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Nanotrasen are the "protagonist" corporation of this setting. They are always looking for new sciences, even if human lives get in the way.
> "Everywhere we go, Nanotrasen's already been!"
=What is Nanotrasen?=
Nanotrasen is a gigantic corporation. Nanotrasen utilizes a ranking system, every worker is their job. The only way to move up in a job is to prove yourself to a ranking officer of your current work station, or just living long enough to replace them. The lucky few move to the almighty Central Command Station which handles higher-level corporate affairs.

Nanotrasen often creates several near self sustainable stations at a time in each sector, each with their own purpose. Three stations are usually placed together in order to get the most out of the area. Usually including a mining station, research station, and a third utility station (prison, Communications, military, supply shipping, or a number of other utilities).
-A candid complaint from Laura Kripac, senior TerraGov intelligence officer, after learning Nanotrasen preempted TG on pulse weapon technology by ten years. The quote leaked to the press, and has been an unofficial motto among NT workers ever since.  
Nanotrasen Divides all their facilities up into various stations to keep track of them, and make them easier to replace.
===Central Command===
Central Command is the big brother of all Nanotrasen stations. Housing much of Nanotrasen's bureaucracy, it gives out objectives, receives research, and redistributes supplies between all other stations within its influence.

If the need should arrive, they may send out emergency shuttles to recover their employees.
Nanotrasen is a very, very large and important company. A company so large, in fact, that at least half a century has passed since it became large enough to receive a charter from TerraGov to form its own expeditionary fleets and establish its own settlements outside the Sol system. While a large portion of their investments are tied up in Sol, they were notably the first private corporation to be granted such a charter and invest heavily in the distant reaches of space. At the time it was regarded as an incredibly risky gamble, and there was great speculation that all the money spent on exploring space and launching deep space missions would end up a waste that would sink the company, but the gambit has more than paid off and Nanotrasen's portfolio has soared since.

===Research & Medical Stations===
Primarily an advanced research and development conglomerate, Nanotrasen also has skin in many other fields. While a great deal of their income still comes from producing public research funded by government research grants, their operations also include directly producing and selling their most profitable designs, leasing their asset protection forces to governments and private organizations (both space fleets and ground troops), logistics management with a specialization in remote settlement self-sufficiency, and maintaining interstellar communication infrastructures to name a few. The common theme that runs through most of their business ventures is taking the lessons they've learned from operating on such a massive scale and helping smaller organizations stretch themselves.
Research is what keeps Nanotrasen a step ahead of all other corporations, with new technological marvels like Blue Space Teleportation, Advanced Medical Machines, Genetic Manipulation, and Cloning! New research is always updated to the Nanotrasen Network each time a scientist reaches a new level of research.

The newest thing Nanotrasen wants to research is "plasma", a dangerous organic toxin that acts in mysterious ways. The few known ways include: Mutation, poison, chemical catalyst, explosive base, radiation converter, and fuel. Advanced plasma research is the reason why many enemy corporations want to steal from, or destroy, the research stations.
As large and powerful as they are, Nanotrasen's future standing is still shaky and uncertain as they double down further on their Spinward settlements. Their decision to expand out Spinward on their own came during the dawn of TerraGov's efforts to begin scouting out and colonizing Alpha Centauri (Trailward of Sol, in the opposite direction of SS13), and the opportunity cost involved with breaking from TerraGov's expansion has been sizable.
===Mining Stations===
Mining stations are usually part of research stations, and exist solely to export minerals for the Research station to use. Usually miners have to use primitive mining tools, due to a lack of atmosphere, but some research stations have created new tools made for space mining (which no doubt syndicate corporations would wish to steal).

The newest mining stations include a crew quarters, an advanced refinery, and new extra radiation resistant space suits called "Mining RIGs". Many people enjoy being space miners as it is a lot less deadly than mining on larger planet, and being in space is peaceful, so long as you have enough oxygen in your tank. What's the worst that could happen?

