delete an item you select from a presented list.
Direct Narrate
Permits you to send direct narration to an individual.
Span classes work with this.
Deadchat, except it shows your admin rank and ckey rather than ghost name.
Game Panel
Change game mode, force secret, and game mode panel can be found here, as are spawning tools.
Get Key
GET (teleports) a player’s mob by their ckey.
Get Mob
GET (teleports) a player’s mob by their mob name.
Ghost Pool Protection
Permits you to enable or disable ghost roles.
Global Narrate
Like direct narrate but to everyone
Headset Message
Sends a message from Centcom or Syndicate command directly through a headset.
As titled
Jump to Coordinate
As titled
Jump to Key
As titled
Jump to Mob
As titled
Jump to Turf
As titled
Local Narrate
Narrates in an area around a location.
Respawn Character
Provides a respawn to the character
Opens the secrets menu, which has many many useful tools.
General Secrets
Admin Log - the admin log of blue text that you see run through the chat
Mentor Log - mentor logs.
Show Admin List - Shows a list of people with administrator permission
Admin Secrets
Cure All Diseases Currently In Existence - CURES all diseases, but does not vaccinate them. Make sure there aren’t any sentient diseases in game.
Vaccinate all diseases… - vaccinates against all diseases, preventing reinfection.
Bombing list - a list of all the explosions.
Show last # Signalers - shows the signals sent by signalers.
Show last # Law changes - AI/Cyborg law changes.
Show AI Laws - as Check AI Laws
Show Game Mode - displays the game mode to you.
Show Crew Manifest - similar to “view-crew-manifest”
List DNA blood = provides a name, dna, and blood type for all players.
List Fingerprints - provides name and fingerprint for players.
enable/disable CTF - toggles Capture The Flag to keep players busy.
Reset Thunderdome to default state - resets the thunderdome to remove all the damage you caused to it.
Rename Station Name - for when griff captain named station gamer word
Reset Station Name - Sets the station name to whatever it was at the round’s start.
Set Night Shift Mode - “On” sets night shift lighting, “Off” sets day lighting, “Automatic” automatically handles this system automatically.
Move Ferry - Sends the CC ferry to the station
Toggle Arrivals Ferry - stops the arrivals shuttle from docking
Move Mining Shuttle - between station and lavaland
Move Labor Shuttle - between station and lavaland
Fun Secrets
Trigger a Virus Outbreak - permits you to either custom make, randomly generate, or choose a plague to unleash on the station.
Turn all humans into monkeys - …
Chinese Cartoons - If I figure it out I’ll write it.
Change the species of all humans - for when the station is being racist.
Make all areas powered - Makes all areas powered.
Make all areas unpowered - this is the same as the “grid check” event.
Power all SMES - gives all SMES full power.
Triple AI Mode - lobby only, probably makes three round-start AI slots.
Mass Antag - makes everyone a traitor
Summon Guns - gives everyone guns.
Summon Magic - gives everyone random magic items.
Summon Events - runs random events every 1 to 5 minutes
There can only be one! - Highlander, PVP Free For All with Swords and Bagpipes
There can only be one! (40-second delay) - like highlander but with a delay.
Make all players intellectually disabled - for when they shouldn’t have more IC braincells than OOC braincells.
Make all players Australian - inverts all player sprites.
Egalitarian Station Mode - possibly non-functional
Anarcho-capitalist Station Mode - also possibly non-functional
Break all lights - breaks all lights. Don’t click this when the lighting system or timers is dying.
Fix all lights - fixes all lights. Click this if lighting is starting to die.
The Floor is Lava! - turns the floor into lava after a short delay.
Spawn a custom portal storm - permits you to make a portal storm that drops custom entities onto the station.
Flip client movement directions - what you think it does
Randomize client movement directions - again, exactly what you think.
Set each movement direction manually - permits you to manually scramble movement directions.
Reset movement directions to default - does what it says.
Change bomb cap - changes the size of maxcaps.
Mass purrbation - supposed to purrbation everyone.
Mass remove purrbation - to undo the above button.
Fully immerse Everyone - fully immerse smite on everyone
Un-fully immerse everyone - undoes the previous button
Make all animals playable - lets ghosts take control of all animals.
Security Level Elevated
Set all maintenance doors to engineering/brig access only - as on the label.
Change all maintenance doors to brig access only - as on the tin
Remove cap on security officers - for when you need to draft more security.
Set Admin Notice
Sets a notice to other admins.
Stabilize Atmos
Resets atmos on all turfs in the area you can see to their default state.
Subtle Message
Answers a prayer.
Toggle Admin AI Interact
Permits you to interact with the world as if you were an AI while you are a ghost.
Mark Object
As Titled. This has a multitude of uses that may be explored at another time.
Stop All Playing Sounds
As titled, this globally stops all sounds for all connected clients.
View Variables
Permits you to view the variables of something.
Restore Ghost Character
Restores your original ghost character
Open Language Menu
Permits you to edit spoken and understood languages.
Mentor ERP chat
Show Memos
Shows mentor memos.
Prefs - Admin
Hear/Silence Adminhelps
Hear/Silence Prayer Sounds
Reset your Admin Say Color
Set Admin Say Color
Show/Hide Deadchat
Show/Hide Prayers
Show/Hide Radio Chatter
Access Newscaster Network
Permits you to issue news feed items and view feed channels.
Call Shuttle
Calls the emergency shuttle
Cancel Shuttle
Recalls the emergency shuttle
Change Command Name
Changes the name of central command. Don’t forget to change it back.
Check Antagonists
Gives detailed round information including
Current Game mode
Round duration
Emergency Shuttle Status
Continuous round conditions
An option to end the round immediately
An option to delay the round end.
A selector to check the antagonist teams (like IAA, nukies, abductors, etc…)
Living players
Dead/observing players
And a list of all antags.
Check Teams
Provides a menu to view and manage teams of antagonists.
Create Command Report
Creates a command report that can either be visible to everyone, or classified and prints out on the communications consoles.
Shuttle Manipulator
Provides a context menu to manage shuttles when they get fucked. Also permits you to view templates and then load them instead of the existing shuttles.
Permits you to fly the shuttles to specific areas.
Reestablish DB Connection
Reload Admins
Toggle Dead OOC
Permits or removes permission for dead people to use OOC
Toggle Entering
Toggles if players may enter the game
Toggle Guests
Permits or denies guest users the ability to enter the game
Toggle OOC
Toggles OOC on or off.

Latest revision as of 20:02, 10 August 2022