===Prison Stations===
== Fields of research==
This is where prisoners of Nanotrasen stay, and where security forces are implanted with an anti-brainwashing chip. They contain humane facilities that can never be broken out of, unless by some criminal mastermind. They also include an execution and medical facility.
===Factory Stations===
This is where many of the hard to produce materials come from! Central command is given the supplies directly on their Storage Station. These stations always have their own Mining station, and usually a security station as well.
===Storage Stations===
They store many material, tools, and various contraband. Central command stores all factory made items on these stations;  Supplies are usually sent to Research Stations, based on a "point allotment" system. It is said syndicate forces may be able to hack computers in order to "fool" them into sending the contraband over.

===Communication Stations===
As a fancy research company, Nanotrasen does a lot of groundbreaking research, in a vast array of fields. Due to environmental and political factors, some fields of research in particular have been relegated to the Spinward Periphery, away from government eyes.
Usually operated automatically by a basic program, handles all Nanotrasen communication within a massive area of Nanotrasen space, and blocking "non-company" interests from being directly broadcast into the area. Said to block out any communication directly to Syndicate head quarters, and prevents them from warping in with non-bluespace teleportation to send in death squads directly to Nanotrasen stations (could be propaganda Nanotrasen spouts to keep their [[clown]]s from playing with the damn thing and reprogramming it).

* Plasma extraction and refining: The original target of the Spinward Space Station project, the use of plasma in energy generation and weapons development is a hot field on the Periphery. Precious little is known about the long-term effects of plasma, but Nanotrasen still makes a pretty penny extracting, refining, and selling it to cash-flush and energy-hungry organizations like TerraGov.
Nanotrasen has many types of employees for many types of jobs! It doesn't matter where they come from, as long as they can get the job done.
* Bluespace technology: The science of punching in and out of extra dimensions, whether dealing with man portable hand teleporters and reactive teleport armor, or ship sized FTL Bluespace Drives. While basic Bluespace Theory and FTL travel is known and studied back in Sol, it's speculated that Nanotrasen are decades ahead in their private research.
===Officers & Management===
* Alternative energy sources: Whether it's braving the event horizon of a black hole to collect its radiation, detonating an entire hyper-dense planet to extract the supermatter at its core, or any of another half dozen highly dangerous and exotic energy generation methods, NT has no shortage of encouraging research directions here. The interesting work, emphasis on rapid iteration, and seemingly endless project funding makes Nanotrasen an especially popular company among engineers.
Nanotrasen respects power, and leadership. Sadly, many ranked officers may not have the brains to actually be good officers. Either way, these are the employees that manage the rest of the crew.
* Biology and xenobiology: Due to strict government oversight and regulations on medical research, Nanotrasen has traditionally paid little attention to the field in favor of less regulated options like weapons development and communications technology. With more room to breathe since moving to deep space, Nanotrasen has begun conducting biology experiments both on humanoids and more exotic creatures. Little of this research is actually released to the public in Nanotrasen's name, however, for fear of increased oversight. Instead, the research is either kept in-house or sent to shell labs for release to avoid being linked to NT.
Nanotrasen's pride and joy, saliant minds, no matter how they passed their psychiatric exams.
A new addition to space stations, new experimental Computer synced intelligence systems were recently made. The exact method is only known to Nanotrasen Employees. These programmed staff include Cyborgs (who either chose or were chosen to be a mechanical employee).

New recruits, demoted or downsized employees, Most every station has an assistant. They provide all the services that Nanotrasen couldn't think a job role for, especially "talking lab rat".
* The humble Beach Ball is one of Nanotrasen's most profitable products!
===Clowns & Mimes===
An oddity, clowns and mimes are bitter rivals. It is said their home planet was divided at the equator by an invisible wall surrounded by banana peel mines. One side of their planet is covered in clowns, and the other is covered in mimes. How the society evolved is unknown, what is known is that Nanotrasen took over the planet to obtain Bananium, and Silentanium. Initially, Nanotrasen thought there was only one society of clowns on the planet, due mimes being so quiet, and living in invisible homes.

Fortunately, bananaium was found to be extremely useful in making many products in the comedy industries (and low friction devices). Unfortunately, silentanium is invisible to all but mimes, and mimes aren't good at making visible devices (thus ruining the potential for various "truly invisible" stealth suits and mecha).

Clowns were first introduced to Nanotrasen Stations to provide space humor (and the fact Nanotrasen had a planet of Clowns they had under their rule, and didn't want them freeloading off them anymore), various degrees of success were had as the clowns were some times really bad, or invaluable to the crews experimented with. It is now standard on all stations to have a clown, as they provide stress relief in many stations due to their "humor", and problem solving skills! Mimes are newly introduced to give more classy entertainment to the station, but mimes and clowns don't usually get along, each remembering the bitter civil war of their home planet (though some wish to work together, creating a brilliant duo of comedians, or a terrifying force of mayhem for the station).
=== Sub-Entry: Central Command===
Location: Highly classified.
Type of Org: Department of Nanotrasen
Description: A division of Nanotrasen's Special Projects Division, known simply as Central Command (or CentCom) to the crews it oversees, this department is responsible for handling administrative duties for NT's Space-Westward Periphery space stations. These duties range from mundane and routine accounting tasks to highly sensitive and specialized matters that require special attention and care, and CentCom is fittingly staffed by a wide range of (supposedly) highly skilled Nanotrasen officers from a variety of backgrounds. The location of CentCom is highly classified, and the facility makes use of powerful signal jammers and bluespace disruptors to keep unwanted intruders out. When the situation at one of the surrounding stations goes critical, survivors of the incident are shuttled here for debriefing and observation.
* Home of the NT Emergency Response Corps, an elite group of NT's best field agents.
* Staffed by a slew of high ranking officials, including Admirals and Corporate Directors.
=== Sub-Entry: Nanotrasen Division of Asset Protection===
Location: Mostly active in Sol, some presence in Spinward Sector.
Type of Org: Division of Nanotrasen
Description: As close as Nanotrasen is legally allowed to come to owning a private army, and then some. The DAP is Nanotrasen's paramilitary wing, and on paper is in charge of protecting most of Nanotrasen's cargo ships, settlements, space stations, and other valuable assets from the hands of insurgents or pirates who may want to cause them harm. In reality, however, the DAP performs offensive operations at least as often as it performs defensive maneuvers, a fact that is often left out of their press material. Some of their offensive operations include black ops raids on corporate rivals, overrunning native populations on resource rich planets or asteroid belts, and lightning strikes on vulnerable cargo transports carrying desired goods; in short, the exact things they are charged with preventing.
Despite their generally shady nature and willingness to commit war crimes in pursuit of the almighty space dollar, the DAP is rarely involved in activity in the Spinward Sector. Their reputation back in Sol was already under scrutiny for various espionage operations they were apart of before the latest round of inquiries into Nanotrasen's Spinward activities, so NT's leadership has made as much of an effort as possible to distance the two organizations from each other. Still though, it's possible to find a few agents on a long distance mission protection Nanotrasen cargo or high value prisoners on the Periphery, though most of their functionality has been taken over by the Emergency Response Corps or on-station security teams.
* The Department of Asset Protection prefers older, less experimental gear than their Spinward counterparts. The NT Boarder AR and venerable M1911 as well as the aging Mk. I SWAT suit are the weapons and armor of choice for AP Operatives.
=== Sub-Entry: Nanotrasen Emergency Response Corps===
Location: Based at Central Command.
Type of Org: Department of Central Command.
Description: The best of the best of Nanotrasen's field agents in the Spinward Sector, or at least whoever was standing around in the ready room when a call for action goes out. The Emergency Response Corps is a relatively new initiative for Nanotrasen, founded circa 2556 in response to the ever rising levels of mayhem among their Spinward assets. The agents picked to run missions are recruited directly from among the best operatives, engineers, doctors, and leaders of the Spinward station staffs, though they are given pseudonyms and special callsigns in addition to identity protecting hardsuits and voice changers when on missions.
While selection is usually rigorous and effective at keeping the ERC full of the best agents they can find, the number of assets that the division is responsible for protecting vastly outclasses their own numbers, so tough tactical decisions are constantly being made at Central Command. While crews and station leadership are quick to make requests for heavily armed crack teams of commandos at the slightest provocation, the reality is that sending even a light response team to a fraction of distress signals would lead to an almost immediate exhaustion of their resources, assuming they could even make it in time. There are more than a few action reports in the NT databanks from ERT's that arrived at a station a few hours after receiving a distress call, only to find the entire place devoid of life. As a result of the dearth of manpower, sometimes less than stellar junior agents are deployed on missions, and the Corps reputation is less than stellar among the employees they swear to protect. That being said, they're some of the few civilian employees Central Command will entrust with pulse weaponry, so there must be some level of trust in their abilities.
* Members of the Emergency Response Corps are to be referred to as Emergency Response Agents or Operatives. Use of the term Emergency Response Personnel is grounds for an immediate citation and fine.


Latest revision as of 15:00, 6 May 2022

> "Everywhere we go, Nanotrasen's already been!"

-A candid complaint from Laura Kripac, senior TerraGov intelligence officer, after learning Nanotrasen preempted TG on pulse weapon technology by ten years. The quote leaked to the press, and has been an unofficial motto among NT workers ever since.

Nanotrasen is a very, very large and important company. A company so large, in fact, that at least half a century has passed since it became large enough to receive a charter from TerraGov to form its own expeditionary fleets and establish its own settlements outside the Sol system. While a large portion of their investments are tied up in Sol, they were notably the first private corporation to be granted such a charter and invest heavily in the distant reaches of space. At the time it was regarded as an incredibly risky gamble, and there was great speculation that all the money spent on exploring space and launching deep space missions would end up a waste that would sink the company, but the gambit has more than paid off and Nanotrasen's portfolio has soared since.

Primarily an advanced research and development conglomerate, Nanotrasen also has skin in many other fields. While a great deal of their income still comes from producing public research funded by government research grants, their operations also include directly producing and selling their most profitable designs, leasing their asset protection forces to governments and private organizations (both space fleets and ground troops), logistics management with a specialization in remote settlement self-sufficiency, and maintaining interstellar communication infrastructures to name a few. The common theme that runs through most of their business ventures is taking the lessons they've learned from operating on such a massive scale and helping smaller organizations stretch themselves.

As large and powerful as they are, Nanotrasen's future standing is still shaky and uncertain as they double down further on their Spinward settlements. Their decision to expand out Spinward on their own came during the dawn of TerraGov's efforts to begin scouting out and colonizing Alpha Centauri (Trailward of Sol, in the opposite direction of SS13), and the opportunity cost involved with breaking from TerraGov's expansion has been sizable.

Fields of research

As a fancy research company, Nanotrasen does a lot of groundbreaking research, in a vast array of fields. Due to environmental and political factors, some fields of research in particular have been relegated to the Spinward Periphery, away from government eyes.

  • Plasma extraction and refining: The original target of the Spinward Space Station project, the use of plasma in energy generation and weapons development is a hot field on the Periphery. Precious little is known about the long-term effects of plasma, but Nanotrasen still makes a pretty penny extracting, refining, and selling it to cash-flush and energy-hungry organizations like TerraGov.
  • Bluespace technology: The science of punching in and out of extra dimensions, whether dealing with man portable hand teleporters and reactive teleport armor, or ship sized FTL Bluespace Drives. While basic Bluespace Theory and FTL travel is known and studied back in Sol, it's speculated that Nanotrasen are decades ahead in their private research.
  • Alternative energy sources: Whether it's braving the event horizon of a black hole to collect its radiation, detonating an entire hyper-dense planet to extract the supermatter at its core, or any of another half dozen highly dangerous and exotic energy generation methods, NT has no shortage of encouraging research directions here. The interesting work, emphasis on rapid iteration, and seemingly endless project funding makes Nanotrasen an especially popular company among engineers.
  • Biology and xenobiology: Due to strict government oversight and regulations on medical research, Nanotrasen has traditionally paid little attention to the field in favor of less regulated options like weapons development and communications technology. With more room to breathe since moving to deep space, Nanotrasen has begun conducting biology experiments both on humanoids and more exotic creatures. Little of this research is actually released to the public in Nanotrasen's name, however, for fear of increased oversight. Instead, the research is either kept in-house or sent to shell labs for release to avoid being linked to NT.


  • The humble Beach Ball is one of Nanotrasen's most profitable products!

Sub-Entry: Central Command

Location: Highly classified.

Type of Org: Department of Nanotrasen

Description: A division of Nanotrasen's Special Projects Division, known simply as Central Command (or CentCom) to the crews it oversees, this department is responsible for handling administrative duties for NT's Space-Westward Periphery space stations. These duties range from mundane and routine accounting tasks to highly sensitive and specialized matters that require special attention and care, and CentCom is fittingly staffed by a wide range of (supposedly) highly skilled Nanotrasen officers from a variety of backgrounds. The location of CentCom is highly classified, and the facility makes use of powerful signal jammers and bluespace disruptors to keep unwanted intruders out. When the situation at one of the surrounding stations goes critical, survivors of the incident are shuttled here for debriefing and observation.


  • Home of the NT Emergency Response Corps, an elite group of NT's best field agents.
  • Staffed by a slew of high ranking officials, including Admirals and Corporate Directors.

Sub-Entry: Nanotrasen Division of Asset Protection

Location: Mostly active in Sol, some presence in Spinward Sector.

Type of Org: Division of Nanotrasen

Description: As close as Nanotrasen is legally allowed to come to owning a private army, and then some. The DAP is Nanotrasen's paramilitary wing, and on paper is in charge of protecting most of Nanotrasen's cargo ships, settlements, space stations, and other valuable assets from the hands of insurgents or pirates who may want to cause them harm. In reality, however, the DAP performs offensive operations at least as often as it performs defensive maneuvers, a fact that is often left out of their press material. Some of their offensive operations include black ops raids on corporate rivals, overrunning native populations on resource rich planets or asteroid belts, and lightning strikes on vulnerable cargo transports carrying desired goods; in short, the exact things they are charged with preventing.

Despite their generally shady nature and willingness to commit war crimes in pursuit of the almighty space dollar, the DAP is rarely involved in activity in the Spinward Sector. Their reputation back in Sol was already under scrutiny for various espionage operations they were apart of before the latest round of inquiries into Nanotrasen's Spinward activities, so NT's leadership has made as much of an effort as possible to distance the two organizations from each other. Still though, it's possible to find a few agents on a long distance mission protection Nanotrasen cargo or high value prisoners on the Periphery, though most of their functionality has been taken over by the Emergency Response Corps or on-station security teams.


  • The Department of Asset Protection prefers older, less experimental gear than their Spinward counterparts. The NT Boarder AR and venerable M1911 as well as the aging Mk. I SWAT suit are the weapons and armor of choice for AP Operatives.

Sub-Entry: Nanotrasen Emergency Response Corps

Location: Based at Central Command.

Type of Org: Department of Central Command.

Description: The best of the best of Nanotrasen's field agents in the Spinward Sector, or at least whoever was standing around in the ready room when a call for action goes out. The Emergency Response Corps is a relatively new initiative for Nanotrasen, founded circa 2556 in response to the ever rising levels of mayhem among their Spinward assets. The agents picked to run missions are recruited directly from among the best operatives, engineers, doctors, and leaders of the Spinward station staffs, though they are given pseudonyms and special callsigns in addition to identity protecting hardsuits and voice changers when on missions.

While selection is usually rigorous and effective at keeping the ERC full of the best agents they can find, the number of assets that the division is responsible for protecting vastly outclasses their own numbers, so tough tactical decisions are constantly being made at Central Command. While crews and station leadership are quick to make requests for heavily armed crack teams of commandos at the slightest provocation, the reality is that sending even a light response team to a fraction of distress signals would lead to an almost immediate exhaustion of their resources, assuming they could even make it in time. There are more than a few action reports in the NT databanks from ERT's that arrived at a station a few hours after receiving a distress call, only to find the entire place devoid of life. As a result of the dearth of manpower, sometimes less than stellar junior agents are deployed on missions, and the Corps reputation is less than stellar among the employees they swear to protect. That being said, they're some of the few civilian employees Central Command will entrust with pulse weaponry, so there must be some level of trust in their abilities.


  • Members of the Emergency Response Corps are to be referred to as Emergency Response Agents or Operatives. Use of the term Emergency Response Personnel is grounds for an immediate citation and fine.